Collection of useful utilities for Java games and apps. A lot of interesting utilities that could maybe still find some use if you work with Java...
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package mightypork.utils.ion;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import mightypork.utils.Reflect;
import mightypork.utils.Str;
* Universal data storage system (main API class)
* @author Ondřej Hruška (MightyPork)
public class Ion {
private static final int RESERVED_LOW = 0;
private static final int RESERVED_HIGH = 49;
private static final int RANGE_LOW = 0;
private static final int RANGE_HIGH = 255;
// marks for object saving
/** Null mark */
static final int NULL = 0;
/** Boolean mark */
static final int BOOLEAN = 1;
/** Byte mark */
static final int BYTE = 2;
/** Character mark */
static final int CHAR = 3;
/** Short mark */
static final int SHORT = 4;
/** Integer mark */
static final int INT = 5;
/** Long mark */
static final int LONG = 6;
/** Float mark */
static final int FLOAT = 7;
/** Double mark */
static final int DOUBLE = 8;
/** String mark */
static final int STRING = 9;
/** Boolean array mark */
static final int BOOLEAN_ARRAY = 10;
/** Byte array mark */
static final int BYTE_ARRAY = 11;
/** Character array mark */
static final int CHAR_ARRAY = 12;
/** Short array mark */
static final int SHORT_ARRAY = 13;
/** Integer array mark */
static final int INT_ARRAY = 14;
/** Long array mark */
static final int LONG_ARRAY = 15;
/** Float array mark */
static final int FLOAT_ARRAY = 16;
/** Double array mark */
static final int DOUBLE_ARRAY = 17;
/** String array mark */
static final int STRING_ARRAY = 18;
/** Entry mark - start of map or sequence entry */
static final int ENTRY = 19;
/** End mark - end of sequence or map */
static final int END = 20;
/** Bundle */
static final int ION_BUNDLE = 21;
/** Sequence wrapper for bundle */
static final int SEQUENCE_WRAPPER = 22;
/** Map wrapper for bundle */
static final int MAP_WRAPPER = 23;
/** Sequence saved as object */
public static final int SEQUENCE = 24;
/** Map saved as object */
public static final int MAP = 25;
/** Array of arbitrary objects */
public static final int OBJECT_ARRAY = 26;
/** Ionizables<Mark, Class> */
private static Map<Integer, Class<?>> markToClass = new HashMap<>();
private static Map<Class<?>, Integer> classToMark = new HashMap<>();
private static Map<Class<?>, IonizerBinary<?>> ionizersBinary = new HashMap<>();
private static Map<Class<?>, IonizerBundled<?>> ionizersBundled = new HashMap<>();
private static boolean reservedMarkChecking;
static {
reservedMarkChecking = false;
// register built-ins
register(ION_BUNDLE, IonDataBundle.class);
register(SEQUENCE_WRAPPER, IonSequenceWrapper.class);
register(MAP_WRAPPER, IonMapWrapper.class);
reservedMarkChecking = true;
* Register a type for writing/loading.
* @param mark binary ION mark
* @param objClass class of the registered object
public static void register(int mark, Class<?> objClass)
if (!IonBinary.class.isAssignableFrom(objClass)) {
if (!IonBundled.class.isAssignableFrom(objClass)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot register directly: " + Str.val(objClass));
registerUsingMark(mark, objClass);
* Try to register a type using a static final ION_MARK int field.
* @param objClass type class
public static void register(Class<?> objClass)
if (!IonBinary.class.isAssignableFrom(objClass)) {
if (!IonBundled.class.isAssignableFrom(objClass)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot register directly: " + Str.val(objClass));
private static void registerUsingMark(int mark, Class<?> objClass)
assertMarkAvailable(mark, objClass);
markToClass.put(mark, objClass);
classToMark.put(objClass, mark);
public static void registerUsingConstant(Class<?> objClass)
try {
final int mark = ((Number) Reflect.getConstantFieldValue(objClass, "ION_MARK")).intValue();
registerUsingMark(mark, objClass);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not register " + Str.val(objClass) + " using an ION_MARK field.", e);
* Register new binary ionizer.
* @param mark binary ION mark
* @param ionizer ionizer
public static void registerIndirect(int mark, IonizerBinary<?> ionizer)
final Class<?> objClass = Reflect.getGenericParameters(ionizer.getClass())[0];
registerUsingMark(mark, objClass);
ionizersBinary.put(objClass, ionizer);
* Register new bundled ionizer.
