\section{SPI Unit} The \gls{SPI} unit provides access to one of the microcontroller's \gls{SPI} peripherals. The unit can be configured to any of the hardware-supported speeds, clock polarity, and clock phase settings. Explanation of those options, including diagrams, can be found in \cref{sec:theory_spi}. The unit handles up to 16 slave select (\gls{NSS}) signals and supports message multi-cast (addressing more than one slaves at once). Protection resistors should be used if a multi-cast transaction is issued with \gls{MISO} connected to prevent a short circuit between slaves transmitting the opposite logical level. The QUERY command of this unit, illustrated by \cref{fig:spi_query}, is flexible enough to support all types of \gls{SPI} transactions: read-only, write-only, and read-write, with different request and response lengths and paddings. The slave select signal is asserted during the entire transaction. \begin{figure}[h] \centering \includegraphics[scale=1.1] {img/spi-query.pdf} \caption{\label{fig:spi_query}SPI transaction using the QUERY command} \end{figure} \subsection{SPI Configuration} \begin{inicode} [SPI:spi@5] # Peripheral number (SPIx) device=1 # Pin mappings (SCK,MISO,MOSI) # SPI1: (0) A5,A6,A7 (1) B3,B4,B5 # SPI2: (0) B13,B14,B15 remap=0 # Prescaller: 2,4,8,...,256 prescaller=64 # Clock polarity: 0,1 (clock idle level) cpol=0 # Clock phase: 0,1 (active edge, 0-first, 1-second) cpha=0 # Transmit only, disable MISO tx-only=N # Bit order (LSB or MSB first) first-bit=MSB # SS port name port=A # SS pins (comma separated, supports ranges) pins=0 \end{inicode} \subsection{SPI Commands} \begin{cmdlist} 0 & \cname{QUERY} Exchange bytes with a slave device; see the diagram in \cref{fig:spi_query} & \begin{cmdreq} \cfield{u8} slave number 0--16 \cfield{u16} response padding \cfield{u16} response length \cfield{u8[]} bytes to write \end{cmdreq} \cjoin \begin{cmdresp} \cfield{u8[]} received bytes \end{cmdresp} \\ 1 & \cname{MULTICAST} Send a message to multiple slaves at once. The ``addressed slaves'' word uses the packed pins format (\cref{sec:packedpins}). & \begin{cmdreq} \cfield{u16} addressed slaves \cfield{u8[]} bytes to write \end{cmdreq} \\ \end{cmdlist}