// // Created by MightyPork on 2017/11/25. // #include "unit_base.h" #include "platform/irq_dispatcher.h" #include "comm/messages.h" #include "unit_din.h" #include "tasks/task_msg.h" #include "utils/avrlibc.h" /** Private data structure */ struct priv { char port_name; uint16_t pins; // pin mask uint16_t pulldown; // pull-downs (default is pull-up) uint16_t pullup; // pull-ups uint16_t trig_rise; // pins generating events on rising edge uint16_t trig_fall; // pins generating events on falling edge uint16_t trig_holdoff; // ms uint16_t def_auto; // initial auto triggers uint16_t arm_auto; // pins armed for auto reporting uint16_t arm_single; // pins armed for single event uint16_t holdoff_countdowns[16]; // countdowns to arm for each pin in the bit map GPIO_TypeDef *port; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Load from a binary buffer stored in Flash */ static void DI_loadBinary(Unit *unit, PayloadParser *pp) { struct priv *priv = unit->data; uint8_t version = pp_u8(pp); (void)version; priv->port_name = pp_char(pp); priv->pins = pp_u16(pp); priv->pulldown = pp_u16(pp); priv->pullup = pp_u16(pp); if (version >= 1) { priv->trig_rise = pp_u16(pp); priv->trig_fall = pp_u16(pp); priv->trig_holdoff = pp_u16(pp); } if (version >= 2) { priv->def_auto = pp_u16(pp); } } /** Write to a binary buffer for storing in Flash */ static void DI_writeBinary(Unit *unit, PayloadBuilder *pb) { struct priv *priv = unit->data; pb_u8(pb, 2); // version pb_char(pb, priv->port_name); pb_u16(pb, priv->pins); pb_u16(pb, priv->pulldown); pb_u16(pb, priv->pullup); pb_u16(pb, priv->trig_rise); pb_u16(pb, priv->trig_fall); pb_u16(pb, priv->trig_holdoff); pb_u16(pb, priv->def_auto); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Parse a key-value pair from the INI file */ static error_t DI_loadIni(Unit *unit, const char *key, const char *value) { bool suc = true; struct priv *priv = unit->data; if (streq(key, "port")) { suc = parse_port_name(value, &priv->port_name); } else if (streq(key, "pins")) { priv->pins = parse_pinmask(value, &suc); } else if (streq(key, "pull-up")) { priv->pullup = parse_pinmask(value, &suc); } else if (streq(key, "pull-down")) { priv->pulldown = parse_pinmask(value, &suc); } else if (streq(key, "trig-rise")) { priv->trig_rise = parse_pinmask(value, &suc); } else if (streq(key, "trig-fall")) { priv->trig_fall = parse_pinmask(value, &suc); } else if (streq(key, "auto-trigger")) { priv->def_auto = parse_pinmask(value, &suc); } else if (streq(key, "hold-off")) { priv->trig_holdoff = (uint16_t) avr_atoi(value); } else { return E_BAD_KEY; } if (!suc) return E_BAD_VALUE; return E_SUCCESS; } /** Generate INI file section for the unit */ static void DI_writeIni(Unit *unit, IniWriter *iw) { struct priv *priv = unit->data; iw_comment(iw, "Port name"); iw_entry(iw, "port", "%c", priv->port_name); iw_comment(iw, "Pins (comma separated, supports ranges)"); iw_entry(iw, "pins", "%s", pinmask2str(priv->pins, unit_tmp512)); iw_comment(iw, "Pins with pull-up"); iw_entry(iw, "pull-up", "%s", pinmask2str(priv->pullup, unit_tmp512)); iw_comment(iw, "Pins with pull-down"); iw_entry(iw, "pull-down", "%s", pinmask2str(priv->pulldown, unit_tmp512)); iw_cmt_newline(iw); iw_comment(iw, "Trigger pins activated by rising/falling edge"); iw_entry(iw, "trig-rise", "%s", pinmask2str(priv->trig_rise, unit_tmp512)); iw_entry(iw, "trig-fall", "%s", pinmask2str(priv->trig_fall, unit_tmp512)); iw_comment(iw, "Trigger pins auto-armed by default"); iw_entry(iw, "auto-trigger", "%s", pinmask2str(priv->def_auto, unit_tmp512)); iw_comment(iw, "Triggers hold-off time (ms)"); iw_entry(iw, "hold-off", "%d", (int)priv->trig_holdoff); #if PLAT_NO_FLOATING_INPUTS iw_comment(iw, "NOTE: Pins use pull-up by default.