// // Created by MightyPork on 2018/02/03. // #include "platform.h" #include "unit_base.h" #define DAC_INTERNAL #include "_dac_internal.h" /** Load from a binary buffer stored in Flash */ void UDAC_loadBinary(Unit *unit, PayloadParser *pp) { struct priv *priv = unit->data; uint8_t version = pp_u8(pp); (void)version; priv->cfg.ch1.enable = pp_bool(pp); priv->cfg.ch1.buffered = pp_bool(pp); priv->cfg.ch1.noise_type = (enum UDAC_Noise) pp_u8(pp); priv->cfg.ch1.noise_level = pp_u8(pp); priv->cfg.ch2.enable = pp_bool(pp); priv->cfg.ch2.buffered = pp_bool(pp); priv->cfg.ch2.noise_type = (enum UDAC_Noise) pp_u8(pp); priv->cfg.ch2.noise_level = pp_u8(pp); } /** Write to a binary buffer for storing in Flash */ void UDAC_writeBinary(Unit *unit, PayloadBuilder *pb) { struct priv *priv = unit->data; pb_u8(pb, 0); // version pb_bool(pb, priv->cfg.ch1.enable); pb_bool(pb, priv->cfg.ch1.buffered); pb_u8(pb, priv->cfg.ch1.noise_type); pb_u8(pb, priv->cfg.ch1.noise_level); pb_bool(pb, priv->cfg.ch2.enable); pb_bool(pb, priv->cfg.ch2.buffered); pb_u8(pb, priv->cfg.ch2.noise_type); pb_u8(pb, priv->cfg.ch2.noise_level); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Parse a key-value pair from the INI file */ error_t UDAC_loadIni(Unit *unit, const char *key, const char *value) { bool suc = true; struct priv *priv = unit->data; // Ch1 if (streq(key, "ch1_enable")) { priv->cfg.ch1.enable = cfg_bool_parse(value, &suc); } else if (streq(key, "ch1_buff")) { priv->cfg.ch1.buffered = cfg_bool_parse(value, &suc); } else if (streq(key, "ch1_noise")) { priv->cfg.ch1.noise_type = (enum UDAC_Noise) cfg_enum3_parse(value, "NONE", NOISE_NONE, "WHITE", NOISE_WHITE, "TRIANGLE", NOISE_TRIANGLE, &suc); } else if (streq(key, "ch1_noise-level")) { uint8_t x = cfg_u8_parse(value, &suc); if (x == 0) x = 1; if (x > 12) x = 12; priv->cfg.ch1.noise_level = (uint8_t) (x - 1); } // Ch2 else if (streq(key, "ch2_enable")) { priv->cfg.ch2.enable = cfg_bool_parse(value, &suc); } else if (streq(key, "ch2_buff")) { priv->cfg.ch2.buffered = cfg_bool_parse(value, &suc); } else if (streq(key, "ch2_noise")) { priv->cfg.ch2.noise_type = (enum UDAC_Noise) cfg_enum3_parse(value, "NONE", NOISE_NONE, "WHITE", NOISE_WHITE, "TRIANGLE", NOISE_TRIANGLE, &suc); } else if (streq(key, "ch2_noise-level")) { uint8_t x = cfg_u8_parse(value, &suc); if (x == 0) x = 1; if (x > 12) x = 12; priv->cfg.ch2.noise_level = (uint8_t) (x - 1); } // end else { return E_BAD_KEY; } if (!suc) return E_BAD_VALUE; return E_SUCCESS; } /** Generate INI file section for the unit */ void UDAC_writeIni(Unit *unit, IniWriter *iw) { struct priv *priv = unit->data; iw_comment(iw, "Enabled channels (1:A4, 2:A5)"); iw_entry_s(iw, "ch1_enable", str_yn(priv->cfg.ch1.enable)); iw_entry_s(iw, "ch2_enable", str_yn(priv->cfg.ch2.enable)); iw_comment(iw, "Output buffering"); iw_entry_s(iw, "ch1_buff", str_yn(priv->cfg.ch1.buffered)); iw_entry_s(iw, "ch2_buff", str_yn(priv->cfg.ch2.buffered)); iw_comment(iw, "Superimposed noise type (NONE,WHITE,TRIANGLE)"); iw_entry_s(iw, "ch1_noise", cfg_enum3_encode(priv->cfg.ch1.noise_type, NOISE_NONE, "NONE", NOISE_WHITE, "WHITE", NOISE_TRIANGLE, "TRIANGLE")); iw_entry_s(iw, "ch2_noise", cfg_enum3_encode(priv->cfg.ch2.noise_type, NOISE_NONE, "NONE", NOISE_WHITE, "WHITE", NOISE_TRIANGLE, "TRIANGLE")); iw_comment(iw, "Noise amplitude (nbr. of bits,1-12)"); iw_entry_d(iw, "ch1_noise-level", priv->cfg.ch1.noise_level + 1); iw_entry_d(iw, "ch2_noise-level", priv->cfg.ch2.noise_level + 1); }