package mightypork.util.files; import; public class OsUtils { public static enum EnumOS { linux, macos, solaris, unknown, windows; public boolean isLinux() { return this == linux || this == solaris; } public boolean isMac() { return this == macos; } public boolean isWindows() { return this == windows; } } private static EnumOS cachedOs; /** * Get App dir, ensure it exists * * @param dirname * @return app dir */ public static File getWorkDir(String dirname) { return getWorkDir(dirname, true); } /** * Get App sub-folder * * @param dirname * @param subfolderName * @param create * @return the folder */ public static File getWorkDir(String dirname, String subfolderName, boolean create) { final File f = new File(getWorkDir(dirname), subfolderName); if (!f.exists() && create) { if (!f.mkdirs()) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not create."); } } return f; } /** * Get App sub-folder, create * * @param dirname * @param subfolderName * @return the folder */ public static File getWorkDir(String dirname, String subfolderName) { return getWorkDir(dirname, subfolderName, true); } public static EnumOS getOs() { if (cachedOs != null) return cachedOs; final String s = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); if (s.contains("win")) { cachedOs =; } else if (s.contains("mac")) { cachedOs = EnumOS.macos; } else if (s.contains("linux") || s.contains("unix")) { cachedOs = EnumOS.linux; } else if (s.contains("solaris") || s.contains("sunos")) { cachedOs = EnumOS.solaris; } else { cachedOs = EnumOS.unknown; } return cachedOs; } private static File getWorkDir(String dirname, boolean create) { final String userhome = System.getProperty("user.home", "."); File file; switch (getOs()) { case linux: case solaris: file = new File(userhome, "." + dirname + '/'); break; case windows: final String appdata = System.getenv("APPDATA"); if (appdata != null) { file = new File(appdata, "." + dirname + '/'); } else { file = new File(userhome, "." + dirname + '/'); } break; case macos: file = new File(userhome, "Library/Application Support/" + dirname); break; default: file = new File(userhome, dirname + "/"); break; } if (!file.exists() || !file.isDirectory()) { if (create) { if (!file.mkdirs()) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not create working directory."); } } } return file; } }