// // Created by MightyPork on 2018/01/14. // #include #include "platform.h" #include "unit_base.h" #define UUSART_INTERNAL #include "_usart_internal.h" extern error_t UUSART_ClaimDMAs(Unit *unit); extern error_t UUSART_SetupDMAs(Unit *unit); extern void UUSART_DeInitDMAs(Unit *unit); /** Allocate data structure and set defaults */ error_t UUSART_preInit(Unit *unit) { struct priv *priv = unit->data = calloc_ck(1, sizeof(struct priv)); if (priv == NULL) return E_OUT_OF_MEM; // some defaults priv->periph_num = 1; priv->remap = 0; priv->baudrate = 115200; priv->parity = 0; //!< 0-none, 1-odd, 2-even priv->stopbits = 1; //!< 0-half, 1-one, 2-1.5, 3-two priv->direction = 3; // RXTX priv->hw_flow_control = false; priv->clock_output = false; priv->cpol = 0; priv->cpha = 0; priv->lsb_first = true; // LSB first is default for UART priv->width = 8; priv->data_inv = false; priv->rx_inv = false; priv->tx_inv = false; priv->de_output = false; priv->de_polarity = 1; // active high // this should equal to a half-byte length when oversampling by 16 is used (default) priv->de_assert_time = 8; priv->de_clear_time = 8; return E_SUCCESS; } /** Claim the peripheral and assign priv->periph */ static inline error_t UUSART_claimPeriph(Unit *unit) { struct priv *priv = unit->data; if (!(priv->periph_num >= 1 && priv->periph_num <= 5)) { dbg("!! Bad USART periph"); return E_BAD_CONFIG; } // assign and claim the peripheral if (priv->periph_num == 1) { TRY(rsc_claim(unit, R_USART1)); priv->periph = USART1; } else if (priv->periph_num == 2) { TRY(rsc_claim(unit, R_USART2)); priv->periph = USART2; } else if (priv->periph_num == 3) { TRY(rsc_claim(unit, R_USART3)); priv->periph = USART3; } #if defined(USART4) else if (priv->periph_num == 4) { TRY(rsc_claim(unit, R_USART4)); priv->periph = USART4; } #endif #if defined(USART5) else if (priv->periph_num == 5) { TRY(rsc_claim(unit, R_USART5)); priv->periph = USART5; } #endif else return E_BAD_CONFIG; TRY(UUSART_ClaimDMAs(unit)); return E_SUCCESS; } /** Claim and configure GPIOs used */ static inline error_t UUSART_configPins(Unit *unit) { struct priv *priv = unit->data; // This is written for F072, other platforms will need adjustments // Configure UART pins (AF) #define want_ck_pin(priv) ((priv)->clock_output) #define want_tx_pin(priv) (bool)((priv)->direction & 2) #define want_rx_pin(priv) (bool)((priv)->direction & 1) #define want_cts_pin(priv) ((priv)->hw_flow_control==2 || (priv)->hw_flow_control==3) #define want_rts_pin(priv) ((priv)->de_output || (priv)->hw_flow_control==1 || (priv)->hw_flow_control==3) /* List of required pins based on the user config */ bool pins_wanted[5] = { want_ck_pin(priv), want_tx_pin(priv), want_rx_pin(priv), want_cts_pin(priv), want_rts_pin(priv) }; #if GEX_PLAT_F072_DISCOVERY const struct PinAF *mappings = NULL; // TODO adjust this, possibly remove / split to individual pin config for .. // the final board const struct PinAF mapping_1_0[5] = { {'A', 