# TOUCH Access to the hardware touch sensing controller. Can be used to create capacitive touch interfaces or for rough capacitance measurement (e.g. water level in a bottle, or proximity sensing). Button mode is implemented for simple threshold checking with hystheresis. ## Commands ### READ (0) Read the raw touch pad values (lower indicates higher capacitance). Values are ordered by group and channel. *Response:* - u16[] - values ### SET_BIN_THR (1) Set button mode thresholds. Value 0 = button mode disabled fro the pad. *Request:* - u16[] - thresholds ### DISABLE_ALL_REPORTS (2) Set thresholds to 0, disabling the button mode for all pads. ### SET_DEBOUNCE_TIME (3) Set debounce time for the button mode (replaces the value from unit settings) *Request:* - u16 - debounce time milliseconds ### SET_HYSTERESIS (4) Set hysteresis (replaces the default value from settings) Hysteresis is added to the threshold value for the switch-off level (switch-off happens when the measured value is exceeded - capacitance of the pad drops) *Request:* - u16 - hystheresis ### GET_CH_COUNT (10) Get the number of enabled channels *Response:* - u8 - channel count ## Events ### BUTTON_CHANGE (0x00) The binary state of some of the capacitive pads with button mode enabled changed. *Payload:* - u32 - binary state of all channels (packed) - u32 - changed / trigger-generating channels (packed)