// // Created by MightyPork on 2017/11/21. // #include "platform.h" #include "TinyFrame.h" #include "framework/unit_registry.h" #include "comm/messages.h" static TinyFrame tf_; TinyFrame *comm = &tf_; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Ping request listener - returns version string and other info about the build */ static TF_Result lst_ping(TinyFrame *tf, TF_Msg *msg) { com_respond_snprintf(msg->frame_id, MSG_SUCCESS, "%s/%s", GEX_VERSION, GEX_PLATFORM); return TF_STAY; } /** * Default listener, fallback for unhandled messages */ static TF_Result lst_default(TinyFrame *tf, TF_Msg *msg) { dbg("!! Unhandled msg type %02"PRIx8", frame_id 0x%04"PRIx16, msg->type, msg->frame_id); com_respond_snprintf(msg->frame_id, MSG_ERROR, "UNKNOWN MSG %"PRIu8, msg->type); return TF_STAY; } /** * Unit request listener, a message targeted at a particular */ static TF_Result lst_unit(TinyFrame *tf, TF_Msg *msg) { ureg_deliver_unit_request(msg); return TF_STAY; } static TF_Result lst_list_units(TinyFrame *tf, TF_Msg *msg) { ureg_report_active_units(msg->frame_id); return TF_STAY; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void comm_init(void) { TF_InitStatic(comm, TF_SLAVE); TF_AddTypeListener(comm, MSG_PING, lst_ping); TF_AddTypeListener(comm, MSG_UNIT_REQUEST, lst_unit); TF_AddTypeListener(comm, MSG_LIST_UNITS, lst_list_units); // fall-through TF_AddGenericListener(comm, lst_default); }