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419 lines
12 KiB

// Created by MightyPork on 2018/01/02.
#include "platform.h"
#include "comm/messages.h"
#include "unit_base.h"
#include "utils/avrlibc.h"
#include "unit_uart.h"
// SPI master
/** Private data structure */
struct priv {
uint8_t periph_num; //!< 1-6
uint8_t remap; //!< UART remap option
uint32_t baudrate; //!< UART baud rate
uint8_t parity; //!< 0-none, 1-odd, 2-even
uint8_t stopbits; //!< 1-one, 2-2, 3-1.5
bool enable_rx; //!< Configure and enable the Rx line
bool enable_tx; //!< Configure and enable the Tx line
uint8_t hw_flow_control; //!< HW flow control 0-none, 1-RTX, 2-CTS, 3-both
bool clock_output; //!< Output serial clock
bool cpol; //!< clock CPOL setting
bool cpha; //!< clock CPHA setting
uint32_t rx_buf_size; //!< Receive buffer size
uint32_t rx_full_thr; //!< Receive buffer full threshold (will be sent to PC)
uint16_t rx_timeout; //!< Receive timeout (time of inactivity before flushing to PC)
USART_TypeDef *periph;
/** Allocate data structure and set defaults */
static error_t UUSART_preInit(Unit *unit)
bool suc = true;
struct priv *priv = unit->data = calloc_ck(1, sizeof(struct priv), &suc);
if (!suc) return E_OUT_OF_MEM;
// some defaults
priv->periph_num = 1;
priv->remap = 0;
priv->baudrate = 115200;
priv->parity = 0; //!< 0-none, 1-odd, 2-even
priv->stopbits = 1; //!< 1-one, 2-2, 3-1.5
priv->enable_rx = true;
priv->enable_tx = true;
priv->hw_flow_control = false;
priv->clock_output = false;
priv->cpol = 0;
priv->cpha = 0;
priv->rx_buf_size = 128;
priv->rx_full_thr = 90;
priv->rx_timeout = 3; // ms
return E_SUCCESS;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Load from a binary buffer stored in Flash */
static void UUSART_loadBinary(Unit *unit, PayloadParser *pp)
struct priv *priv = unit->data;
uint8_t version = pp_u8(pp);
priv->periph_num = pp_u8(pp);
priv->remap = pp_u8(pp);
priv->baudrate = pp_u32(pp);
priv->parity = pp_u8(pp);
priv->stopbits = pp_u8(pp);
priv->enable_rx = pp_bool(pp);
priv->enable_tx = pp_bool(pp);
priv->hw_flow_control = pp_u8(pp);
priv->clock_output = pp_bool(pp);
priv->cpol = pp_bool(pp);
priv->cpha = pp_bool(pp);
priv->rx_buf_size = pp_u32(pp);
priv->rx_full_thr = pp_u32(pp);
priv->rx_timeout = pp_u16(pp);
/** Write to a binary buffer for storing in Flash */
static void UUSART_writeBinary(Unit *unit, PayloadBuilder *pb)
struct priv *priv = unit->data;
pb_u8(pb, 0); // version
pb_u8(pb, priv->periph_num);
pb_u8(pb, priv->remap);
pb_u32(pb, priv->baudrate);
pb_u8(pb, priv->parity);
pb_u8(pb, priv->stopbits);
pb_bool(pb, priv->enable_rx);
pb_bool(pb, priv->enable_tx);
pb_u8(pb, priv->hw_flow_control);
pb_bool(pb, priv->clock_output);
pb_bool(pb, priv->cpol);
pb_bool(pb, priv->cpha);
pb_u32(pb, priv->rx_buf_size);
pb_u32(pb, priv->rx_full_thr);
pb_u16(pb, priv->rx_timeout);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Parse a key-value pair from the INI file */
static error_t UUSART_loadIni(Unit *unit, const char *key, const char *value)
bool suc = true;
struct priv *priv = unit->data;
if (streq(key, "device")) {
priv->periph_num = (uint8_t) avr_atoi(value);
else if (streq(key, "remap")) {
priv->remap = (uint8_t) avr_atoi(value);
else if (streq(key, "baud-rate")) {
priv->baudrate = (uint32_t ) avr_atoi(value);
else if (streq(key, "parity")) {
priv->parity = (uint8_t) avr_atoi(value);
else if (streq(key, "stop-bits")) {
priv->stopbits = (uint8_t) (1 + str_parse_012(value, "1", "2", "1.5", &suc));
else if (streq(key, "enable-rx")) {
priv->enable_rx = str_parse_yn(value, &suc);
else if (streq(key, "enable-tx")) {
priv->enable_tx = str_parse_yn(value, &suc);
