% extra balíky a jejich nastavení % this fixes a latex bug with 'not enough writes' \usepackage{morewrites} \usepackage{calc} % fixes calculations in width params not working right \usepackage{todonotes} % todos \usepackage{blindtext} % lorem \usepackage{csquotes} % some macros for nice quotes or whatever \usepackage{wrapfig} % figs floating next to text \usepackage{svg} \svgpath{img/} \usepackage[all]{nowidow} % fix for orphaned lines of text \usepackage{fancyvrb} \usepackage{siunitx} % this was not used, but should have been \usepackage{sectsty} \usepackage{titlecaps} \usepackage{cprotect} % this is for some hacks with math in caption or whatever \usepackage{framed} \usepackage{subcaption} \usepackage{tabularx} \usepackage{tabulary} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{tabu} % longtabu \usepackage{pmboxdraw} % ??? \usepackage{xcolor} \definecolor{RubineRed}{HTML}{C30067} % used in command tables bc it's pretty \usepackage{flafter} % ensures embeds won't go before their references \usepackage{enumitem} % better list spacing \usepackage{bigfoot} % verbatin in footnote \usepackage{makecell} % cells with custom align in tabular \usepackage{tabto} % tabs, but kinda buggy \usepackage{ragged2e} % this was supposed to improve text alignment % typesetting C# lol \newcommand{\CS}{C\nolinebreak\hspace{-.05em}\raisebox{.4ex}{\scriptsize\bf \#}} % some symbols. skip integrals because asmmath also defines them and is loaded by the thesis class \usepackage[nointegrals]{wasysym} \usepackage[ style=numeric, backend=biber, sorting=none ]{biblatex} % Uvozovky v češtině \iffalse % makro pro uvozovky \renewcommand\uv[1]{\enquote{#1}} % \DeclareQuoteStyle{czech} {\quotedblbase} {\textquotedblleft} {\textquoteleft} {\textquoteright} \fi \input{pre.minted} \input{pre.ctuthesis_config} \input{pre.spacing_config} %% LINK COLORS \hypersetup{ colorlinks, linkcolor={red!50!black}, citecolor={blue!50!black}, urlcolor={blue!80!black} } \usepackage{bookmark} \bookmarksetup{ numbered, } %nice referencing with the words auto generated \usepackage[nameinlink,capitalize,noabbrev]{cleveref} %% ACRONYM CONFIG \usepackage[xindy,nonumberlist,nomain,acronym,nopostdot,toc=false]{glossaries} %\glssetwidest{ABCD} \renewcommand*{\glsclearpage}{} \usepackage{glossary-mcols} \renewcommand*{\glspostdescription}{} \makeglossaries \glsaddall % make glsosary entries black %\renewcommand*{\glstextformat}[1]{\textcolor{black}{#1}} \input{pre.utils} \input{pre.gex_command_tables} % custom style for the appendix \fancyfoot[LE,RO]{\thepage} % Left side on Even pages; Right side on Odd pages \fancypagestyle{appendix}{% \fancyfootoffset[lef,rof]{60pt} \fancyfootoffset[leh,roh]{60pt} \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}% \fancyhf{}% \fancyhf[leh,roh]{\vspace{.9cm}\leftmark}% \fancyhf[lef,rof]{\thepage}% } % this moves table captions above the float, which is apparently The Way to Do It \usepackage{float} \floatstyle{plaintop} \restylefloat{table} \usepackage[tableposition=top]{caption}