// // Created by MightyPork on 2017/11/24. // #include "platform.h" #include "unit.h" #include "resources.h" #include "pin_utils.h" static bool rsc_initialized = false; // This takes quite a lot of space, we could use u8 and IDs instead if needed struct resouce_slot { const char *name; Unit *owner; } __attribute__((packed)); static struct resouce_slot resources[R_RESOURCE_COUNT]; // here are the resource names for better debugging (could also be removed if absolutely necessary) const char *const rsc_names[] = { #define X(res_name) #res_name, XX_RESOURCES #undef X }; /** Get rsc name */ const char * rsc_get_name(Resource rsc) { assert_param(rsc < R_RESOURCE_COUNT); return rsc_names[rsc]; } /** Get rsc owner name */ const char * rsc_get_owner_name(Resource rsc) { assert_param(rsc < R_RESOURCE_COUNT); if (resources[rsc].owner == NULL) return "NULL"; return resources[rsc].owner->name; } /** * Initialize the resources registry */ void rsc_init_registry(void) { for (int i = 0; i < R_RESOURCE_COUNT; i++) { resources[i].owner = &UNIT_PLATFORM; } rsc_initialized = true; } /** * Claim a resource for a unit * * @param unit - claiming unit * @param rsc - resource to claim * @return true on successful claim */ error_t rsc_claim(Unit *unit, Resource rsc) { assert_param(rsc_initialized); assert_param(rsc > R_NONE && rsc < R_RESOURCE_COUNT); assert_param(unit != NULL); if (resources[rsc].owner) { //TODO properly report to user dbg("ERROR!! Unit %s failed to claim resource %s, already held by %s!", unit->name, rsc_get_name(rsc), rsc_get_owner_name(rsc)); unit->failed_rsc = rsc; return E_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE; } resources[rsc].owner = unit; return E_SUCCESS; } /** * Claim a range of resources for a unit (useful for GPIO) * * @param unit - claiming unit * @param rsc0 - first resource to claim * @param rsc1 - last resource to claim * @return true on complete claim, false if any failed (none are claimed in that case) */ error_t rsc_claim_range(Unit *unit, Resource rsc0, Resource rsc1) { assert_param(rsc_initialized); assert_param(rsc0 > R_NONE && rsc0 < R_RESOURCE_COUNT); assert_param(rsc1 > R_NONE && rsc1 < R_RESOURCE_COUNT); assert_param(unit != NULL); for (int i = rsc0; i <= rsc1; i++) { TRY(rsc_claim(unit, (Resource) i)); } return E_SUCCESS; } error_t rsc_claim_gpios(Unit *unit, char port_name, uint16_t pins) { bool suc = true; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (pins & (1 << i)) { Resource rsc = pin2resource(port_name, (uint8_t) i, &suc); if (!suc) return E_BAD_CONFIG; TRY(rsc_claim(unit, rsc)); } } return E_SUCCESS; } /** * Free a resource for other use * * @param unit - owning unit; if not null, free only resources claimed by this unit * @param rsc - resource to free */ void rsc_free(Unit *unit, Resource rsc) { assert_param(rsc_initialized); assert_param(rsc > R_NONE && rsc < R_RESOURCE_COUNT); if (unit == NULL || resources[rsc].owner == unit) { resources[rsc].owner = NULL; } } /** * Free a range of resources (useful for GPIO) * * @param unit - owning unit; if not null, free only resources claimed by this unit * @param rsc0 - first resource to free * @param rsc1 - last resource to free */ void rsc_free_range(Unit *unit, Resource rsc0, Resource rsc1) { assert_param(rsc_initialized); assert_param(rsc0 > R_NONE && rsc0 < R_RESOURCE_COUNT); assert_param(rsc1 > R_NONE && rsc1 < R_RESOURCE_COUNT); for (int i = rsc0; i <= rsc1; i++) { if (unit == NULL || resources[i].owner == unit) { resources[i].owner = NULL; } } } /** * Tear down a unit - release all resources owned by the unit * * @param unit - unit to tear down; free only resources claimed by this unit */ void rsc_teardown(Unit *unit) { assert_param(rsc_initialized); assert_param(unit != NULL); for (int i = R_NONE+1; i < R_RESOURCE_COUNT; i++) { if (resources[i].owner == unit) { resources[i].owner = NULL; } } }