# SPI master - Can drive shift registers or communicate with any SPI based devices. - Configurable speed, polarity and phase - Up to 16 slave select signals - Supports multicast (write to multiple slaves at once) *NOTE:* To use Multicast with bi-directionally connected devices, the MISO pins should be connected through protection resistors to prevent a short circuit on signal collision. ## Commands ### QUERY (0x00) Write and read some bytes. The write and read sections can overlap if needed; some devices use this to report a status word while the command is being written. 0x00 is output on MOSI while collecting a response. If the overlap is not desired (first write, then read), set the number of discarded bytes equal to the number of written bytes. *Request:* - u8 - slave number 0-16 - u16 - number of discarded MISO bytes before collecting the response - u16 - response length (bytes) - u8[] - bytes to write *Response:* - u8[] - received bytes ### MULTICAST (0x01) *Request:* - u16 - slaves (packed) - u8[] - bytes to write ## Events *No events defined for this unit type.*