doc for all units

Ondřej Hruška 6 years ago
parent ceb658e246
commit a44eb5f16a
Signed by: MightyPork
GPG Key ID: 2C5FD5035250423D
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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
// Created by MightyPork on 2017/11/25.
// Digital input unit; single or multiple pin read access on one port (A-F)
#ifndef U_DIN_H
#define U_DIN_H

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
// Created by MightyPork on 2017/11/25.
// Digital output unit; single or multiple pin write access on one port (A-F)
#ifndef U_DOUT_H
#define U_DOUT_H

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
// Created by MightyPork on 2018/01/02.
// I2C master unit
#ifndef GEX_F072_UNIT_I2C_H
#define GEX_F072_UNIT_I2C_H

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
// Created by MightyPork on 2017/11/25.
// NeoPixel RGB LED strip bit-banged output.
// The nanosecond timing is derived from the AHB clock speed.
#ifndef U_NEOPIXEL_H
#define U_NEOPIXEL_H

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
// Created by MightyPork on 2018/01/02.
// SPI master with unicast and multicats support, up to 16 slave select lines
#include <stm32f072xb.h>
#include "comm/messages.h"
#include "unit_base.h"
#include "utils/avrlibc.h"

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
// