GEX thesis source code, full text, references
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1004 lines
31 KiB

7 years ago
%!TEX ROOT = ctutest.tex
{2016/04/04}{0.1 t1604041107}%MY TIMESTAMP HERE {0.1}
{"Packages"\space part\space of\space the\space class\space ctuthesis}
% A lot of the code here is not latex3, but rather the good'ol latex2e code. The reason is that
% it heavily depends on l2e packages, and we decided not to mix the code together too much.
7 years ago
% The loading of the languages is a bit wicked, but it works this way. We load the main language once more
% to make it the default one.
\RequirePackage[\seq_use:Nn \g_ctuthesis_languages_seq {,},\g_ctuthesis_field_mainlanguage_tl]{babel}
% Used for setting title, main or second language
\NewDocumentCommand \selectctulanguage { m } {
\exp_args:Nx \selectlanguage { \ctuthesis_field_use:n { #1 language } }
% Define the colors, first in monochrome, then in colour.
\ctuifswitch { savetoner } {
% savetoner: true
\definecolor { ctublue } { CMYK } { 100, 43, 0, 0 }
\definecolor { ctulightblue } { RGB }{ 172, 214, 238 }
\colorlet { ctubluetext } { ctublue }
\colorlet { ctubluerule } { ctulightblue }
\colorlet { ctubluedarkbg } { white }
\colorlet { ctubluedarkfg } { ctublue!50!black }
\colorlet { ctubluedot } { white }%ctulightblue }
\colorlet { ctubluebg } { white }
\colorlet { ctulstbg } { ctubluebg }
\colorlet { ctublueitemi } { ctublue }
\colorlet { ctublueitemii } { ctulightblue }
\colorlet { ctugray } { gray }
\definecolor { ctuorange } { Hsb } { 22, 0.5, 1 }
} {
\ctuifswitch { monochrome } {
% savetoner: false, monochrome: true
\definecolor { ctublue } { gray } { 0.8 }
\definecolor { ctulightblue } { gray } { 0.9 }
\definecolor { ctubluetext } { gray } { 0.4 }
\definecolor { ctubluerule } { gray } { 0.4 }
\definecolor { ctubluedarkbg } { gray } { 0.2 }
\definecolor { ctubluedarkfg } { gray } { 1 }
\definecolor { ctubluedot } { gray } { 0.9 }
\definecolor { ctubluebg } { gray } { 0.95 }
\definecolor { ctulstbg } { gray } { 0.95 }
\definecolor { ctublueitemi } { gray } { 0.4 }
\definecolor { ctublueitemii } { gray } { 0.4 }
\definecolor { ctugray } { gray } { 0.5 }
\definecolor { ctuorange } { gray } { 0.9 }
} {
% savetoner: false, monochrome: false
\definecolor { ctublue } { cmyk } { 1, .43, 0, 0 }
\definecolor { ctulightblue } { cmyk }{ .3, .13, 0, 0 }
\colorlet { ctubluetext } { ctublue }
\colorlet { ctubluerule } { ctublue }
\colorlet { ctubluedarkbg } { ctublue }
\colorlet { ctubluedot } { ctulightblue }
\colorlet { ctubluebg } { ctulightblue!50!white }
\colorlet { ctulstbg } { ctulightblue!50!white }
\colorlet { ctublueitemi } { ctublue }
\colorlet { ctublueitemii } { ctulightblue }
\colorlet { ctugray } { gray }
\definecolor { ctuorange } { cmyk } { 0, .51, 1, 0 }
\setlength{\parskip}{0pt plus 1pt}
% This is a "ToC macro" for the twocolumn context
% Arguments: 1) suffix, 2) ToC name
\cs_new:Nn \ctuthesis_maketoc_twocol:nn {
% Start the chapter
\chapter* { #2 }
% locally make rugged pages
% We use this trick to add nothing, but also to make sure that
% any \addvspace for less than 20pt is going to be ignored.
