# GEX protocol documentation This repository specifies the control protocol implemented by [gex-core](https://github.com/gexpander/gex-core). ## General information - [FRAME_FORMAT.md](FRAME_FORMAT.md) - Low level frame format, message types - [INTERNAL_STRUCTURE.md](INTERNAL_STRUCTURE.md) - GEX's internal structure, units, requests and events - [INI_FILES.md](INI_FILES.md) - INI config files, filesystem and API access ## Unit types - [UNIT_DO.md](UNIT_DO.md) - Digital Output - [UNIT_DI.md](UNIT_DI.md) - Digital Input - [UNIT_NEOPIXEL.md](UNIT_NEOPIXEL.md) - NeoPixel driver - [UNIT_SIPO.md](UNIT_SIPO.md) - Shift Register Driver with multicast - [UNIT_I2C.md](UNIT_I2C.md) - I2C master - [UNIT_SPI.md](UNIT_SPI.md) - SPI master with up to 16 slaves and multicast - [UNIT_FCAP.md](UNIT_FCAP.md) - Frequency, pulse length, PWM measurement; Pulse counter - [UNIT_1WIRE.md](UNIT_1WIRE.md) - 1-Wire master (thermometers, iButton...) - [UNIT_ADC.md](UNIT_ADC.md) - ADC with raw access, triggering, periodic capture - [UNIT_DAC.md](UNIT_DAC.md) - DAC with DDS - [UNIT_PWMDIM.md](UNIT_PWMDIM.md) - Simple PWM output - [UNIT_TOUCH.md](UNIT_TOUCH.md) - Touch sense - [UNIT_USART.md](UNIT_USART.md) - UART/USART/RS485