// // Created by MightyPork on 2018/02/03. // #include "platform.h" #include "unit_base.h" #define I2C_INTERNAL #include "_i2c_internal.h" /** Allocate data structure and set defaults */ error_t UI2C_preInit(Unit *unit) { struct priv *priv = unit->data = calloc_ck(1, sizeof(struct priv)); if (priv == NULL) return E_OUT_OF_MEM; // some defaults priv->periph_num = 1; priv->speed = 1; priv->anf = true; priv->dnf = 0; return E_SUCCESS; } /** Finalize unit set-up */ error_t UI2C_init(Unit *unit) { bool suc = true; struct priv *priv = unit->data; if (!(priv->periph_num >= 1 && priv->periph_num <= 2)) { dbg("!! Bad I2C periph"); // TODO report return E_BAD_CONFIG; } if (!(priv->speed >= 1 && priv->speed <= 3)) { dbg("!! Bad I2C speed"); return E_BAD_CONFIG; } if (priv->dnf > 15) { dbg("!! Bad I2C DNF bw"); return E_BAD_CONFIG; } // assign and claim the peripheral if (priv->periph_num == 1) { TRY(rsc_claim(unit, R_I2C1)); priv->periph = I2C1; } else { TRY(rsc_claim(unit, R_I2C2)); priv->periph = I2C2; } // This is written for F072, other platforms will need adjustments char portname; uint8_t pin_scl; uint8_t pin_sda; uint32_t af_i2c; uint32_t timing; // magic constant from CubeMX #if GEX_PLAT_F072_DISCOVERY // scl - 6 or 8 for I2C1, 10 for I2C2 // sda - 7 or 9 for I2C1, 11 for I2C2 if (priv->periph_num == 1) { // I2C1 if (priv->remap == 0) { af_i2c = LL_GPIO_AF_1; portname = 'B'; pin_scl = 6; pin_sda = 7; } else if (priv->remap == 1) { af_i2c = LL_GPIO_AF_1; portname = 'B'; pin_scl = 8; pin_sda = 9; } else { return E_BAD_CONFIG; } } else { // I2C2 if (priv->remap == 0) { af_i2c = LL_GPIO_AF_1; portname = 'B'; pin_scl = 10; pin_sda = 11; } else if (priv->remap == 1) { af_i2c = LL_GPIO_AF_5; portname = 'B'; pin_scl = 13; pin_sda = 14; } else { return E_BAD_CONFIG; } } if (priv->speed == 1) timing = 0x00301D2B; // Standard else if (priv->speed == 2) timing = 0x0000020B; // Fast else timing = 0x00000001; // Fast+ #elif GEX_PLAT_F103_BLUEPILL #error "NO IMPL" #elif GEX_PLAT_F303_DISCOVERY #error "NO IMPL" #elif GEX_PLAT_F407_DISCOVERY #error "NO IMPL" #else #error "BAD PLATFORM!" #endif // first, we have to claim the pins TRY(rsc_claim_pin(unit, portname, pin_sda)); TRY(rsc_claim_pin(unit, portname, pin_scl)); TRY(hw_configure_gpio_af(portname, pin_sda, af_i2c)); TRY(hw_configure_gpio_af(portname, pin_scl, af_i2c)); hw_periph_clock_enable(priv->periph); /* Disable the selected I2Cx Peripheral */ LL_I2C_Disable(priv->periph); LL_I2C_ConfigFilters(priv->periph, (priv->anf ? LL_I2C_ANALOGFILTER_ENABLE : LL_I2C_ANALOGFILTER_DISABLE), priv->dnf); LL_I2C_SetTiming(priv->periph, timing); //LL_I2C_DisableClockStretching(priv->periph); LL_I2C_Enable(priv->periph); LL_I2C_DisableOwnAddress1(priv->periph); // OA not used LL_I2C_SetMode(priv->periph, LL_I2C_MODE_I2C); // not using SMBus return E_SUCCESS; } /** Tear down the unit */ void UI2C_deInit(Unit *unit) { struct priv *priv = unit->data; // de-init the pins & peripheral only if inited correctly if (unit->status == E_SUCCESS) { assert_param(priv->periph); LL_I2C_DeInit(priv->periph); hw_periph_clock_disable(priv->periph); } // Release all resources rsc_teardown(unit); // Free memory free_ck(unit->data); }