% call the original \@starttoc
\@starttoc { #1 }
% Environment for the twocolumn frontmatter. It can appear more times in a row
% and should handle it nicely
\NewDocumentEnvironment{ twocolumnfrontmatterpage } { } {
% Set the page geometry to the title one (it's a bit wider)
\onecolumn\relax %ADDED (??)
% Start the twocolumn.
% \twocolumn[]\relax
% We are narrow, so we wanna be sloppy
% Chapter behaves differently. Both the [] argument and the star * are ignored.
% \DeclareDocumentCommand\chapter{ s o m }{\relax
% % Vertical adjustment
% \vspace* { -\baselineskip }
% \nointerlineskip
% % Zero measure vertical box, the contents are raised by something and typeset
% \vbox to 0pt{\noindent\leavevmode\smash{\raise6pt\hbox to \linewidth{%
% % In the first column its right-aligned, in the second left-aligned.
% % It can't be more than one line.
% \if@firstcolumn\hfil\fi
% \color{ctubluetext}\LARGE\bfseries\sffamily##3
% \if@firstcolumn\else\hfil\fi
% }}}
% \everypar{\noindent}
% }
\DeclareDocumentCommand\chapter{ s~o~m }{\relax
% Compute the vertical adjustment
\skip_gset:Nn \g_ctuthesis_tempa_skip { - \box_ht:N \strutbox }
{ \LARGE \skip_gsub:Nn \g_ctuthesis_tempa_skip { \box_ht:N \strutbox + \box_dp:N \strutbox } }
% Space used if not at the beginning of a column
\skip_vertical:n { 12pt - \g_ctuthesis_tempa_skip }
% Add the space below the chapter title to the adjustment
\skip_gsub:Nn \g_ctuthesis_tempa_skip { 2pt }
% Vertical adjustment
\vspace* { \g_ctuthesis_tempa_skip }
% Zero measure vertical box, the contents are raised by something and typeset
\noindent \leavevmode
\hbox_to_wd:nn \linewidth {
% In the first column its right-aligned, in the second left-aligned.
% It can't be more than one line.
\skip_vertical:n { 2pt }
\DeclareDocumentCommand \tableofcontents { }{ \ctuthesis_maketoc_twocol:nn { toc } { \contentsname } }
\DeclareDocumentCommand \listoffigures { }{ \ctuthesis_maketoc_twocol:nn { lof } { \listfigurename } }
\DeclareDocumentCommand \listoftables { }{ \ctuthesis_maketoc_twocol:nn { lot } { \listtablename } }
} {
% For every of the languages below, if it's initialized, add the
% custom captions of the class
% The ratios of inner:outer margins
% Needs to be separate as this to make the colon ":" have the right catcode
\cs_new:Nx \ctuthesis_geometry_hmarginratio: {2\string :3} %4\string :6
% Target textwidth is 33*basesize (10pt to 12pt)
\dim_const:Nn \g_ctuthesis_geometry_textwidth_dim { \tl_use:N \g_ctuthesis_fontsize_tl * 39 } %33
% Text occupies 75% of the height of the page by default, less if layout-short is active
% The vmargin ratio is set here in the same manner as the hmargin one above
\ctuifswitch { layout-short } {
\dim_const:Nn \g_ctuthesis_geometry_textheight_dim { 1.5\g_ctuthesis_geometry_textwidth_dim }
\cs_new:Nx \ctuthesis_geometry_vmarginratio: {4\string :3}
} {
\dim_const:Nn \g_ctuthesis_geometry_textheight_dim { 0.75\paperheight }
\cs_new:Nx \ctuthesis_geometry_vmarginratio: {5\string :6}
% Loading the geometry package.
