Java lib for parsing and evaluating simple math expressions, using fractions. This was a seminar project in a Programming class. It is not very useful, but works
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

248 lines
5.8 KiB

package net.mightypork.rcalc;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Stack;
import net.mightypork.rcalc.operations.Operation;
import net.mightypork.rcalc.tokens.*;
* A list of tokens which can be parsed into a single IEvaluable
* @author Ondřej Hruška (MightyPork)
public class TokenList extends ArrayList<IToken> implements IToken {
* Create a TokenList with defined initial size
* @param i initial size
public TokenList(int i) {
* Create a blank TokenList
public TokenList() {
* Create a tokenList with single item
* @param token the item
public TokenList(IToken token) {
* Parse the token list.<br>
* After running this method, the list is typically reduced to a single
* token
* @return the remaining token
public IEvaluableToken parse() {
try {
// 1. Extract all parentheses into TokenLists
// 2. Convert operator tokens to operators, including their arguments
// in the correct order ^ * / + -
// 3. Check for leftovers, throw error if any
if (this.size() > 1) {
throw new ParseError("TokenList didn't parse entirely, probably a syntax error: " + this);
// 4. If last token is a TokenList, use its content instead
if (this.get(0) instanceof TokenList) {
TokenList theList = (TokenList) this.get(0);
if (theList.size() == 1 && (theList.get(0) instanceof IEvaluableToken)) {
IEvaluableToken eval = (IEvaluableToken) theList.get(0);
// 5. Throw error if last token remaining is not evaluable
if (!(this.get(0) instanceof IEvaluableToken)) {
throw new ParseError("Last token in a TokenList is not evaluable: " + this.get(0));
} catch (ParseError e) {
throw e;
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new ParseError("Missing operand(s).");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ParseError(e);
return (IEvaluableToken) this.get(0); // checked earlier
* Find tokens of given operator class, and convert them to the operations
* including their operands.
* @param operatorClass class of the operator to find
private void extractOperator(Class<? extends IOperatorToken> operatorClass) {
Stack<Integer> positions = new Stack<Integer>();
// find operator positions
for (int i = size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (operatorClass.isInstance(get(i))) {
// offset, used when positions are updated while replacing tokens
int offset = 0;
while (!positions.isEmpty()) {
// get position of the next token
int pos = positions.pop() + offset;
IToken operatorToken = get(pos);
if (operatorToken instanceof TokenBinaryOperator) {
TokenBinaryOperator opToken = (TokenBinaryOperator) operatorToken;
// get operands
TokenList leftArg = get(pos - 1).wrapInTokenList();
TokenList rightArg = get(pos + 1).wrapInTokenList();
// build an operation
Operation op = opToken.toOperation(leftArg, rightArg);
// discard used tokens
subList(pos - 1, pos + 2).clear();
// put back the operation
add(pos - 1, op);
// shift offset
offset -= 2;
} else if (operatorToken instanceof TokenUnaryOperatorLeft) {
TokenUnaryOperatorLeft opToken = (TokenUnaryOperatorLeft) operatorToken;
// get operand
TokenList leftArg = get(pos - 1).wrapInTokenList();
// build an operation
Operation op = opToken.toOperation(leftArg);
// discard used tokens
subList(pos - 1, pos + 1).clear();
// put back the operation
add(pos - 1, op);
// shift offset
offset -= 1;
} else if (operatorToken instanceof TokenUnaryOperatorRight) {
TokenUnaryOperatorRight opToken = (TokenUnaryOperatorRight) operatorToken;
// variable for left operand
TokenList rightArg = get(pos + 1).wrapInTokenList();
// build an operation
Operation op = opToken.toOperation(rightArg);
// discard used tokens
subList(pos, pos + 2).clear();
// put back the operation
add(pos, op);
// shift offset
offset -= 1;
* Convert outer parenthesized blocks to individual tokens
private void extractParentheses() {
int open = 0; // level of outer parentheses
int openIgnored = 0; // level of inner parentheses, to be skipped
Stack<Integer> lefts = new Stack<Integer>();
Stack<Integer> rights = new Stack<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
if (get(i) instanceof TokenParenthesisLeft) {
if (open == 0) {
} else {
if (get(i) instanceof TokenParenthesisRight) {
if (openIgnored > 0) {
} else {
if (open == 0) rights.push(i);
if (open > 0) throw new ParseError("Unbalanced parentheses.");
// extract token lists inside the outer parentheses, put them back as single tokens
while (!lefts.isEmpty()) {
int left = lefts.pop();
int right = rights.pop();
int innerLeft = left + 1;
int innerRight = right - 1;
// prepare tokenList for the inner tokens
TokenList insides = new TokenList();
// add the inner tokens
insides.addAll(subList(innerLeft, innerRight + 1));
// destroy the whole range including parentheses
subList(left, right + 1).clear();
// put replacement token back
add(left, insides.parse());
public TokenList wrapInTokenList() {
return this;