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package mightypork.utils.files;
public class OsUtils {
public static enum EnumOS
linux, macos, solaris, unknown, windows;
public boolean isLinux()
return this == linux || this == solaris;
public boolean isMac()
return this == macos;
public boolean isWindows()
return this == windows;
private static EnumOS cachedOs;
public static File getHomeWorkDir(String dirname)
final String userhome = System.getProperty("user.home", ".");
File file;
switch (getOs()) {
case linux:
case solaris:
file = new File(userhome, dirname + '/');
case windows:
final String appdata = System.getenv("APPDATA");
if (appdata != null) {
file = new File(appdata, dirname + '/');
} else {
file = new File(userhome, dirname + '/');
case macos:
file = new File(userhome, "Library/Application Support/" + dirname);
file = new File(userhome, dirname + "/");
return file;
public static EnumOS getOs()
if (cachedOs != null) return cachedOs;
final String s = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();
if (s.contains("win")) {
cachedOs =;
} else if (s.contains("mac")) {
cachedOs = EnumOS.macos;
} else if (s.contains("linux") || s.contains("unix")) {
cachedOs = EnumOS.linux;
} else if (s.contains("solaris") || s.contains("sunos")) {
cachedOs = EnumOS.solaris;
} else {
cachedOs = EnumOS.unknown;
return cachedOs;