% Almost the same setting appears again in \ctuthesis_geometry_plain:
\RequirePackage [ a4paper ,
hmarginratio = \ctuthesis_geometry_hmarginratio: ,
textwidth = \g_ctuthesis_geometry_textwidth_dim ,
textheight = \g_ctuthesis_geometry_textheight_dim ,
vmarginratio = \ctuthesis_geometry_vmarginratio: , ignoreheadfoot ,
% Should be at least \baselineskip
headheight = 16pt ,
marginparsep = 10pt ,
] { geometry }
% Inner margin is 1in + \oddsidemargin. We wanna preserve this value through all
% the different page geometries
\dim_const:Nn \g_ctuthesis_geometry_innermargin_dim { 1in + \the\oddsidemargin }
% The frontmatter pages are a bit wider
\cs_new:Nn \ctuthesis_geometry_title: {
\newgeometry {
% Use the stored innermargin value
inner = \g_ctuthesis_geometry_innermargin_dim ,
% Increase the width by 20%, but do not exceed 420pt
textwidth = \dim_min:nn { 420pt } { 1.2 \g_ctuthesis_geometry_textwidth_dim } ,
textheight = \g_ctuthesis_geometry_textheight_dim ,
vmarginratio = \ctuthesis_geometry_vmarginratio: ,
headheight = 16pt ,
ignoreheadfoot ,
columnsep=30pt ,
\cs_new:Nn \ctuthesis_geometry_plain: {
\newgeometry {
% Use the stored innermargin value
inner = \dim_use:N \g_ctuthesis_geometry_innermargin_dim ,
% Otherwise it's the same as in \RequirePackage[...]{geometry}
textwidth = \dim_use:N \g_ctuthesis_geometry_textwidth_dim ,
textheight = \g_ctuthesis_geometry_textheight_dim ,
vmarginratio = \ctuthesis_geometry_vmarginratio: , ignoreheadfoot ,
headheight = 16pt ,
marginparsep = 10pt ,
% Compute the marginparwidth so that we leave 40pt from the page boundary
\marginparwidth \dimexpr \evensidemargin + 1in - \marginparsep - 40pt
% Re-initialize the geometry
% two basic parameters: the rule width and distance
\newlength \ctu@title@rulewidth
\newlength \ctu@title@rulesep
\setlength \ctu@title@rulewidth {11pt}
\setlength \ctu@title@rulesep {11pt}
% box used all the time
% macro that boxifies the header and adds the rule
% the part style, very simply organized
\bool_gset_true:N \g_ctuthesis_title_haspart_bool
% If the chapter is starred, we still want to \chaptermark it, just we use the variant \chapterstarmark.
% If the chapter is starred, we still want it in the ToC.
% The section style, very simply organized, subsection style differs only by a missing check for star variant and mark inclusion
% Comments to the chapter style apply here too.
\ctu@title@boxify@x{#5}{0pt}{#3}{ \vspace{-1pt} #1{\ifttl@label#2\fi\strut\color{ctubluetext}#8\strut} }{}
\ctu@title@boxify@x{#5}{0pt}{#3}{ #1{\ifttl@label#2\fi\strut\color{ctubluetext}#8\strut} }{}
\ctu@title@boxify@x{#5}{0pt}{#3}{ \vspace{-1pt} #1{\ifttl@label#2\fi\strut\color{ctubluetext}#8\strut} }{}
% Modified \ttl@page@ii to use \cleardoublepage instead of some idiocy
\ifcase#5 \@afterindentfalse\fi
% Part title setting
\bool_new:N \g_ctuthesis_title_haspart_bool
\titleformat \part [ctupt] {\Huge} {{\huge\partname\nobreakspace}\thepart} {0pt} {\huge} [0.6\textheight]
\titlespacing* \part {0pt} {0pt} {0pt}
% Tweak into titlesec to make part number contain \numberline. They did not include it for some reason.
