GEX core repository.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

130 lines
3.0 KiB

// Created by MightyPork on 2017/11/26.
#include <TinyFrame/TinyFrame.h>
#include "platform.h"
#include "unit.h"
* Add instantiable unit type to the registry
* @param driver - unit template, will be shallowly cloned for new instances
void ureg_add_type(const UnitDriver *driver);
* Create an instance of a unit type. The unit is added to the unit list.
* @param driver_name - unit type, same as given when registering the type. CAN BE ON STACK! Not stored.
* @return the unit, or NULL on failure
Unit *ureg_instantiate(const char *driver_name);
* Clean a unit previously obtained by 'ureg_instantiate' that
* failed to properly load or init. This tears it down and removes it from the unit list.
* @param unit - unit to remove
void ureg_clean_failed(Unit *unit);
* Safely delete a unit instance (releasing memory and reosurces, removing it from the list)
* @param unit - unit to remove
void ureg_remove_unit(Unit *unit);
* De-init and remove all units
void ureg_remove_all_units(void);
* Save all units to a binary buffer
* @param ctx
void ureg_save_units(PayloadBuilder *pb);
* Load units from the binary format
* @param ctx
bool ureg_load_units(PayloadParser *pp);
* Export unit as INI to a buffer.
* @param index - unit index
* @param iw - iniwriter instance to use
* @return real number of bytes used (should end with a newline)
void ureg_export_unit(uint32_t index, IniWriter *iw);
* Export everything to INI
* @param iw
void ureg_build_ini(IniWriter *iw);
* Get number of instantiated units
* @return nr of units
uint32_t ureg_get_num_units(void);
* Instantiate a unit by INI
* This is called for lines inside the [UNITS] section, e.g. PIN=LED1, BUTTON
* @param driver_name - unit type ID
* @param names - names string, comma separated (may have whitespace after commas)
* @return all OK
bool ureg_instantiate_by_ini(const char *restrict driver_name, const char *restrict names);
* Load a single INI line to a unit.
* @param name - unit name (for look-up)
* @param key - property key
* @param value - value to set as string
* @param callsign - callsign (is part of the section string)
* @return success
bool ureg_load_unit_ini_key(const char *restrict name,
const char *restrict key,
const char *restrict value,
uint8_t callsign);
* Run init() for all unit instances.
* @return all OK
bool ureg_finalize_all_init(void);
* Deliver a TinyFrame message to it's designed destination.
* Unit is identified by the data first byte which is the "call sign"
* @param msg - message to deliver
* @return true if delivered
void ureg_deliver_unit_request(TF_Msg *msg);
* Report all unit callsigns and names to TF master
* @param frame_id - original message ID
void ureg_report_active_units(TF_ID frame_id);