package; import; import; import mightypork.gamecore.gui.Action; import mightypork.gamecore.gui.ActionGroup; import mightypork.gamecore.gui.screens.LayeredScreen; import mightypork.gamecore.input.KeyStroke; import mightypork.gamecore.input.Keys; import mightypork.gamecore.logging.Log; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.color.Color; import mightypork.rogue.Config; import mightypork.rogue.GameStateManager.GameState; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class ScreenGame extends LayeredScreen implements PlayerKilledListener { public static final Color COLOR_BTN_GOOD = Color.fromHex(0x28CB2D); public static final Color COLOR_BTN_BAD = Color.fromHex(0xCB2828); public static final Color COLOR_BTN_CANCEL = Color.fromHex(0xFFFB55); /** * Game gui state. * * @author MightyPork */ public enum GScrState { WORLD, INV, DEATH, GOTO_MENU, GOTO_QUIT; } private InventoryLayer invLayer; private HudLayer hudLayer; private DeathLayer deathLayer; private WorldLayer worldLayer; private GScrState state = null; private final ActionGroup worldActions = new ActionGroup(); public Action actionEat = new Action() { @Override public void execute() { final PlayerFacade pl = WorldProvider.get().getPlayer(); if (pl.isDead() || pl.getWorld().isPaused()) return; pl.tryToEatSomeFood(); } }; public Action actionToggleInv = new Action() { @Override public void execute() { setState(getState() == GScrState.INV ? GScrState.WORLD : GScrState.INV); } }; public Action actionToggleMinimap = new Action() { @Override public void execute() { hudLayer.miniMap.setVisible(!hudLayer.miniMap.isVisible()); } }; public Action actionTogglePause = new Action() { @Override public void execute() { getEventBus().send(new WorldPauseRequest(PauseAction.TOGGLE)); } }; public Action actionToggleZoom = new Action() { @Override public void execute() {; } }; public Action actionSave = new Action() { @Override public void execute() { try { WorldProvider.get().saveWorld(); WorldProvider.get().getWorld().getConsole().msgWorldSaved(); } catch (final Exception e) { Log.e("Could not save the world.", e); WorldProvider.get().getWorld().getConsole().msgWorldSaveError(); } } }; public Action actionLoad = new Action() { @Override public void execute() { try { final File f = WorldProvider.get().getWorld().getSaveFile(); WorldProvider.get().loadWorld(f); WorldProvider.get().getWorld().getConsole().msgReloaded(); } catch (final Exception e) { Log.e("Could not load the world.", e); WorldProvider.get().getWorld().getConsole().msgLoadFailed(); } } }; public Action actionMenu = new Action() { @Override public void execute() { setState(GScrState.GOTO_MENU); } }; public Action actionQuit = new Action() { @Override public void execute() { setState(GScrState.GOTO_QUIT); } }; public Action actionDropLastPickedItem = new Action() { @Override public void execute() { final PlayerFacade pl = WorldProvider.get().getPlayer(); if (pl.isDead() || pl.getWorld().isPaused()) return; pl.dropItem(pl.getInventory().getLastAddIndex()); } }; private AskSaveLayer askSaveLayer; /** * Set gui state (overlay) * * @param nstate new state */ public void setState(GScrState nstate) { if (this.state == nstate) return; if (nstate != GScrState.WORLD) { // leaving world. getEventBus().send(new WorldPauseRequest(PauseAction.PAUSE)); worldActions.setEnabled(false); // disable world actions } if (nstate == GScrState.WORLD) { getEventBus().send(new WorldPauseRequest(PauseAction.RESUME)); invLayer.hide(); deathLayer.hide(); askSaveLayer.hide(); worldActions.setEnabled(true); } if (nstate == GScrState.INV) {; } if (nstate == GScrState.DEATH) {; } if (nstate == GScrState.GOTO_MENU) { askSaveLayer.setTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { getEventBus().send(new GameStateRequest(GameState.MAIN_MENU)); } });; } if (nstate == GScrState.GOTO_QUIT) { askSaveLayer.setTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { getEventBus().send(new GameStateRequest(GameState.EXIT)); } });; } this.state = nstate; } public GScrState getState() { return state; } public ScreenGame(AppAccess app) { super(app); addLayer(invLayer = new InventoryLayer(this)); addLayer(deathLayer = new DeathLayer(this)); addLayer(hudLayer = new HudLayer(this)); addLayer(worldLayer = new WorldLayer(this)); addLayer(askSaveLayer = new AskSaveLayer(this)); //pause key bindKey(new KeyStroke(Keys.P), actionTogglePause); bindKey(new KeyStroke(Keys.PAUSE), actionTogglePause); bindKey(new KeyStroke(Keys.SPACE), actionTogglePause); bindKey(new KeyStroke(Keys.I), actionToggleInv); bindKey(new KeyStroke(Keys.D), actionDropLastPickedItem); bindKey(new KeyStroke(Keys.E), actionEat); bindKey(new KeyStroke(Keys.M), actionToggleMinimap); bindKey(new KeyStroke(Keys.Z), actionToggleZoom); bindKey(new KeyStroke(Keys.L, Keys.MOD_CONTROL), actionLoad); bindKey(new KeyStroke(Keys.S, Keys.MOD_CONTROL), actionSave); bindKey(new KeyStroke(Keys.Q, Keys.MOD_CONTROL), actionQuit); bindKey(new KeyStroke(Keys.ESCAPE), actionMenu); // add as actions - enableables. worldActions.add(worldLayer); worldActions.add(hudLayer); worldActions.add(actionEat); worldActions.add(actionToggleMinimap); worldActions.add(actionTogglePause); worldActions.add(actionToggleZoom); worldActions.add(actionSave); worldActions.add(actionLoad); worldActions.add(actionMenu); worldActions.add(actionQuit); worldActions.add(actionDropLastPickedItem); worldActions.setEnabled(true); // CHEAT - X-ray bindKey(new KeyStroke(Keys.MULTIPLY, Keys.MOD_CONTROL), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Config.RENDER_UFOG ^= true; } }); } @Override protected void onScreenEnter() { super.onScreenEnter(); WorldProvider.get().setListening(true); setState(GScrState.WORLD); } @Override protected void onScreenLeave() { super.onScreenLeave(); WorldProvider.get().setListening(false); } @Override public void onPlayerKilled() { setState(GScrState.DEATH); } }