% Chapter title setting
\titleformat \chapter [ctuch] {\huge} {{\LARGE\chaptertitlename\ }\thechapter} {-0\dp\strutbox} {\LARGE} [40pt]
\titlespacing* \chapter {0pt} {0pt} {15pt} % CHANGED was {0pt} {40pt} {15pt}
% Section title setting
\titleformat \section [ctus] {\Large} {\thesection\quad} {14pt} {} [2pt]
\titleformat \subsection [ctuss] {\large} {\thesubsection\quad} {11pt} {} [0pt]
\titleformat \subsubsection [ctusss] {\normalsize} {\thesubsubsection\quad} {10pt} {} [0pt]
% Paragraph title setting: runin, with a dot.
\cs_new:Nn \ctuthesis_title_adddot:n {#1\@addpunct.\ignorespaces}
\titleformat \paragraph [runin] {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries\sffamily} {\theparagraph} {1em} {\ctuthesis_title_adddot:n}
\titleformat \subparagraph [runin] {\normalfont\normalsize\itshape} {\thesubparagraph} {1em} {\ctuthesis_title_adddot:n}
\titlespacing* \paragraph {0pt} {2.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex} {1em plus 0.3em minus 0.2em}
\titlespacing* \subparagraph {\parindent} {1.75ex plus 0.5ex minus .2ex} {0.7em plus 0.3em minus 0.15em}
% Subsections are the lowest numbered titles, and also the lowest included in ToC.
% Appendix treatment: Even if a chapter in appendix has a star, it will get a number (letter in this case), since
% once you get any appendix, it doesn't make sense not to number some of them.
% Users can use \chapter** if-need-be to get an unnumbered chapter in appendix, but we think it's ridiculous.
\cs_set_eq:NN \ctuthesis_title_orig_appendix: \appendix
\cs_set_eq:NN \ctuthesis_title_orig_chapter: \chapter
\cs_set_eq:NN \ctuthesis_title_orig_makeschapterhead: \@makeschapterhead
% an \if that is true only after \appendix
\newif\ifctu@app \ctu@appfalse
% The new \appendix
\DeclareDocumentCommand \appendix { s~s~} {
% Call the old \appendix
% If the document has \part division, let's make "Appendices" a part on their own
\bool_if:NT \g_ctuthesis_title_haspart_bool {
% But only make the notice in ToC if * is used
\IfBooleanTF { #2 } {
% Two stars: If nothing in ToC, at least put there a space.
\addtocontents{toc}{\vskip 2ex plus 0.2pt}
} {
\IfBooleanTF { #1 } {
% One star: Only add "Appendices" in ToC
\addcontentsline { toc } { part } { \appendicesname }
} {
% Zero stars: Make "Appendices" page (will be in ToC implicitly
\part*{ \appendicesname }
% \chapter ignores one star, so that things like {thebibliography} are numbered
\DeclareDocumentCommand \chapter { s~} { \ctuthesis_title_orig_chapter: }
% another \appendix will generate a warning and be silently ignored
\DeclareDocumentCommand \appendix { s~s~} {
\msg_warning:nn { ctuthesis } { appendix-twice }
\msg_new:nnn { ctuthesis } { appendix-twice } { The~macro~ \token_to_str:N \appendix\ should~
be~used~only~once.~Silently~ignoring. }
% Right margin in TOC, note that it need not be wider than the page numbers, so we're fine with 1em.
% New dottedtocline, differs from the default by having numberline variable-width and accomodating to the number
\def\ctu@dottedtocline#1#2#3#4#5{\ifnum #1>\c@tocdepth \else
\addvspace{0pt plus .2pt}
\leftskip #2\relax
\rightskip\dimexpr\@tocrmarg plus 1fil
\parfillskip -\rightskip
\parindent #3\relax
\hskip -\leftskip
\def\numberline##1{##1\ }
\leaders \hbox {$\m@th \mkern 2mu\hbox {.}\mkern 2mu$}\hfill
% Part in ToC: centered, with no pagenumber, bf sf, and with nice space above.
