package mightypork.rogue.screens.select_world; import; import; import mightypork.gamecore.core.AppAccess; import mightypork.gamecore.gui.Action; import mightypork.gamecore.gui.AlignX; import mightypork.gamecore.gui.components.input.TextButton; import mightypork.gamecore.gui.components.layout.ConstraintLayout; import mightypork.gamecore.gui.components.layout.GridLayout; import mightypork.gamecore.gui.components.painters.QuadPainter; import; import mightypork.gamecore.logging.Log; import mightypork.gamecore.resources.Res; import mightypork.gamecore.resources.fonts.GLFont; import mightypork.gamecore.util.ion.Ion; import mightypork.gamecore.util.ion.IonBundle; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.color.pal.RGB; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.constraints.num.Num; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.constraints.rect.Rect; import mightypork.gamecore.util.strings.StringProvider; import; import; import; public class WorldSlot extends ConstraintLayout { private final StringProvider lblStrp = new StringProvider() { @Override public String getString() { return label; } }; private File file; private String label; private IonBundle worldBundle; private TextButton loadBtn; private TextButton delBtn; public WorldSlot(AppAccess app, File worldFile) { super(app); this.file = worldFile; final Rect innerRect = shrink(height().perc(5)); final QuadPainter qp = new QuadPainter(RGB.BLACK.withAlpha(new Num() { @Override public double value() { return isMouseOver() ? 0.15 : 0.1; } })); qp.setRect(innerRect); add(qp); final GridLayout gridl = new GridLayout(app, 1, 8); final Num shrinkH = width().perc(8); final Num shrinkV = height().perc(10); gridl.setRect(innerRect.shrink(shrinkH, shrinkH, shrinkV, shrinkV.half())); add(gridl); final GLFont font = Res.getFont("thick"); gridl.put(loadBtn = new TextButton(font, "", RGB.WHITE), 0, 0, 1, 7); loadBtn.textPainter.setVPaddingPercent(20); loadBtn.textPainter.setAlign(AlignX.LEFT); loadBtn.textPainter.setText(lblStrp); loadBtn.disableHoverEffect(); loadBtn.setAction(new Action() { @Override protected void execute() { String msg; if (worldBundle != null) { msg = "Loading world..."; } else { msg = "Creating world..."; } getEventBus().send(new LoadingOverlayRequest(msg, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { World w; if (worldBundle == null) { try { w = WorldProvider.get().createWorld(Double.doubleToLongBits(Math.random())); w.setSaveFile(file); WorldProvider.get().saveWorld(); getEventBus().send(new ScreenRequest("game")); } catch (final IOException t) { Log.e("Could not create & save the world.", t); } } else { try { w = new World(); w.setSaveFile(file); w.load(worldBundle); WorldProvider.get().setWorld(w); getEventBus().send(new ScreenRequest("game")); } catch (final IOException e) { Log.e("Could not load the world.", e); } } } })); } }); gridl.put(delBtn = new TextButton(font, "X", RGB.RED), 0, 7, 1, 1); delBtn.textPainter.setVPaddingPercent(20); delBtn.textPainter.setAlign(AlignX.RIGHT); delBtn.disableHoverEffect(); delBtn.setAction(new Action() { @Override protected void execute() { file.delete(); refresh(); } }); refresh(); } public void refresh() { delBtn.setVisible(false); delBtn.setEnabled(false); if (!file.exists()) { label = ""; worldBundle = null; } else { try { worldBundle = Ion.fromFile(file); final int lvl = worldBundle.get("meta.last_level", -1); if (lvl == -1) throw new RuntimeException(); // let the catch block handle it label = "Level " + (lvl + 1); delBtn.setVisible(true); delBtn.setEnabled(true); } catch (final Exception e) { Log.w("Error loading world save.", e); label = ""; } } } }