\r\n"); #endif } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Allocate data structure and set defaults */ static error_t DI_preInit(Unit *unit) { struct priv *priv = unit->data = calloc_ck(1, sizeof(struct priv)); if (priv == NULL) return E_OUT_OF_MEM; // some defaults priv->port_name = 'A'; priv->pins = 0x0001; priv->pulldown = 0x0000; priv->pullup = 0x0000; priv->trig_rise = 0x0000; priv->trig_fall = 0x0000; priv->trig_holdoff = 100; priv->def_auto = 0x0000; return E_SUCCESS; } static void ID_SendTriggerReportToMaster(Job *job) { Unit *unit = job->data1; PayloadBuilder pb = pb_start(unit_tmp512, UNIT_TMP_LEN, NULL); pb_u8(&pb, unit->callsign); pb_u8(&pb, 0x00); // report type "Trigger" { pb_u16(&pb, (uint16_t) job->d32_2); // packed, 1 on the triggering pin pb_u16(&pb, (uint16_t) job->d32_3); // packed, snapshot // the snapshot can be used to capture the other input pins } assert_param(pb.ok); com_send_pb(MSG_UNIT_REPORT, &pb); } static void DI_handleExti(void *arg) { Unit *unit = arg; struct priv *priv = unit->data; const uint16_t snapshot = (uint16_t) priv->port->IDR; uint16_t trigger_map = 0; uint16_t mask = 1; const uint16_t armed_pins = priv->arm_single|priv->arm_auto; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++, mask <<= 1) { if (!LL_EXTI_ReadFlag_0_31(LL_EXTI_LINES[i])) continue; LL_EXTI_ClearFlag_0_31(LL_EXTI_LINES[i]); // Armed and ready if ((armed_pins & mask) && (priv->holdoff_countdowns[i] == 0)) { // Mark as captured trigger_map |= (1 << i); // Start hold-off (no-op if zero hold-off) priv->holdoff_countdowns[i] = priv->trig_holdoff; } } // Disarm all possibly used single triggers priv->arm_single &= ~trigger_map; if (trigger_map != 0) { Job j = { .data1 = unit, .d32_2 = pinmask_pack(trigger_map, priv->pins), .d32_3 = pinmask_pack(snapshot, priv->pins), .cb = ID_SendTriggerReportToMaster }; scheduleJob(&j); } } /** Finalize unit set-up */ static error_t DI_init(Unit *unit) { bool suc = true; struct priv *priv = unit->data; priv->pulldown &= priv->pins; priv->pullup &= priv->pins; priv->trig_rise &= priv->pins; priv->trig_fall &= priv->pins; priv->def_auto &= (priv->trig_rise|priv->trig_fall); // copy auto-arm defaults to the auto-arm register (the register may be manipulated by commands) priv->arm_auto = priv->def_auto; priv->arm_single = 0; // clear countdowns memset(priv->holdoff_countdowns, 0, sizeof(priv->holdoff_countdowns)); // --- Parse config --- priv->port = hw_port2periph(priv->port_name, &suc); if (!suc) return E_BAD_CONFIG; // Claim all needed pins TRY(rsc_claim_gpios(unit, priv->port_name, priv->pins)); uint16_t mask = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++, mask <<= 1) { if (priv->pins & mask) { uint32_t ll_pin = hw_pin2ll((uint8_t) i, &suc); // --- Init hardware --- LL_GPIO_SetPinMode(priv->port, ll_pin, LL_GPIO_MODE_INPUT); uint32_t pull = 0; #if PLAT_NO_FLOATING_INPUTS pull = LL_GPIO_PULL_UP; #else pull = LL_GPIO_PULL_NO; #endif if (priv->pulldown & mask) pull = LL_GPIO_PULL_DOWN; if (priv->pullup & mask) pull = LL_GPIO_PULL_UP; LL_GPIO_SetPinPull(priv->port, ll_pin, pull); if ((priv->trig_rise|priv->trig_fall) & mask) { LL_EXTI_EnableIT_0_31(LL_EXTI_LINES[i]); if (priv->trig_rise & mask) { LL_EXTI_EnableRisingTrig_0_31(LL_EXTI_LINES[i]); } if (priv->trig_fall & mask) { LL_EXTI_EnableFallingTrig_0_31(LL_EXTI_LINES[i]); } LL_SYSCFG_SetEXTISource(LL_SYSCFG_EXTI_PORTS[priv->port_name-'A'], LL_SYSCFG_EXTI_LINES[i]); irqd_attach(EXTIS[i], DI_handleExti, unit); } } } // request ticks if we have triggers and any hold-offs configured if ((priv->trig_rise|priv->trig_fall) && priv->trig_holdoff > 0) { unit->tick_interval = 1; } return E_SUCCESS; } /** Tear down the