\addvspace{2ex plus .2pt}
\def\numberline##1{\partname \nobreakspace ##1\\}%
\sffamily \bfseries
% Chapter in ToC: bf sf, no leaders, completely left-aligned, the numberline is variable-width,
% nice space above the chapter line
\addvspace{1ex plus .2pt}
\rightskip\dimexpr\@tocrmarg plus 1fil
\parfillskip -\rightskip
\sffamily \bfseries
% The section and lower in Toc. We hope nobody would put `\paragraph`s in ToC
% Figures and tables in LoF and LoT exactly as sections, just the level is set to -2 so that they're always shown
% Spacial pagestyle for twocolumnpages in the frontmatter: includes centered pagenumber in the bottom
% and we abuse \fancyhead[C] to include the dividing rule
\fancyhf { }
\fancyfoot [ RO, LE ] { \texttt { \ctufield { preprint } } }
\fancyfoot [ C ] { \thepage }
% CHANGED removed the blue rule
% \fancyhead [ C ] {
% \leavevmode
% \smash {
% \color{ctubluerule}
% \rule [ \dimexpr - \textheight - \headsep - 6pt ]{ 11pt }{ \textheight }
% }
% }
\renewcommand { \headrulewidth } { 0pt }
\renewcommand { \footrulewidth } { 0pt }
\dim_set_eq:NN \headwidth \textwidth
\fancypagestyle { cleardoublepage } {
% On \cleardoublepage (without star), we want the page number, but nothing else,
% that is, the same as plain pagestyle
% Plain pagestyle for chapter and part titles: no rules, just the page number
\fancypagestyle { plain } {
\fancyhf { }
\fancyfoot [ RO, LE ] { \texttt { \ctufield { preprint } } }
\fancyfoot [ C ] { \thepage }
\renewcommand \headrulewidth { 0pt }
\renewcommand \footrulewidth { 0pt }
% reset headwidth to the global textwidth
\dim_set_eq:NN \headwidth \g_ctuthesis_geometry_textwidth_dim
% Headings pagestyle for standard text pages
\fancypagestyle { headings } {
% Copy the plain pagestyle
% Include the left/rightmark and leaders
\fancyhead [ LE ] { \ctuthesis_fancy_xlap:nn { right } { \leftmark \ctuthesis_fancy_leaders:n { l } } }
\fancyhead [ RO ] { \ctuthesis_fancy_xlap:nn { left } { \ctuthesis_fancy_leaders:n { r } \rightmark } }
% The leaders macro for the fancyhead: nice little boxes. We make three of them: left, right and center-aligned
\box_new:N \g_ctuthesis_fancy_bluerule_l_box
\hbox_set_to_wd:Nnn \g_ctuthesis_fancy_bluerule_l_box { 10.5pt } {
{ \color{ctubluedot} \smash{\fontsize{28.88}{0}\fontfamily{lmss}\bfseries.} }
\box_new:N \g_ctuthesis_fancy_bluerule_r_box
\hbox_set_to_wd:Nnn \g_ctuthesis_fancy_bluerule_r_box { 10.5pt } {
{ \color{ctubluedot} \smash{\fontsize{28.88}{0}\fontfamily{lmss}\bfseries.} }
\box_new:N \g_ctuthesis_fancy_bluerule_c_box
\hbox_set_to_wd:Nnn \g_ctuthesis_fancy_bluerule_c_box { 10.5pt } {
{ \color{ctubluedot} \smash{\fontsize{28.88}{0}\fontfamily{lmss}\bfseries.} }
% The leaders macro for the fancyhead: nice little boxes,
% the parameter #1 chooses one of the boxes above
\cs_new:Nn \ctuthesis_fancy_leaders:n {
\leaders \box_use:c {g_ctuthesis_fancy_bluerule_#1_box} \hfill
% This macro works as follows: The width of the material is actually zero. We use \hbox_overlap_left/right
% to make the headers as wide as we wish, the direction is in #1. In #2 is the contents, and we suppose
% that it contains \ctuthesis_fancy_leaders: and \left/rightmark in desired order; it's typeset gray sf it
\cs_new:Nn \ctuthesis_fancy_xlap:nn {
\color{ctugray} \sffamily\itshape
\leavevmode \use:c { hbox_overlap_#1:n } {
\hbox_to_wd:nn { \paperwidth - 1in - \evensidemargin + 1em } { #2 }
% We rename the original \mark... commands and disable them; we do it ourselves
\cs_set_eq:NN \ctuthesis_fancy_markboth_orig:nn \markboth
\cs_set_eq:NN \ctuthesis_fancy_markright_orig:n \markright
% New chapter and section marks with no \MakeUppercase
\renewcommand \chaptermark [1] { \ctuthesis_fancy_markboth_orig:nn { \thechapter.\ #1 }{ \thechapter.\ #1 } }
\renewcommand \sectionmark [1] { \ctuthesis_fancy_markright_orig:n { \thesection.\ #1 } }
% Newly defined \chapter/sectionstarmark to be used with unnumbered chapters and sections.
