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104 lignes
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\section{DAC Unit}
The digital/analog unit works with the two-channel \gls{DAC} hardware peripheral. It can be used in two modes: \gls{DC} output, and waveform generation.
The waveform mode implements direct digital synthesis (explained in \cref{sec:theory_dac_dds}) of a sine, rectangle, sawtooth or triangle wave. The generated frequency can be set with a sub-hertz precision up to the lower tens of kHz. The two outputs can use a different waveform shape, can be synchronized, and their phase offset and frequency are dynamically adjustable.
\subsection{DAC Configuration}
# Enabled channels (1:A4, 2:A5)
# Enable output buffer
# Superimposed noise type (NONE,WHITE,TRIANGLE) and nbr. of bits (1-12)
\subsection{DAC Commands}
Channels are specified in all commands as a bit map:
\item 0x01 -- channel 1
\item 0x02 -- channel 2
\item 0x03 -- both channels affected at once
0 & \cname{WAVE\_DC}
Set a \gls{DC} level, disable \gls{DDS} for the channel
& \begin{cmdreq}
\cfield{u8} channels
\cfield{u16} level (0--4095)
\end{cmdreq} \\
1 & \cname{WAVE\_SINE}
Start a sine waveform
& \begin{cmdreq}
\cfield{u8} channels
\end{cmdreq} \\
2 & \cname{WAVE\_TRIANGLE}
Start a symmetrical triangle waveform
& \begin{cmdreq}
\cfield{u8} channels
\end{cmdreq} \\
3 & \cname{WAVE\_SAWTOOTH\_UP}
Start a rising sawtooth waveform
& \begin{cmdreq}
\cfield{u8} channels
\end{cmdreq} \\
4 & \cname{WAVE\_SAWTOOTH\_DOWN}
Start a dalling sawtooth waveform
& \begin{cmdreq}
\cfield{u8} channels
\end{cmdreq} \\
5 & \cname{WAVE\_RECTANGLE}
Start a rectangle waveform
& \begin{cmdreq}
\cfield{u8} channels
\cfield{u16} on-time (0--8191)
\cfield{u16} high level (0--4095)
\cfield{u16} low level (0--4095)
\end{cmdreq} \\
10 & \cname{SYNC}
Synchronize the two channels. The phase accumulator is reset to zero.
& \\
20 & \cname{SET\_FREQUENCY}
Set the channel frequency
& \begin{cmdreq}
\cfield{u8} channels
\cfield{float} frequency
\end{cmdreq} \\
21 & \cname{SET\_PHASE}
Set a channel's phase. It is recommended to only set the phase of one channel, leaving the other at 0°.
& \begin{cmdreq}
\cfield{u8} channels
\cfield{u16} phase (0--8191)
\end{cmdreq} \\
22 & \cname{SET\_DITHER}
Control the dithering function of the \gls{DAC} block. A high noise amplitude can cause an overflow to the other end of the output range due to a bug in the \gls{DAC} peripheral. Use value 255 to leave the parameter unchanged.
& \begin{cmdreq}
\cfield{u8} channels
\cfield{u8} noise type (0--none, 1--white, 2--triangle)
\cfield{u8} number of noise bits (1--12)
\end{cmdreq} \\