GEX thesis source code, full text, references
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242 lignes
6.8 KiB

%!TEX ROOT = ctutest.tex
{2015/11/15}{0.1 t1511151022}%MY TIMESTAMP HERE {0.1}
{"Templates"\space part\space of\space the\space class\space ctuthesis}
% The titlepage, includes doctype, faculty, department, title, author,
% and some auxiliary information at the bottom
\thispagestyle { empty }
\vbox to \textheight{%
% The titlepage goes all way up to the header (taking one \baselineskip of the head)
{\noindent\leavevmode\color{ctubluerule}\vrule width 11pt\hspace*{11pt}}
% The main vbox of the titlepage is larger by (bls + heasep) up and (footskip) down
\vbox to \dimexpr\textheight + \baselineskip + \headsep + \footskip{
% Reduce hsize by the rule width and the sep
% No justification, sf bf font
\raggedright \sffamily \bfseries
% The document type
% A table containing: the CTU logo and name, faculty number, faculty and deparment name
% \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}
\ifdim\wd0>2em \scalebox{0.9}[1]{\textls[-50]{\smash{\ctufield{facultynum}}\vphantom{X}}}\else\box0\fi
% \end{tabular}
\vspace{8ex plus 1fill}
% The title, in two languages
\ctufield[title]{title} \\[1.5ex]
% The author
\vspace{0pt plus 3fill}
% The "metadata": supervisor, field of study, month and year
\parskip 1pt
\ctuiffield*{supervisor}{\supervisorname :~{\frenchspacing\ctufield{supervisor}}\par}{}
\ctuiffield*{supervisor-specialist}{\supervisorspecialistname :~{\frenchspacing\ctufield{supervisor-specialist}}\par}{}
\ctuiffield*[title]{fieldofstudy}{\fieldofstudyname :~\ctufield[title]{fieldofstudy}\par}{}
\ctuiffield*[title]{subfieldofstudy}{\subfieldofstudyname :~\ctufield[title]{subfieldofstudy}\par}{}
% The titlepage goes all way down to the foot
% This include the specification file, and does nothing more
\includepdf[pages=-]{\tl_use:c{ g_ctuthesis_field_specification-file_tl }}
% Includes the specification as a chapter
% If it is an appendix, it gets a number, if not, it does not
{ \raggedright
\paragraph{\keywordsname :}
\paragraph{\supervisorname :}
\par }
{ \raggedright
\paragraph{\keywordsname :}
\paragraph{\titletranslationname :}
\ --- \ \ctufield[second]{subtitle}
} { }
\par }
% \printglossary[style=index]
% Abstract template includes the Acknowledgements, Declaration and two Abstracts
% the abstracts are accompanied by the keywords and possibly other information
%\newpage %CHANGED!!
\vspace{1cm} % ADDED!
% The "loft" template is included only if at least one of the lists is enabled
\bool_if:nTF {
\ctuthesis_if_switch_p:n { front-list-of-figures }
|| \ctuthesis_if_switch_p:n { front-list-of-tables }
} {
} { }
% Lists of Figures and Tables
\ctuifswitch { front-list-of-figures } { \ctutemplate{twocolumn.listoffigures} } { }
%CHANGED removed the LoT
\ctuifswitch { front-list-of-tables } { \ctutemplate{twocolumn.listoftables} } { }
% The maketitle command (moreorless): roman page numbering
% Start with the titlepage
% title verso is empty (the star makes it completely empty in our template)
% If the specification has to be in front, include it. It it's one page only,
% the verso is left empty
} { }
% The abstract and alike
% Start the mainmatter
% Minor change to \mainmatter: we add the star to \cleardoublepage
\DeclareDocumentCommand \mainmatter { } {
% \maketitle command itself just calls the maketitle template
\DeclareDocumentCommand \maketitle { } {