% Not that we like unnumbered ones, but if they need to be there, they sould be in headings, too.
\newcommand \chapterstarmark [1] { \ctuthesis_fancy_markboth_orig:nn { #1 } { #1 } }
\newcommand \sectionstarmark [1] { \ctuthesis_fancy_markright_orig:n { #1 } }
% Better \cleardoublepage that takes proper treatment of the empty pages.
% The starred variant leaves the empty page inbetween really completely empty
\DeclareDocumentCommand \cleardoublepage { s~} {
% \IfBooleanTF { #1 } {
% Starred variant: completely empty page
% } {
% Non-starred variant: include page number
% }
% In twocolumn, we need \newpage twice
% default placement of all floats is `t`
% minimum 70% of page height on float pages
% 2 floats on top, no on bottom
% up to 90% of floats on a mixed page, at least 7% of text
% float caption: justification with extra margins on both sides
\DeclareCaptionJustification{myjustify}{\leftskip.8em \rightskip.8em \parfillskip.8em plus 1fil}
% float caption: special format
% float name bf sf
% float caption normal font
% float name small caps
#1#2 %
% float caption normal font
% plain float style is what we like, with captions at the bottom
% restyle already existing floats
% set up the captions: no indent of captions, no seperator (seperator is handled by {myformat})
% float-caption distance
\abovecaptionskip 8pt plus 3pt minus 1pt
% graphics allowed: pdf, png, jpg
% floats should be centered by default:
% nice table rules
\newcommand \Midrule { \midrule[\heavyrulewidth] }
% colored tables
\newenvironment{ctucolortab}{\begin{lrbox}{0}}{\end{lrbox}\ht0\dimexpr\ht0 + 2pt\relax{\fboxsep0pt\colorbox{ctubluebg}{\usebox{0}}}}
7 years ago
% Temp box
\box_new:N \g_ctuthesis_tempa_box
% Macro used to generate the itemize labels
% parameters 1:depth, 2: raise (without ex), 3: scale, 4:color
\cs_new:Nn \ctuthesis_list_prepare_labelitem:nnnn {
% Each label stored in a box
\box_new:c { g_ctuthesis_list_label_#1_box }
% use the temp box to measure the symbol
\hbox_gset:Nn \g_ctuthesis_tempa_box {
% The label is actually a shifted up, scaled, coloured lmss bf dot
\hbox_gset:cn { g_ctuthesis_list_label_#1_box } {
\box_move_up:nn { #2 ex } \hbox_to_wd:nn {
\box_ht:N \g_ctuthesis_tempa_box
} {
\cs_set:cpn { labelitem #1 } { \box_use:c { g_ctuthesis_list_label_#1_box } }
% The four labels for itemize
\ctuthesis_list_prepare_labelitem:nnnn { i~} { 0.18 } { 3.6 } { ctublueitemi }
\ctuthesis_list_prepare_labelitem:nnnn { ii } { 0.18 } { 3.6 } { ctublueitemii }
\ctuthesis_list_prepare_labelitem:nnnn { iii } { 0.36 } { 2.4 } { black }
\ctuthesis_list_prepare_labelitem:nnnn { iv } { 0.48 } { 1.2 } { black }
% Macro for making the box with lmss bf dot "." scaled to the size of \strutbox
% #1 is the width of the box (relative to the width of the resulting dot) and
% #2 is the color of the box
\cs_new:Nn \ctuthesis_list_enumdot:nn {
\hbox_to_wd:nn { #1\ht\strutbox + #1\dp\strutbox } {
% \itembox takes 5 parameters.