8, LL_GPIO_AF_1}, // CK {'A', 9, LL_GPIO_AF_1}, // TX {'A', 10, LL_GPIO_AF_1}, // RX {'A', 11, LL_GPIO_AF_1}, // CTS - collides with USB {'A', 12, LL_GPIO_AF_1}, // RTS - collides with USB }; const struct PinAF mapping_1_1[5] = { {'A', 8, LL_GPIO_AF_1}, // CK* {'B', 6, LL_GPIO_AF_1}, // TX {'B', 7, LL_GPIO_AF_1}, // RX {'A', 11, LL_GPIO_AF_1}, // CTS* - collides with USB {'A', 12, LL_GPIO_AF_1}, // RTS* - collides with USB }; const struct PinAF mapping_2_0[5] = { {'A', 4, LL_GPIO_AF_1}, // CK {'A', 2, LL_GPIO_AF_1}, // TX {'A', 3, LL_GPIO_AF_1}, // RX {'A', 0, LL_GPIO_AF_1}, // CTS {'A', 1, LL_GPIO_AF_1}, // RTS }; const struct PinAF mapping_2_1[5] = { {'A', 4, LL_GPIO_AF_1}, // CK* {'A', 14, LL_GPIO_AF_1}, // TX {'A', 15, LL_GPIO_AF_1}, // RX {'A', 0, LL_GPIO_AF_1}, // CTS* {'A', 1, LL_GPIO_AF_1}, // RTS* }; const struct PinAF mapping_3_0[5] = { {'B', 12, LL_GPIO_AF_4}, // CK {'B', 10, LL_GPIO_AF_4}, // TX {'B', 11, LL_GPIO_AF_4}, // RX {'B', 13, LL_GPIO_AF_4}, // CTS {'B', 14, LL_GPIO_AF_4}, // RTS }; const struct PinAF mapping_4_0[5] = { {'C', 12, LL_GPIO_AF_0}, // CK {'A', 0, LL_GPIO_AF_4}, // TX {'A', 1, LL_GPIO_AF_4}, // RX {'B', 7, LL_GPIO_AF_4}, // CTS {'A', 15, LL_GPIO_AF_4}, // RTS }; const struct PinAF mapping_4_1[5] = { {'C', 12, LL_GPIO_AF_0}, // CK* {'C', 10, LL_GPIO_AF_0}, // TX {'C', 11, LL_GPIO_AF_0}, // RX {'B', 7, LL_GPIO_AF_4}, // CTS* {'A', 15, LL_GPIO_AF_4}, // RTS* }; if (priv->periph_num == 1) { // USART1 if (priv->remap == 0) mappings = &mapping_1_0[0]; else if (priv->remap == 1) mappings = &mapping_1_1[0]; else return E_BAD_CONFIG; } else if (priv->periph_num == 2) { // USART2 if (priv->remap == 0) mappings = &mapping_2_0[0]; else if (priv->remap == 1) mappings = &mapping_2_1[0]; else return E_BAD_CONFIG; } else if (priv->periph_num == 3) { // USART3 if (priv->remap == 0) mappings = &mapping_3_0[0]; else return E_BAD_CONFIG; } else if (priv->periph_num == 4) { // USART3 if (priv->remap == 0) mappings = &mapping_4_0[0]; else if (priv->remap == 1) mappings = &mapping_4_1[0]; else return E_BAD_CONFIG; } else return E_BAD_CONFIG; // Apply mappings based on the 'wanted' table for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (pins_wanted[i]) { if (mappings[i].port == 0) return E_BAD_CONFIG; TRY(rsc_claim_pin(unit, mappings[i].port, mappings[i].pin)); hw_configure_gpio_af(mappings[i].port, mappings[i].pin, mappings[i].af); } } #elif GEX_PLAT_F103_BLUEPILL #error "NO IMPL" #elif GEX_PLAT_F303_DISCOVERY #error "NO IMPL" #elif GEX_PLAT_F407_DISCOVERY #error "NO IMPL" #else #error "BAD PLATFORM!" #endif return E_SUCCESS; } /** Finalize unit set-up */ error_t UUSART_init(Unit *unit) { struct priv *priv = unit->data; TRY(UUSART_claimPeriph(unit)); TRY(UUSART_configPins(unit)); // --- Configure the peripheral --- // Enable clock for the peripheral used hw_periph_clock_enable(priv->periph); LL_USART_Disable(priv->periph); { LL_USART_DeInit(priv->periph); LL_USART_SetBaudRate(priv->periph, PLAT_APB1_HZ, LL_USART_OVERSAMPLING_16, priv->baudrate); LL_USART_SetParity(priv->periph, priv->parity == 0 ? LL_USART_PARITY_NONE : priv->parity == 1 ? LL_USART_PARITY_ODD : LL_USART_PARITY_EVEN); LL_USART_SetStopBitsLength(priv->periph, priv->stopbits == 0 ? LL_USART_STOPBITS_0_5 : priv->stopbits == 1 ? LL_USART_STOPBITS_1 : priv->stopbits == 2 ? LL_USART_STOPBITS_1_5 : LL_USART_STOPBITS_2); LL_USART_SetTransferDirection(priv->periph, priv->direction == 1 ? LL_USART_DIRECTION_RX : priv->direction == 2 ? LL_USART_DIRECTION_TX : LL_USART_DIRECTION_TX_RX); LL_USART_SetHWFlowCtrl(priv->periph, priv->hw_flow_control == 0 ? LL_USART_HWCONTROL_NONE : priv->hw_flow_control == 1 ? LL_USART_HWCONTROL_RTS : priv->hw_flow_control == 2 ? LL_USART_HWCONTROL_CTS : LL_USART_HWCONTROL_RTS_CTS); LL_USART_ConfigClock(priv->periph, priv->cpha ? LL_USART_PHASE_2EDGE : LL_USART_PHASE_1EDGE, priv->cpol ? LL_USART_POLARITY_HIGH : LL_USART_POLARITY_LOW, true); // clock on last bit - TODO configurable? if (priv->clock_output) LL_USART_EnableSCLKOutput(priv->periph); else LL_USART_DisableSCLKOutput(priv->periph); LL_USART_SetTransferBitOrder(priv->periph, priv->lsb_first ? LL_USART_BITORDER_LSBFIRST : LL_USART_BITORDER_MSBFIRST); LL_USART_SetDataWidth(priv->periph, priv->width == 7 ? LL_USART_DATAWIDTH_7B : priv->width == 8 ? LL_USART_DATAWIDTH_8B : LL_USART_DATAWIDTH_9B); LL_USART_SetBinaryDataLogic(priv->periph, priv->data_inv ? LL_USART_BINARY_LOGIC_NEGATIVE : LL_USART_BINARY_LOGIC_POSITIVE); LL_USART_SetRXPinLevel(priv->periph, priv->rx_inv ? LL_USART_RXPIN_LEVEL_INVERTED : LL_USART_RXPIN_LEVEL_STANDARD); LL_USART_SetTXPinLevel(priv->periph, priv->tx_inv ? LL_USART_TXPIN_LEVEL_INVERTED : LL_USART_TXPIN_LEVEL_STANDARD); if (priv->de_output) LL_USART_EnableDEMode(priv->periph); else LL_USART_DisableDEMode(priv->periph); LL_USART_SetDESignalPolarity(priv->periph, priv->de_polarity ? LL_USART_DE_POLARITY_HIGH : LL_USART_DE_POLARITY_LOW); LL_USART_SetDEAssertionTime(priv->periph, priv->de_assert_time); LL_USART_SetDEDeassertionTime(priv->periph, priv->de_clear_time); // Prepare for DMA LL_USART_ClearFlag_TC(priv->periph); LL_USART_EnableDMAReq_RX(priv->periph); LL_USART_EnableDMAReq_TX(priv->periph); } LL_USART_Enable(priv->periph); // modifies some usart registers that can't be modified when enabled TRY(UUSART_SetupDMAs(unit)); // timeout based on the baudrate unit->tick_interval = (uint16_t) ((50 * 1000) / priv->baudrate); // receive timeout (ms) if (unit->tick_interval < 5) unit->tick_interval = 5; return E_SUCCESS; } /** Tear down the unit */ void UUSART_deInit(Unit *unit) { struct priv *priv = unit->data; // de-init the pins & peripheral only if inited correctly if (unit->status == E_SUCCESS) { assert_param(priv->periph); LL_USART_DeInit(priv->periph); // Disable clock hw_periph_clock_disable(priv->periph); UUSART_DeInitDMAs(unit); } // Release all resources rsc_teardown(unit); // Free memory free_ck(unit->data); unit->data = NULL; }