package; import mightypork.gamecore.render.Render; import mightypork.rogue.Res; import; import; import; import mightypork.util.math.color.RGB; import mightypork.util.math.constraints.Pollable; import mightypork.util.math.constraints.num.Num; import mightypork.util.math.constraints.num.caching.NumCache; import mightypork.util.math.constraints.rect.Rect; import mightypork.util.math.constraints.rect.caching.RectCache; import mightypork.util.math.constraints.rect.proxy.RectProxy; import mightypork.util.math.constraints.vect.Vect; import mightypork.util.math.constraints.vect.caching.VectCache; /** * World rendering untility * * @author MightyPork */ public class WorldRenderer extends RectProxy implements Pollable { private static final boolean USE_BATCH_RENDERING = true; private final VectCache vpCenter; private final NumCache tileSize; private final World world; private final Entity player; // can be changed private RectCache mapRect; private Level activeLevel; private final Rect rightShadow; private final Rect leftShadow; private final Rect topShadow; private final Rect bottomShadow; private TileRenderContext trc; public WorldRenderer(World world, Rect viewport, int xTiles, int yTiles, int minTileSize) { super(viewport); = world; this.player = world.getPlayerEntity(); tileSize = width().div(xTiles).min(height().div(yTiles)).max(minTileSize).cached(); final Num th = tileSize.half(); vpCenter = center().sub(th, th).cached(); final Num grX = width().perc(30); leftShadow = leftEdge().growRight(grX); rightShadow = rightEdge().growLeft(grX); final Num grY = height().perc(20); topShadow = topEdge().growDown(grY); bottomShadow = bottomEdge().growUp(grY); rebuildTiles(); } private void rebuildTiles() { final Level level = world.getCurrentLevel(); if (activeLevel == level) return; activeLevel = level; mapRect = Rect.make(vpCenter, tileSize.mul(level.getWidth()), tileSize.mul(level.getHeight())).cached(); trc = new TileRenderContext(activeLevel, mapRect); } private Vect getOffset() { final EntityPos pos = player.getPosition(); final double playerX = pos.visualX(); final double playerY = pos.visualY(); final double ts = tileSize.value(); return Vect.make((-ts * playerX), (-ts * playerY)); } public void render() { Render.pushMatrix(); Render.setColor(RGB.WHITE); Render.translate(getOffset()); // tiles to render final EntityPos pos = player.getPosition(); final double w = width().value(); final double h = height().value(); final double ts = tileSize.value(); final int xtilesh = (int) (w / (ts * 2)) + 1; final int ytilesh = (int) (h / (ts * 2)) + 1; final int x1 = pos.x() - xtilesh; final int y1 = pos.y() - ytilesh; final int x2 = pos.x() + xtilesh; final int y2 = pos.y() + ytilesh; // === TILES === // batch rendering of the tiles if (USE_BATCH_RENDERING) { Render.enterBatchTexturedQuadMode(Res.getTexture("tiles16")); } for (trc.pos.x = x1; trc.pos.x <= x2; trc.pos.x++) { for (trc.pos.y = y1; trc.pos.y <= y2; trc.pos.y++) { trc.renderTile(); } } if (USE_BATCH_RENDERING) { Render.leaveBatchTexturedQuadMode(); } // === ITEMS ON TILES === for (trc.pos.x = x1; trc.pos.x <= x2; trc.pos.x++) { for (trc.pos.y = y1; trc.pos.y <= y2; trc.pos.y++) { trc.renderItems(); } } // === ENTITIES === for (final Entity e : activeLevel.getEntities()) { // avoid entities out of view rect final int x = (int) Math.round(e.getPosition().visualX()); final int y = (int) Math.round(e.getPosition().visualY()); if (x < x1 - ts || x > x2 + ts) continue; if (y < y1 - ts || y > y2 + ts) continue; e.render(trc); } Render.popMatrix(); // === OVERLAY SHADOW === Render.quadGradH(leftShadow, RGB.BLACK, RGB.NONE); Render.quadGradH(rightShadow, RGB.NONE, RGB.BLACK); Render.quadGradV(topShadow, RGB.BLACK, RGB.NONE); Render.quadGradV(bottomShadow, RGB.NONE, RGB.BLACK); } public Coord getClickedTile(Vect clickPos) { final Vect v = clickPos.sub(mapRect.origin().add(getOffset())); final int ts = (int) tileSize.value(); return new Coord(v.xi() / ts, v.yi() / ts); } @Override public void poll() { // in order of dependency vpCenter.poll(); tileSize.poll(); mapRect.poll(); rebuildTiles(); } }