GEX thesis source code, full text, references
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Ondřej Hruška 84523241b0
added more explanations to units
6 年前
img added the python example and a photo 6 年前
references added references to chapter 8 6 年前
.gitignore Initial commit 6 年前 some cleaning 6 年前
ch.conclusion.tex added the python example and a photo 6 年前
ch.existing_solutions.tex references in usb chapter 6 年前
ch.fat16.tex documented more buses 6 年前
ch.freertos.tex more stuff 6 年前
ch.fw_structure.tex more stuff 6 年前
ch.gex_units.tex added more explanations to units 6 年前
ch.hardware_realization.tex added the python example and a photo 6 年前
ch.hw_buses.tex added more explanations to units 6 年前
ch.hw_functions.tex more stuff 6 年前
ch.introduction.tex glossed some stuff 6 年前
ch.pc_software.tex added more explanations to units 6 年前
ch.requirement_analysis.tex glossed some stuff 6 年前
ch.requirements.tex prettifying of the tinyframe payload boxes etc 6 年前
ch.tinyframe.tex more stuff 6 年前
ch.unit.1wire.tex prettifying of the tinyframe payload boxes etc 6 年前
ch.unit.adc.tex added more explanations to units 6 年前
ch.unit.dac.tex added more explanations to units 6 年前
ch.unit.di.tex added more explanations to units 6 年前 added more explanations to units 6 年前
ch.unit.fcap.tex added more explanations to units 6 年前
ch.unit.i2c.tex added more explanations to units 6 年前
ch.unit.npx.tex added more explanations to units 6 年前
ch.unit.pwmdim.tex added more explanations to units 6 年前
ch.unit.sipo.tex added more explanations to units 6 年前
ch.unit.spi.tex added more explanations to units 6 年前
ch.unit.touch.tex added more explanations to units 6 年前
ch.unit.usart.tex added more explanations to units 6 年前
ch.usb.tex fat16 refs 6 年前
ch.wireless.tex more stuff 6 年前 Initial 6 年前
ctu_logo_black.pdf Initial 6 年前
ctu_logo_blue.pdf Initial 6 年前
ctuth-core.tex Initial 6 年前
ctuth-names.tex Initial 6 年前
ctuth-pkg.tex redone all command tables 6 年前
ctuth-templates.tex finished tagging acronyms 6 年前
ctuthesis.cls Initial 6 年前
document_config.tex some cleaning 6 年前
fig.gex-descriptors.tex references in usb chapter 6 年前
pre.ctuthesis_config.tex glossed some stuff 6 年前
pre.gex_command_tables.tex prettifying of the tinyframe payload boxes etc 6 年前
pre.minted.tex redone all command tables 6 年前
pre.spacing_config.tex redone all command tables 6 年前
pre.utils.tex prettifying of the tinyframe payload boxes etc 6 年前
thesis.abstract.tex redone all command tables 6 年前
thesis.acronyms.tex documented more buses 6 年前
thesis.bib stub of new chapters 6 年前
thesis.declaration.tex redone all command tables 6 年前
thesis.pdf added more explanations to units 6 年前
thesis.tex stub of new chapters 6 年前
thesis.thanks.tex redone all command tables 6 年前 Initial 6 年前
zadani-zakryto.pdf Initial 6 年前