GEX port to STM32F072. This is currently the main port.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

64 lines
1.8 KiB

7 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env php
$map = file_get_contents('build/');
$at_flash = strpos($map, '.isr_vector 0x0000000008000000');//''.text 0x0000000008000000');
$at_ram = strpos($map, '.data 0x0000000020000000');
$at_dbg = strpos($map, '/DISCARD/');//.memory_b1_text
$discard = substr($map, 0, $at_flash);
$flash = substr($map, $at_flash, $at_ram - $at_flash);
$ram = substr($map, $at_ram, $at_dbg - $at_ram);
$flash = str_replace("lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.3.0/../../../../", "", $flash);
file_put_contents("", $flash);
file_put_contents("", $ram);
$flash = preg_replace('/(\.(text|rodata)\.[^ ]*?)\n/', '$1', $flash);
$lines = explode("\n", $flash);
$sections = [];
foreach($lines as $l) {
if ((false !== strpos($l, '0x0000000008')) && (false !== strpos($l, '.text.') || false !== strpos($l, '.rodata.'))) {
//echo "$l\n";
preg_match('/\s*.(text|rodata).([^ ]+)\s+0x00000000(08[\da-f]+)\s+0x([\da-f]+)\s+(.*)/', $l, $m);
$sec = new stdClass;
$sec->type = $m[1]=='rodata'?'DATA':'CODE';
$sec->name = $m[2];
$sec->addr = "0x".$m[3];
$sec->size = hexdec($m[4]);
$sec->file = $m[5];
if (($p=strrpos($sec->file, 'arm-none-eabi/')) !== false) {
$sec->file = "\033[90m".substr($sec->file, $p)."\033[0m";
} else {
$sec->file = "\033[35m".str_replace("build/","",$sec->file)."\033[0m";
$sections[] = $sec;
usort($sections, function($a,$b) {
return -($a->size - $b->size);
$limit = 60;
foreach($sections as $s) {
if ($s->type=='DATA')echo "\033[33m";else echo "\033[32m";
echo "{$s->type}\033[0m {$s->addr} \033[96m{$s->size}\033[0m\t".
for($i=0;$i<36-strlen($s->name);$i++) echo " ";
echo "{$s->file}\n";
if($limit--==0) break;