% (#1)(#2) are the left and right padding
% [#3][#4] are the box color and text color
% #5 is the text
\DeclareDocumentCommand \itembox { D(){0.15em} D(){0.15em} >{\TrimSpaces}O{ctubluebg} >{\TrimSpaces}O{black} >{\TrimSpaces}m } {
\hfil \ctuthesis_list_enumdot:nn {1} {#3}
\ctuthesis_list_enumdot:nn {1} {#3} \hfil
\skip_horizontal:n { 0.34\ht\strutbox + 0.34\dp\strutbox }
\cleaders \ctuthesis_list_enumdot:nn {0.34} {#3} \hfil
\skip_horizontal:n { 0.34\ht\strutbox + 0.34\dp\strutbox }
\hbox:n { \hspace{#1} { \color{#4} #5 } \hspace{#2} }
% Redefine the enumerate labels. The first two levels are boxed,
% the other two are not.
7 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
% Optional loading of amsthm
\ctuthesis_if_switch:nT { pkg-amsthm } {
% Redefine standard styles: plain is slanted, definition is normal, note has an italic head (like proof)
\newtheoremstyle{plain}{3pt plus 1pt}{3pt plus 1pt}{\slshape}{}{\bfseries\sffamily}{.}{.5em}{}
\newtheoremstyle{plainit}{3pt plus 1pt}{3pt plus 1pt}{\slshape}{}{\bfseries\sffamily}{.}{.5em}{}
\newtheoremstyle{definition}{3pt plus 1pt}{3pt plus 1pt}{}{}{\bfseries\sffamily}{.}{.5em}{}
\newtheoremstyle{note}{3pt plus 1pt}{3pt plus 1pt}{}{}{\itshape}{.}{.5em}{}
% Default style: plain
% We redefine proof to include a more reasonable spacing above it.
\DeclareDocumentEnvironment { proof } { O{\proofname} } {
\normalfont \topsep0pt plus 1pt
\ctuthesis_if_switch:nT { pkg-makeidx } {
% Initialize makeindex
% We use multicol rather than twocolumn for the index
% Redefine the index environment to just make the header and start the multicols* envrionment
% (starred because we don't want to balance the columns), then redefine \item as in original theindex
\DeclareDocumentEnvironment { theindex } { } {
\chapter* {\indexname }
%CHANGED commented out begin & end
% \begin{multicols*}{2}
% Do not put index sections in ToC. We save the tocdepth and set it to zero, only to restore it after.
% Inside index, the sections are tighter together
} {
% \end{multicols*}
% How does this work: in \ctu@tocdepth we save the current tocdepth
% This macro restores the saved value.
\ctuthesis_if_switch:nT { pkg-listings } {
backgroundcolor = \color{ctubluebg},
basicstyle = \ttfamily,
columns = fullflexible,
keepspaces = true,
tabsize = 4,
% frame = leftline,
% framesep = 0pt,
% framexleftmargin = 3pt,
% framerule = 0.667pt,
% rulecolor = \color{ctubluerule},
frame = single,
framesep = 0pt,
framexleftmargin = 2pt,
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% Links with orange borders, in ToC only the page is linked
% Prepare PDFinfo
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% Provide \phantomsection and \texorpdfstring to make them available in case hyperref wasn't loaded
% Provide \microtypesetup to make it available in case microtype wasn't loaded