\section{USART Unit} The \gls{USART} unit provides access to one of the microcontroller's \gls{USART} peripherals. See \cref{sec:theory_usart} for more information about the interface. Most \gls{USART} parameters available in the hardware peripheral's configuration registers can be adjusted to match the application's needs. The peripheral is capable of driving RS-485 transceivers, using the \gls{DE} output for switching between reception and transmission. The unit implements asynchronous reception and transmission with \gls{DMA} and a circular buffer (\cref{fig:uart_rx_dma}). Received data is sent to the host in asynchronous events when a half of the buffer is filled, or after a fixed timeout from the last received byte. The write access is, likewise, implemented using a \gls{DMA} buffer. \begin{figure}[h] \centering \includegraphics[scale=1]{img/uart-dma.pdf} \caption{\label{fig:uart_rx_dma}Principle of DMA-based UART reception. Interrupt is generated in the half and at the end of the buffer, at which point the write pointer wraps back to the beginning.} \end{figure} \subsection{USART Configuration} \begin{inicode} [USART:ser@6] # Peripheral number (UARTx 1-4) device=1 # Pin mappings (TX,RX,CK,CTS,RTS/DE) # USART1: (0) A9,A10,A8,A11,A12 (1) B6,B7,A8,A11,A12 # USART2: (0) A2,A3,A4,A0,A1 (1) A14,A15,A4,A0,A1 # USART3: (0) B10,B11,B12,B13,B14 # USART4: (0) A0,A1,C12,B7,A15 (1) C10,C11,C12,B7,A15 remap=0 # Baud rate in bps (eg. 9600) baud-rate=115200 # Parity type (NONE, ODD, EVEN) parity=NONE # Number of stop bits (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2) stop-bits=1 # Bit order (LSB or MSB first) first-bit=LSB # Word width (7,8,9) - including parity bit if used word-width=8 # Enabled lines (RX,TX,RXTX) direction=RXTX # Hardware flow control (NONE, RTS, CTS, FULL) hw-flow-control=NONE # Generate serial clock (Y,N) clock-output=N # Clock polarity: 0,1 cpol=0 # Clock phase: 0,1 cpha=0 # Generate RS485 Driver Enable signal (Y,N) - uses RTS pin de-output=N # DE active level: 0,1 de-polarity=1 # DE assert time (0-31) de-assert-time=8 # DE clear time (0-31) de-clear-time=8 \end{inicode} \subsection{USART Events} \begin{cmdlist} 0 & \cname{DATA\_RECEIVED} Data was received on the serial port. & \begin{cmdpld} \cfield{u8[]} received bytes \end{cmdpld} \\ \end{cmdlist} \subsection{USART Commands} \begin{cmdlist} 0 & \cname{WRITE} Add data to the transmit buffer. Sending is asynchronous, but the command may wait for free space in the \gls{DMA} buffer. & \begin{cmdreq} \cfield{u8[]} bytes to write \end{cmdreq} \\ 1 & \cname{WRITE\_SYNC} Add data to the transmit buffer and wait for the transmission to complete. & \begin{cmdreq} \cfield{u8[]} bytes to write \end{cmdreq} \\ \end{cmdlist}