%% CTUTHESIS CONFIG \ctusetup{ xdoctype = M, front-list-of-tables = true, mainlanguage = english, % author = {Bc. Ondřej Hruška}, supervisor = {doc. Ing. Radislav Šmíd, Ph.D.}, % title-english = {Learning and automation GPIO platform}, title-czech = {Výuková a automatizační GPIO platforma}, % xfaculty = F3, department-czech = {Katedra měření}, fieldofstudy-czech = {Kybernetika a~robotika}, subfieldofstudy-czech = {Senzory a~přístrojová technika}, % department-english = {Department of Measurement}, fieldofstudy-english = {Cybernetics and Robotics}, subfieldofstudy-english = {Sensors and Instrumentation}, front-specification = true, specification-file = {zadani-zakryto.pdf}, %specification-file = {zadani-doc.pdf}, %specification-file = {zadani-doc.pdf}, % keywords-czech = {}, keywords-english = {}, % day = 0, % ??? month = 0, % ??? year = 2018, % ??? } \ctuprocess \hypersetup{ pdftitle = {Learning and automation GPIO platform}, pdfauthor = {Ondřej Hruška} } % Extra info na titulní stránce \addto\ctucaptionsczech{% \def\supervisorname{Vedoucí}% \def\subfieldofstudyname{Studijní program}% } % Abstrakt, poděkování atd \ctutemplateset{maketitle twocolumn default}{ \begin{twocolumnfrontmatterpage} \ctutemplate{twocolumn.thanks} \ctutemplate{twocolumn.declaration} \ctutemplate{twocolumn.abstract.in.titlelanguage} \ctutemplate{twocolumn.abstract.in.secondlanguage} \ctutemplate{twocolumn.tableofcontents} \ctutemplate{twocolumn.listoffigures} \end{twocolumnfrontmatterpage} }