package mightypork.util.control.eventbus; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.concurrent.DelayQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Delayed; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import mightypork.util.annotations.FactoryMethod; import mightypork.util.control.Destroyable; import mightypork.util.control.eventbus.clients.DelegatingClient; import; import; import; import; import; import mightypork.util.logging.Log; /** * An event bus, accommodating multiple {@link EventChannel}s. * * @author MightyPork */ final public class EventBus implements Destroyable { /** Message channels */ private final BufferedHashSet> channels = new BufferedHashSet<>(); /** Registered clients */ private final BufferedHashSet clients = new BufferedHashSet<>(); /** Messages queued for delivery */ private final DelayQueue sendQueue = new DelayQueue<>(); /** Queue polling thread */ private final QueuePollingThread busThread; /** Whether the bus was destroyed */ private boolean dead = false; /** Log detailed messages (debug) */ public boolean detailedLogging = false; /** * Make a new bus and start it's queue thread. */ public EventBus() { busThread = new QueuePollingThread(); busThread.setDaemon(true); busThread.start(); } private boolean shallLog(Event event) { if (!detailedLogging) return false; if (event.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(UnloggedEvent.class)) return false; return true; } /** * Add a {@link EventChannel} to this bus.
* If a channel of matching types is already added, it is returned instead. * * @param channel channel to be added * @return the channel that's now in the bus */ public EventChannel addChannel(EventChannel channel) { assertLive(); // if the channel already exists, return this instance instead. for (final EventChannel ch : channels) { if (ch.equals(channel)) { Log.w(" Channel of type " + Log.str(channel) + " already registered."); return ch; } } channels.add(channel); return channel; } /** * Make & connect a channel for given event and client type. * * @param eventClass event type * @param clientClass client type * @return the created channel instance */ @FactoryMethod public , F_CLIENT> EventChannel addChannel(Class eventClass, Class clientClass) { assertLive(); final EventChannel channel = EventChannel.create(eventClass, clientClass); return addChannel(channel); } /** * Remove a {@link EventChannel} from this bus * * @param channel true if channel was removed */ public void removeChannel(EventChannel channel) { assertLive(); channels.remove(channel); } /** * Send based on annotation.clients * * @param event event */ public void send(Event event) { assertLive(); final DelayedEvent adelay = event.getClass().getAnnotation(DelayedEvent.class); if (adelay != null) { sendDelayed(event, adelay.delay()); return; } if (event.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(ImmediateEvent.class)) { sendDirect(event); return; } sendQueued(event); } /** * Add event to a queue * * @param event event */ public void sendQueued(Event event) { assertLive(); sendDelayed(event, 0); } /** * Add event to a queue, scheduled for given time. * * @param event event * @param delay delay before event is dispatched */ public void sendDelayed(Event event, double delay) { assertLive(); final DelayQueueEntry dm = new DelayQueueEntry(delay, event); if (shallLog(event)) Log.f3(" Qu " + Log.str(event) + ", t = +" + delay + "s"); sendQueue.add(dm); } /** * Send immediately.
* Should be used for real-time events that require immediate response, such * as timing events. * * @param event event */ public void sendDirect(Event event) { assertLive(); if (shallLog(event)) Log.f3(" Di " + Log.str(event)); dispatch(event); } public void sendDirectToChildren(DelegatingClient delegatingClient, Event event) { assertLive(); if (shallLog(event)) Log.f3(" Di sub " + Log.str(event)); doDispatch(delegatingClient.getChildClients(), event); } /** * Send immediately.
* Should be used for real-time events that require immediate response, such * as timing events. * * @param event event */ private void dispatch(Event event) { assertLive(); channels.setBuffering(true); clients.setBuffering(true); doDispatch(clients, event); channels.setBuffering(false); clients.setBuffering(false); } /** * Send to a set of clients * * @param clients clients * @param event event */ private void doDispatch(Collection clients, Event event) { boolean sent = false; boolean accepted = false; final boolean singular = event.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(SingleReceiverEvent.class); for (final EventChannel b : channels) { if (b.canBroadcast(event)) { accepted = true; sent |= b.broadcast(event, clients); } if (sent && singular) break; } if (!accepted) Log.e(" Not accepted by any channel: " + Log.str(event)); if (!sent && shallLog(event)) Log.w(" Not delivered: " + Log.str(event)); } /** * Connect a client to the bus. The client will be connected to all current * and future channels, until removed from the bus. * * @param client the client */ public void subscribe(Object client) { assertLive(); if (client == null) return; clients.add(client); if (detailedLogging) Log.f3(" Client joined: " + Log.str(client)); } /** * Disconnect a client from the bus. * * @param client the client */ public void unsubscribe(Object client) { assertLive(); clients.remove(client); if (detailedLogging) Log.f3(" Client left: " + Log.str(client)); } /** * Check if client can be accepted by any channel * * @param client tested client * @return would be accepted */ public boolean isClientValid(Object client) { assertLive(); if (client == null) return false; for (final EventChannel ch : channels) { if (ch.isClientValid(client)) { return true; } } return false; } private class DelayQueueEntry implements Delayed { private final long due; private Event evt = null; public DelayQueueEntry(double seconds, Event event) { super(); this.due = System.currentTimeMillis() + (long) (seconds * 1000); this.evt = event; } @Override public int compareTo(Delayed o) { return Long.valueOf(getDelay(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)).compareTo(o.getDelay(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); } @Override public long getDelay(TimeUnit unit) { return unit.convert(due - System.currentTimeMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } public Event getEvent() { return evt; } } private class QueuePollingThread extends Thread { public boolean stopped = false; public QueuePollingThread() { super("Queue Polling Thread"); } @Override public void run() { DelayQueueEntry evt; while (!stopped) { evt = null; try { evt = sendQueue.take(); } catch (final InterruptedException ignored) { // } if (evt != null) { dispatch(evt.getEvent()); } } } } /** * Halt bus thread and reject any future events. */ @Override public void destroy() { assertLive(); busThread.stopped = true; dead = true; } /** * Make sure the bus is not destroyed. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the bus is dead. */ private void assertLive() throws IllegalStateException { if (dead) throw new IllegalStateException("EventBus is dead."); } }