else if (streq(key, "hw-flow-control")) {
priv->hw_flow_control = (uint8_t) avr_atoi(value);
else if (streq(key, "synchronous")) {
priv->clock_output = (bool) avr_atoi(value);
else if (streq(key, "cpol")) {
priv->cpol = (bool) avr_atoi(value);
else if (streq(key, "cpha")) {
priv->cpha = (bool) avr_atoi(value);
else if (streq(key, "rx-buffer")) {
priv->rx_buf_size = (uint32_t ) avr_atoi(value);
else if (streq(key, "rx-full-theshold")) {
priv->rx_full_thr = (uint32_t ) avr_atoi(value);
else if (streq(key, "rx-timeout")) {
priv->rx_timeout = (uint16_t ) avr_atoi(value);
else {
return E_BAD_KEY;
if (!suc) return E_BAD_VALUE;
return E_SUCCESS;
/** Generate INI file section for the unit */
static void UUSART_writeIni(Unit *unit, IniWriter *iw)
struct priv *priv = unit->data;
iw_comment(iw, "Peripheral number (UARTx)");
iw_entry(iw, "device", "%d", (int)priv->periph_num);
iw_comment(iw, "Pin mappings (SCK,MISO,MOSI)");
// iw_comment(iw, " SPI1: (0) A5,A6,A7 (1) B3,B4,B5 (2) E13,E14,E15");
// iw_comment(iw, " SPI2: (0) B13,B14,B15 (1) D1,D3,D4");
#error "NO IMPL"
#error "NO IMPL"
#error "NO IMPL"
#error "BAD PLATFORM!"
iw_entry(iw, "remap", "%d", (int)priv->remap);
iw_comment(iw, "Baud rate"); // TODO examples/range
iw_entry(iw, "baud-rate", "%d", (int)priv->baudrate);
iw_comment(iw, "Parity (0-none, 1-odd, 2-even)");
iw_entry(iw, "parity", "%d", (int)priv->parity);
iw_comment(iw, "Stop-bits (1, 1.5, 2)");
iw_entry(iw, "stop-bits", "%s", (priv->stopbits==3)?"1.5":(priv->stopbits==2?"2":"1"));
iw_comment(iw, "Enable the RX / TX lines");
iw_entry(iw, "exable-rx", str_yn(priv->enable_rx));
iw_entry(iw, "exable-tx", str_yn(priv->enable_tx));
iw_comment(iw, "Hardware flow control (NONE, RTS, CTS, ALL)");
iw_entry(iw, "hw-flow-control", "%s", str_4(priv->hw_flow_control, 0, "NONE", 1, "RTS", 2, "CTS", 3, "ALL"));
iw_comment(iw, "Clock output (Y,N) - N for async");
iw_entry(iw, "clock-output", str_yn(priv->clock_output));
iw_comment(iw, "Sync: Clock polarity: 0,1 (clock idle level)");
iw_entry(iw, "cpol", "%d", (int)priv->cpol);
iw_comment(iw, "Sync: Clock phase: 0,1 (active edge, 0-first, 1-second)");
iw_entry(iw, "cpha", "%d", (int)priv->cpha);
iw_comment(iw, "Receive buffer capacity, full threshold and flush timeout");
iw_entry(iw, "rx-buffer", "%d", (int)priv->rx_buf_size);
iw_entry(iw, "rx-full-theshold", "%d", (int)priv->rx_full_thr);
iw_entry(iw, "rx-timeout", "%d", (int)priv->rx_timeout);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Finalize unit set-up */
static error_t UUSART_init(Unit *unit)
bool suc = true;
struct priv *priv = unit->data;
if (!(priv->periph_num >= 1 && priv->periph_num <= 4)) {
dbg("!! Bad UART periph");
// TODO count based on platform chip
return E_BAD_CONFIG;
// assign and claim the peripheral
if (priv->periph_num == 1) {
TRY(rsc_claim(unit, R_USART1));
priv->periph = USART1;
else if (priv->periph_num == 2) {
TRY(rsc_claim(unit, R_USART2));
priv->periph = USART2;
else if (priv->periph_num == 3) {
TRY(rsc_claim(unit, R_USART3));
priv->periph = USART3;
else if (priv->periph_num == 4) {
TRY(rsc_claim(unit, R_USART4));
priv->periph = USART4;
// This is written for F072, other platforms will need adjustments
// Configure UART pins (AF)
char uart_portname;
uint8_t pin_rx;
uint8_t pin_tx;
uint8_t pin_clk;
uint8_t pin_rts;
uint8_t pin_cts;
uint32_t af_uart;
// SPI1 - many options
// sck, miso, mosi, af
if (priv->periph_num == 1) {
// SPI1
if (priv->remap == 0) {
uart_portname = 'A';
// af_spi = LL_GPIO_AF_0;
// pin_sck = 5;
// pin_miso = 6;
// pin_mosi = 7;
else {
return E_BAD_CONFIG;
// TODO other periphs
#error "NO IMPL"
#error "NO IMPL"
#error "NO IMPL"
#error "BAD PLATFORM!"
