// // Created by MightyPork on 2017/12/15. // #include "platform.h" #include "framework/resources.h" #include "debug_uart.h" #include "plat_compat.h" #include "pin_utils.h" #if USE_DEBUG_UART #define DEBUG_USART_BAUD 115200 #if GEX_PLAT_F072_DISCOVERY #define DEBUG_USART USART1 #define DEBUG_USART_RSC R_USART1 #define DEBUG_USART_PORT 'A' #define DEBUG_USART_PIN 9 #define DEBUG_USART_AF 1 #define DEBUG_USART_PCLK PLAT_APB1_HZ #elif GEX_PLAT_F103_BLUEPILL #define DEBUG_USART USART2 #define DEBUG_USART_RSC R_USART2 #define DEBUG_USART_PORT 'A' #define DEBUG_USART_PIN 2 #define DEBUG_USART_PCLK PLAT_APB1_HZ #elif GEX_PLAT_F303_DISCOVERY #define DEBUG_USART USART3 #define DEBUG_USART_RSC R_USART3 #define DEBUG_USART_PORT 'D' #define DEBUG_USART_PIN 8 #define DEBUG_USART_AF 7 #define DEBUG_USART_PCLK PLAT_APB1_HZ #elif GEX_PLAT_F407_DISCOVERY #define DEBUG_USART USART2 #define DEBUG_USART_RSC R_USART2 #define DEBUG_USART_PORT 'A' #define DEBUG_USART_PIN 2 #define DEBUG_USART_AF 7 #define DEBUG_USART_PCLK PLAT_APB1_HZ #else #error "BAD PLATFORM!" #endif /** Init the submodule. */ void DebugUart_Init(void) { bool suc = true; // Debug UART assert_param(E_SUCCESS == rsc_claim(&UNIT_SYSTEM, DEBUG_USART_RSC)); assert_param(E_SUCCESS == rsc_claim(&UNIT_SYSTEM, pin2resource(DEBUG_USART_PORT, DEBUG_USART_PIN, &suc))); assert_param(suc); } /** Init the hardware peripheral - this is called early in the boot process */ void DebugUart_PreInit(void) { // configure AF only if platform uses AF numbers #if !PLAT_NO_AFNUM configure_gpio_alternate(DEBUG_USART_PORT, DEBUG_USART_PIN, DEBUG_USART_AF); #endif if (DEBUG_USART == USART1) { __HAL_RCC_USART1_CLK_ENABLE(); } else if (DEBUG_USART == USART2) { __HAL_RCC_USART2_CLK_ENABLE(); } else if (DEBUG_USART == USART3) { __HAL_RCC_USART3_CLK_ENABLE(); } #ifdef USART4 else if (DEBUG_USART == USART4) { __HAL_RCC_USART4_CLK_ENABLE(); } #endif #ifdef USART5 else if (DEBUG_USART == USART5) { __HAL_RCC_USART5_CLK_ENABLE(); } #endif // LL_GPIO_SetPinMode(GPIOA, LL_GPIO_PIN_2, LL_GPIO_MODE_ALTERNATE); // LL_GPIO_SetPinOutputType(GPIOA, LL_GPIO_PIN_2, LL_GPIO_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL); // LL_GPIO_SetPinSpeed(GPIOA, LL_GPIO_PIN_2, LL_GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_HIGH); // commented out default values // LL_USART_ConfigAsyncMode(USART2); // LL_USART_SetDataWidth(USART2, LL_USART_DATAWIDTH_8B); // LL_USART_SetParity(USART2, LL_USART_PARITY_NONE); // LL_USART_SetStopBitsLength(USART2, LL_USART_STOPBITS_1); // LL_USART_SetHWFlowCtrl(USART2, LL_USART_HWCONTROL_NONE); LL_USART_EnableDirectionTx(DEBUG_USART); LL_USART_SetBaudRate(DEBUG_USART, DEBUG_USART_PCLK, LL_USART_OVERSAMPLING_16, DEBUG_USART_BAUD); LL_USART_Enable(DEBUG_USART); } void debug_write(const char *buf, uint16_t len) { for (uint16_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { while (!LL_USART_IsActiveFlag_TC(DEBUG_USART)); LL_USART_TransmitData8(DEBUG_USART, (uint8_t) *buf++); } } /** Debug print, used by debug / newlib */ ssize_t _write_r(struct _reent *rptr, int fd, const void *buf, size_t len) { trap("Use of newlib printf"); return len; } #else // No-uart variant void DebugUart_PreInit(void) {} void DebugUart_Init(void) {} ssize_t _write_r(struct _reent *rptr, int fd, const void *buf, size_t len) { return len; } #endif //USE_DEBUG_UART