// // Created by MightyPork on 2018/02/03. // #include "platform.h" #include "unit_1wire.h" // 1WIRE master #define OW_INTERNAL #include "_ow_internal.h" #include "_ow_commands.h" #include "_ow_low_level.h" /* Check presence of any devices on the bus */ error_t UU_1WIRE_CheckPresence(Unit *unit, bool *presence) { CHECK_TYPE(unit, &UNIT_1WIRE); // reset *presence = ow_reset(unit); return E_SUCCESS; } /* Read address of a lone device on the bus */ error_t UU_1WIRE_ReadAddress(Unit *unit, uint64_t *address) { CHECK_TYPE(unit, &UNIT_1WIRE); *address = 0; if (!ow_reset(unit)) return E_HW_TIMEOUT; // command ow_write_u8(unit, OW_ROM_READ); // read the ROM code *address = ow_read_u64(unit); const uint8_t *addr_as_bytes = (void*)address; if (0 != ow_checksum(addr_as_bytes, 8)) { *address = 0; return E_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH; // checksum mismatch } return E_SUCCESS; } /* Write bytes to a device */ error_t UU_1WIRE_Write(Unit *unit, uint64_t address, const uint8_t *buff, uint32_t len) { CHECK_TYPE(unit, &UNIT_1WIRE); if (!ow_reset(unit)) return E_HW_TIMEOUT; // MATCH_ROM+addr, or SKIP_ROM if (address != 0) { ow_write_u8(unit, OW_ROM_MATCH); ow_write_u64(unit, address); } else { ow_write_u8(unit, OW_ROM_SKIP); } // write the payload; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { ow_write_u8(unit, *buff++); } return E_SUCCESS; } /* Write a request to a device and read a response */ error_t UU_1WIRE_Read(Unit *unit, uint64_t address, const uint8_t *request_buff, uint32_t request_len, uint8_t *response_buff, uint32_t response_len, bool check_crc) { CHECK_TYPE(unit, &UNIT_1WIRE); if (!ow_reset(unit)) return E_HW_TIMEOUT; uint8_t *rb = response_buff; // MATCH_ROM+addr, or SKIP_ROM if (address != 0) { ow_write_u8(unit, OW_ROM_MATCH); ow_write_u64(unit, address); } else { ow_write_u8(unit, OW_ROM_SKIP); } // write the payload; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < request_len; i++) { ow_write_u8(unit, *request_buff++); } // read the requested number of bytes for (uint32_t i = 0; i < response_len; i++) { *rb++ = ow_read_u8(unit); } if (check_crc) { if (0 != ow_checksum(response_buff, response_len)) { return E_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH; } } return E_SUCCESS; } /* Perform the search algorithm (start or continue) */ error_t UU_1WIRE_Search(Unit *unit, bool with_alarm, bool restart, uint64_t *buffer, uint32_t capacity, uint32_t *real_count, bool *have_more) { CHECK_TYPE(unit, &UNIT_1WIRE); struct priv *priv = unit->data; if (restart) { uint8_t search_cmd = (uint8_t) (with_alarm ? OW_ROM_ALM_SEARCH : OW_ROM_SEARCH); ow_search_init(unit, search_cmd, true); } *real_count = ow_search_run(unit, (ow_romcode_t *) buffer, capacity); // resolve the code switch (priv->searchState.status) { case OW_SEARCH_MORE: *have_more = priv->searchState.status == OW_SEARCH_MORE; case OW_SEARCH_DONE: return E_SUCCESS; case OW_SEARCH_FAILED: return priv->searchState.error; } return E_FAILURE; }