unit */ static void DI_deInit(Unit *unit) { struct priv *priv = unit->data; // pins are de-inited during teardown if (unit->status == E_SUCCESS) { // Detach EXTI handlers and disable interrupts if (priv->trig_rise | priv->trig_fall) { uint16_t mask = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++, mask <<= 1) { if ((priv->trig_rise | priv->trig_fall) & mask) { LL_EXTI_DisableIT_0_31(LL_EXTI_LINES[i]); irqd_detach(EXTIS[i], DI_handleExti); } } } } // Release all resources rsc_teardown(unit); // Free memory free_ck(unit->data); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Read request */ error_t UU_DI_Read(Unit *unit, uint16_t *packed) { CHECK_TYPE(unit, &UNIT_DIN); struct priv *priv = unit->data; *packed = pinmask_pack((uint16_t) priv->port->IDR, priv->pins); return E_SUCCESS; } /** Arm pins */ error_t UU_DI_Arm(Unit *unit, uint16_t arm_single_packed, uint16_t arm_auto_packed) { CHECK_TYPE(unit, &UNIT_DIN); struct priv *priv = unit->data; uint16_t arm_single = pinmask_spread(arm_single_packed, priv->pins); uint16_t arm_auto = pinmask_spread(arm_auto_packed, priv->pins); // abort if user tries to arm pin that doesn't have a trigger configured if (0 != ((arm_single|arm_auto) & ~(priv->trig_fall|priv->trig_rise))) { return E_BAD_VALUE; } // arm and reset hold-offs // we use critical section to avoid irq between the two steps vPortEnterCritical(); { priv->arm_auto |= arm_single; priv->arm_single |= arm_auto; const uint16_t combined = arm_single | arm_auto; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (combined & (1 << i)) { priv->holdoff_countdowns[i] = 0; } } } vPortExitCritical(); return E_SUCCESS; } /** DisArm pins */ error_t UU_DI_DisArm(Unit *unit, uint16_t disarm_packed) { CHECK_TYPE(unit, &UNIT_DIN); struct priv *priv = unit->data; uint16_t disarm = pinmask_spread(disarm_packed, priv->pins); // abort if user tries to disarm pin that doesn't have a trigger configured if (0 != ((disarm) & ~(priv->trig_fall|priv->trig_rise))) { return E_BAD_VALUE; } priv->arm_auto &= ~disarm; priv->arm_single &= ~disarm; return E_SUCCESS; } enum PinCmd_ { CMD_READ = 0, CMD_ARM_SINGLE = 1, CMD_ARM_AUTO = 2, CMD_DISARM = 3, }; /** Handle a request message */ static error_t DI_handleRequest(Unit *unit, TF_ID frame_id, uint8_t command, PayloadParser *pp) { uint16_t pins = 0; switch (command) { case CMD_READ:; TRY(UU_DI_Read(unit, &pins)); PayloadBuilder pb = pb_start((uint8_t*)unit_tmp512, UNIT_TMP_LEN, NULL); pb_u16(&pb, pins); // packed input pins com_respond_buf(frame_id, MSG_SUCCESS, (uint8_t *) unit_tmp512, pb_length(&pb)); return E_SUCCESS; case CMD_ARM_SINGLE:; pins = pp_u16(pp); if (!pp->ok) return E_MALFORMED_COMMAND; TRY(UU_DI_Arm(unit, pins, 0)); return E_SUCCESS; case CMD_ARM_AUTO:; pins = pp_u16(pp); if (!pp->ok) return E_MALFORMED_COMMAND; TRY(UU_DI_Arm(unit, 0, pins)); return E_SUCCESS; case CMD_DISARM:; pins = pp_u16(pp); if (!pp->ok) return E_MALFORMED_COMMAND; TRY(UU_DI_DisArm(unit, pins)); return E_SUCCESS; default: return E_UNKNOWN_COMMAND; } } /** * Decrement all the hold-off timers on tick * * @param unit */ static void DI_updateTick(Unit *unit) { struct priv *priv = unit->data; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (priv->holdoff_countdowns[i] > 0) { priv->holdoff_countdowns[i]--; } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Unit template */ const UnitDriver UNIT_DIN = { .name = "DI", .description = "Digital input with triggers", // Settings .preInit = DI_preInit, .cfgLoadBinary = DI_loadBinary, .cfgWriteBinary = DI_writeBinary, .cfgLoadIni = DI_loadIni, .cfgWriteIni = DI_writeIni, // Init .init = DI_init, .deInit = DI_deInit, // Function .handleRequest = DI_handleRequest, .updateTick = DI_updateTick, };