GEX core repository.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

165 lines
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// Created by MightyPork on 2018/02/23.
#include "platform.h"
#include "rsc_enum.h"
#include "utils/avrlibc.h"
* Parse a pin name (e.g. PA0 or A0) to port name and pin number
* @param str - source string
* @param targetName - output: port name (one character)
* @param targetNumber - output: pin number 0-15
* @return success
bool cfg_portpin_parse(const char *str, char *targetName, uint8_t *targetNumber);
* Parse a string representation of a pin directly to a resource constant
* @param[in] str - source string - e.g. PA0 or A0
* @param[out] suc - written to false on failure
* @return the parsed resource
Resource cfg_pinrsc_parse(const char *str, bool *suc);
* Convert a resource to a pin name - uses a static buffer, result must not be stored!
* @param[in] rsc - resource to print
* @return a pointer to a static buffer used for exporting the names
char *cfg_pinrsc_encode(Resource rsc);
* Parse a port name (one character) - validates that it's within range
* @param value - source string
* @param targetName - output: port name (one character)
* @return success
bool cfg_port_parse(const char *value, char *targetName);
* Parse a list of pin numbers with ranges and commands/semicolons to a bitmask.
* Supported syntax:
* - comma separated numbers
* - numbers connected by dash or colon form a range (can be in any order)
* @param value - source string
* @param suc - set to False if parsing failed
* @return the resulting bitmap
uint32_t cfg_pinmask_parse_32(const char *value, bool *suc);
/** same as cfg_pinmask_parse_32(), but with a cast to u16 */
static inline uint16_t cfg_pinmask_parse(const char *value, bool *suc)
return (uint16_t) cfg_pinmask_parse_32(value, suc);
* Convert a pin bitmap to the ASCII format understood by str_parse_pinmask()
* @param[in] pins - sparse pin map
* @param[out] buffer - output string buffer
* @param[in] ascending - use ordering 0..31 rather than 31..0
* @return the output buffer
char *cfg_pinmask_encode(uint32_t pins, char *buffer, bool ascending);
/** Parse Y/N to bool */
bool cfg_bool_parse(const char *str, bool *suc);
/** Convert number to one of 4 options */
const char *cfg_enum2_encode(uint32_t n,
uint32_t na, const char *a,
uint32_t nb, const char *b);
/** Convert number to one of 4 options */
const char *cfg_enum3_encode(uint32_t n,
uint32_t na, const char *a,
uint32_t nb, const char *b,
uint32_t nc, const char *c);
/** Convert number to one of 4 options */
const char *cfg_enum4_encode(uint32_t n,
uint32_t na, const char *a,
uint32_t nb, const char *b,
uint32_t nc, const char *c,
uint32_t nd, const char *d);
/** Convert string to one of two numeric options */
uint32_t cfg_enum2_parse(const char *tpl,
const char *a, uint32_t na,
const char *b, uint32_t nb,
bool *suc);
/** Convert string to one of three numeric options */
uint32_t cfg_enum3_parse(const char *tpl,
const char *a, uint32_t na,
const char *b, uint32_t nb,
const char *c, uint32_t nc,
bool *suc);
/** Convert string to one of four numeric options */
uint32_t cfg_enum4_parse(const char *tpl,
const char *a, uint32_t na,
const char *b, uint32_t nb,
const char *c, uint32_t nc,
const char *d, uint32_t nd,
bool *suc);
* Parse a hexa string to a byte array.
* Skips 0x prefix, '.', '-', ':', ' '.
* @param[out] dest - storage array
* @param[in] count - expected number of bytes
* @param[in] value - parsed string
* @param[out] suc - success flag
void cfg_hex_parse(uint8_t *dest, uint32_t count,
const char *value, bool *suc);
/** Convert bool to a Y or N constant string */
#define str_yn(cond) ((cond) ? ("Y") : ("N"))
static inline uint8_t cfg_u8_parse(const char *value, bool *suc)
return (uint8_t) avr_atoi(value);
static inline int8_t cfg_i8_parse(const char *value, bool *suc)
return (int8_t) avr_atoi(value);
static inline uint16_t cfg_u16_parse(const char *value, bool *suc)
return (uint16_t) avr_atoi(value);
static inline int16_t cfg_i16_parse(const char *value, bool *suc)
return (int16_t) avr_atoi(value);
static inline uint32_t cfg_u32_parse(const char *value, bool *suc)
return (uint32_t) avr_atoi(value);
static inline int32_t cfg_i32_parse(const char *value, bool *suc)
return (int32_t) avr_atoi(value);