* @param mark binary ION mark
* @param ionizer ionizer
public static void registerIndirect(int mark, IonizerBundled<?> ionizer)
final Class<?> objClass = Reflect.getGenericParameters(ionizer.getClass())[0];
registerUsingMark(mark, objClass);
ionizersBundled.put(objClass, ionizer);
private static void assertHasImplicitConstructor(Class<?> objClass)
try {
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Class " + objClass + " doesn't have an implicit constructor.");
private static void assertMarkAvailable(int mark, Class<?> objClass)
// negative marks are allowed.
if (mark > RANGE_HIGH) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mark must be < 256.");
if (mark < RANGE_LOW) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mark must be positive.");
if (reservedMarkChecking && isMarkReserved(mark)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Marks " + RESERVED_LOW + ".." + RESERVED_HIGH + " are reserved.");
if (markToClass.containsKey(mark)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mark " + mark + " is already in use.");
if (classToMark.containsKey(objClass)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Str.val(objClass) + " is already registered.");
* Load binary from file and cast.
public static <T> T fromFile(String path) throws IOException
return fromFile(new File(path));
* Load binary from file and cast.
public static <T> T fromFile(File file) throws IOException
try(InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file)) {
return fromStream(in);
* Write binary to file with mark.
public static void toFile(String path, Object obj) throws IOException
toFile(new File(path), obj);
* Write binary to file with mark.
public static void toFile(File file, Object obj) throws IOException
try(OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file)) {
toStream(out, obj);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new IOException("Error writing to ION file.", e);
* Load object from stream based on mark, try to cast.
public static <T> T fromStream(InputStream in) throws IOException
try(final IonInput inp = new IonInput(in)) {
return (T) inp.readObject();
* Write object to output with a mark.
public static void toStream(OutputStream out, Object obj) throws IOException
try(IonOutput iout = new IonOutput(out)) {
* Get ion input
* @param path file path to read
* @return input
* @throws IOException
public static IonInput getInput(String path) throws IOException
return getInput(new File(path));
* Get ion input
* @param file file to read
* @return input
* @throws IOException
public static IonInput getInput(File file) throws IOException
return new IonInput(new FileInputStream(file));
* Get ion output
* @param path file path to write
* @return output
* @throws IOException
public static IonOutput getOutput(String path) throws IOException
return getOutput(new File(path));
* Get ion output
* @param file file to write
* @return output
* @throws IOException
public static IonOutput getOutput(File file) throws IOException
return new IonOutput(new FileOutputStream(file));
* Create new bundle and write the object to it.
public static IonDataBundle wrapBundled(IonBundled content) throws IOException
final IonDataBundle ib = new IonDataBundle();;
return ib;
* Try to unwrap an object from bundle. The object class must have implicit
* accessible constructor.
* @param bundle unwrapped bundle
* @param objClass class of desired object
* @return the object unwrapped
* @throws IOException
public static <T extends IonBundled> T unwrapBundled(IonDataBundle bundle, Class<? extends T> objClass) throws IOException
try {
final T inst = objClass.newInstance();
return inst;
} catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new IOException("Could not instantiate " + Str.val(objClass) + ".");
static Class<?> getClassForMark(int mark)
return markToClass.get(mark);
static IonizerBinary<?> getIonizerBinaryForClass(Class<?> clz)
return ionizersBinary.get(clz);
static IonizerBundled<?> getIonizerBundledForClass(Class<?> clz)
return ionizersBundled.get(clz);
public static int getMark(Object object)
return classToMark.get(object.getClass());
* @return true if the mark is for a registered {@link IonBinary} object
static boolean isMarkForBinary(int mark)
if (!markToClass.containsKey(mark)) return false;
return IonBinary.class.isAssignableFrom(markToClass.get(mark));
* @return true if the mark is for a registered {@link IonBinary} object
static boolean isMarkForBundled(int mark)
if (!markToClass.containsKey(mark)) return false;
return IonBundled.class.isAssignableFrom(markToClass.get(mark));
* @return true if the mark is for a registered indirectly saved binary
* object
static boolean isMarkForIndirectBinary(int mark)
if (!markToClass.containsKey(mark)) return false;
return ionizersBinary.containsKey(markToClass.get(mark));
* @return true if the mark is for a registered indirectly saved bundled
* object
static boolean isMarkForIndirectBundled(int mark)
if (!markToClass.containsKey(mark)) return false;
return ionizersBundled.containsKey(markToClass.get(mark));
* @return true if the mark is reserved for internal use
static boolean isMarkReserved(int mark)
return mark >= RESERVED_LOW && mark <= RESERVED_HIGH;
* @return true if the mark is for a registered {@link IonBinary} object
static boolean isRegistered(Object object)
final Class<?> clazz = object.getClass();
if (classToMark.containsKey(clazz)) return true;
return false;
* Make sure object is registered in the table.
* @throws IOException if not registered or class mismatch
static void assertRegistered(Object obj)
if (!isRegistered(obj)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Type not registered: " + Str.val(obj.getClass()));
* For get all external registered types - just like if the class was
* freshly loaded. Can be used for unit tests.
public static void reset()
final List<Integer> toRemove = new ArrayList<>();
// remove direct
for (final Integer mark : markToClass.keySet()) {
if (!isMarkReserved(mark)) {
for (final int i : toRemove) {
final Class<?> clz = markToClass.remove(i);
public static boolean isObjectIndirectBundled(Object obj)
return ionizersBundled.containsKey(obj.getClass());
public static boolean isObjectIndirectBinary(Object obj)
return ionizersBinary.containsKey(obj.getClass());