#include "platform.h" #include "platform/status_led.h" /** * Abort at file, line with a custom tag (eg. ASSERT FAILED) * @param msg - tag message * @param filename - file * @param line - line */ void __attribute__((noreturn)) abort_msg(const char *msg, const char *filename, uint32_t line) { dbg("\r\n\033[31m%s:\033[m %s:%"PRIu32, msg, filename, line); vPortEnterCritical(); StatusLed_On(STATUS_FAULT); while(1); } /** * Warn at file, line with a custom tag (eg. ASSERT FAILED) * @param msg - tag message * @param filename - file * @param line - line */ void warn_msg(const char *msg, const char *filename, uint32_t line) { dbg("\r\n\033[33m%s:\033[m %s:%"PRIu32, msg, filename, line); } /** * @brief Reports the name of the source file and the source line number * where the assert_param error has occurred. * @param file: pointer to the source file name * @param line: assert_param error line source number */ void __attribute__((noreturn)) assert_failed_(const char *file, uint32_t line) { abort_msg("ASSERT FAILED", file, line); }