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// Created by MightyPork on 2017/12/02.
// SYSTEM.INI system settings
#include "platform.h"
#include "utils/ini_writer.h"
#include "utils/payload_parser.h"
#include "utils/payload_builder.h"
* Struct of the global system settings storage
struct system_settings {
bool visible_vcom;
bool ini_comments;
bool enable_mco;
uint8_t mco_prediv;
bool enable_debug_uart;
// enable alternate communication ports if USB doesn't enumerate (e.g. running from battery / solar cell remotely)
bool use_comm_uart;
uint32_t comm_uart_baud; // baud rate for the uart transport
bool use_comm_lora; // SX1276/8
bool use_comm_nordic; // nRF24L01+
uint8_t nrf_channel;
uint8_t nrf_network[4];
uint8_t nrf_address;
// Support flags put here for scoping, but not atcually part of the persistent settings
volatile bool editable; //!< True if we booted with the LOCK jumper removed
volatile bool modified; //!< True if user did any change to the settings (checked when the LOCK jumper is replaced)
volatile char loading_inifile; // S-system, U-units
/** Global system settings storage */
extern struct system_settings SystemSettings;
* Init the store
void systemsettings_init(void);
* Load defaults
void systemsettings_loadDefaults(void);
* Write system settings to the pack context
void systemsettings_save(PayloadBuilder *pb);
* Load system settings from the unpack context
bool systemsettings_load(PayloadParser *pp);
* Write system settings to INI
void systemsettings_build_ini(IniWriter *iw);
* Load system settings from INI kv pair
* @return true on success
bool systemsettings_load_ini(const char *restrict key, const char *restrict value);
/** Release system resources before system settings init */
void systemsettings_begin_load(void);
/** Claim system resources and apply system settings */
void systemsettings_finalize_load(void);