GameCore LWJGL backend (the idea was that there would be multiple backends. this was the only one I made)
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package mightypork.gamecore.backends.lwjgl;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils;
* Calc subclass with buffer utils.
* @author Ondřej Hruška (MightyPork)
public class BufferHelper {
* Create java.nio.FloatBuffer of given floats, and flip it.
* @param obj floats or float array
* @return float buffer
public static FloatBuffer mkFillBuff(float... obj)
return (FloatBuffer) BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(obj.length).put(obj).flip();
* Fill java.nio.FloatBuffer with floats or float array
* @param buff target buffer
* @param obj floats to write
public static void fill(FloatBuffer buff, float... obj)
* Create new java.nio.FloatBuffer of given length
* @param count elements
* @return the new java.nio.FloatBuffer
public static FloatBuffer alloc(int count)
return BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(count);