// // first, we have to claim the pins
// TRY(rsc_claim_pin(unit, uart_portname, pin_mosi));
// TRY(rsc_claim_pin(unit, uart_portname, pin_miso));
// TRY(rsc_claim_pin(unit, uart_portname, pin_sck));
// configure_gpio_alternate(uart_portname, pin_mosi, af_spi);
// configure_gpio_alternate(uart_portname, pin_miso, af_spi);
// configure_gpio_alternate(uart_portname, pin_sck, af_spi);
// if (priv->periph_num == 1) {
// } else {
// }
// // configure SSN GPIOs
// {
// // Claim all needed pins
// TRY(rsc_claim_gpios(unit, priv->ssn_port_name, priv->ssn_pins));
// TRY(configure_sparse_pins(priv->ssn_port_name, priv->ssn_pins, &priv->ssn_port,
// // Set the initial state - all high
// priv->ssn_port->BSRR = priv->ssn_pins;
// }
// // Configure SPI - must be configured under reset
// LL_SPI_Disable(priv->periph);
// {
// uint32_t presc = priv->prescaller;
// uint32_t lz = __CLZ(presc);
// if (lz < 23) lz = 23;
// if (lz > 30) lz = 30;
// presc = (32 - lz - 2);
// LL_SPI_SetBaudRatePrescaler(priv->periph, (presc<<SPI_CR1_BR_Pos)&SPI_CR1_BR_Msk);
// LL_SPI_SetClockPolarity(priv->periph, priv->cpol ? LL_SPI_POLARITY_HIGH : LL_SPI_POLARITY_LOW);
// LL_SPI_SetClockPhase(priv->periph, priv->cpha ? LL_SPI_PHASE_1EDGE : LL_SPI_PHASE_2EDGE);
// LL_SPI_SetTransferDirection(priv->periph, priv->tx_only ? LL_SPI_HALF_DUPLEX_TX : LL_SPI_FULL_DUPLEX);
// LL_SPI_SetTransferBitOrder(priv->periph, priv->lsb_first ? LL_SPI_LSB_FIRST : LL_SPI_MSB_FIRST);
// LL_SPI_SetNSSMode(priv->periph, LL_SPI_NSS_SOFT);
// LL_SPI_SetDataWidth(priv->periph, LL_SPI_DATAWIDTH_8BIT);
// LL_SPI_SetRxFIFOThreshold(priv->periph, LL_SPI_RX_FIFO_TH_QUARTER); // trigger RXNE on 1 byte
// LL_SPI_SetMode(priv->periph, LL_SPI_MODE_MASTER);
// }
// LL_SPI_Enable(priv->periph);
return E_SUCCESS;
/** Tear down the unit */
static void UUSART_deInit(Unit *unit)
struct priv *priv = unit->data;
// // de-init the pins & peripheral only if inited correctly
// if (unit->status == E_SUCCESS) {
// assert_param(priv->periph);
// LL_SPI_DeInit(priv->periph);
// if (priv->periph_num == 1) {
// } else {
// }
// }
// Release all resources
// Free memory
unit->data = NULL;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum PinCmd_ {
/** Handle a request message */
static error_t UUSART_handleRequest(Unit *unit, TF_ID frame_id, uint8_t command, PayloadParser *pp)
switch (command) {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Unit template */
const UnitDriver UNIT_USART = {
.name = "USART",
.description = "Serial port",
// Settings
.preInit = UUSART_preInit,
.cfgLoadBinary = UUSART_loadBinary,
.cfgWriteBinary = UUSART_writeBinary,
.cfgLoadIni = UUSART_loadIni,
.cfgWriteIni = UUSART_writeIni,
// Init
.init = UUSART_init,
.deInit = UUSART_deInit,
// Function
.handleRequest = UUSART_handleRequest,