package net.mightypork.rcalc; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.mightypork.rcalc.numbers.Fraction; import net.mightypork.rcalc.tokens.*; /** * Utility for converting an expression from String to a list of tokens * * @author Ondřej Hruška (MightyPork) */ public class Tokenizer implements IDebugable { /** Debug mode flag */ private boolean debug = false; /** Deep debug mode flag */ private boolean deepDebug = false; @Override public boolean isDebug() { return debug; } @Override public void setDebug(boolean debug) { this.debug = debug; } /** * Get if deep debug mode is enabled * * @return is in deep debug mode */ public boolean isDeepDebug() { return deepDebug && debug; } /** * Enable / disable deep debug mode * * @param debug */ public void setDeepDebug(boolean debug) { this.deepDebug = this.debug = debug; } /** * Parse a string to a list of expression tokens * * @param input string with expression to parse * @return token list */ public TokenList tokenize(String input) { // discard whitespace input = input.replaceAll("\\s", ""); // check parentheses int level = 0; for (char c : input.toCharArray()) { if (c == '(') level++; if (c == ')') level--; if (level < 0) throw new ParseError("Unbalanced parentheses."); } if (level != 0) throw new ParseError("Unbalanced parentheses."); // translate ** to ^ input = input.replaceAll("[*]{2}", "^"); if (debug && deepDebug) System.out.println("\nTranslate '**' to '^'\n" + input); // enclose ^ left operand in parentheses input = input.replaceAll("([0-9.]+[!]?)\\^", "($1)^"); if (debug && deepDebug) System.out.println("\nWrap left numeric operand of '^' with parentheses\n" + input); // add multiplication operator for implicit multiplication input = input.replaceAll("(?<=[0-9)!])(?=[(])", "*"); // )( -> )*( input = input.replaceAll("(?<=[)!])(?=[0-9(])", "*"); if (debug && deepDebug) System.out.println("\nApply implicit multiplication\n" + input); // normalize series of '+' and '-' StringBuffer outputBuffer = new StringBuffer(); Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("([+\\-]{2,})").matcher(input); while (matcher.find()) { int minus = 0; for (char c : { if (c == '-') minus++; } minus = minus % 2; matcher.appendReplacement(outputBuffer, minus == 0 ? "+" : "-"); } matcher.appendTail(outputBuffer); input = outputBuffer.toString(); if (debug && deepDebug) System.out.println("\nNormalize sequences of '+' and '-'\n" + input); // turn '-' to '+-' between numbers input = input.replaceAll("(?<=[0-9)!])-(?=[0-9.])", "+-"); if (debug && deepDebug) System.out.println("\n'-' to '+-' between numbers\n" + input); // convert '-' to '+-1*' in front of non-numbers input = input.replaceAll("-(?=[^0-9.])", "+-1*"); if (debug && deepDebug) System.out.println("\n'-' to '+-1*' in front of non-numbers\n" + input); // discard useless + signs input = input.replaceAll("(?<=[^)0-9!]|^)\\+", ""); if (debug && deepDebug) System.out.println("\nDiscard '+' at beginning of scope\n" + input); if (debug) System.out.println("\nParsing tokens..."); TokenList list = new TokenList(); String buffer = ""; boolean parsingNumber = false; for (Character c : input.toCharArray()) { if (c.toString().matches("[\\-0-9.]")) { buffer += c; parsingNumber = true; } else { if (parsingNumber) { list.add(new Fraction(buffer)); buffer = ""; parsingNumber = false; } switch (c) { case '(': list.add(new TokenParenthesisLeft()); break; case ')': list.add(new TokenParenthesisRight()); break; case '*': list.add(new TokenOperatorMultiply()); break; case '/': list.add(new TokenOperatorDivide()); break; case '+': list.add(new TokenOperatorAdd()); break; case '!': list.add(new TokenOperatorFactorial()); break; case '%': list.add(new TokenOperatorModulo()); break; case '^': list.add(new TokenOperatorPower()); break; default: throw new ParseError("Unknown token " + c); } } } // include possible last number if (parsingNumber) { list.add(new Fraction(buffer)); } if (debug) System.out.println("\nToken list:\n" + list); return list; } }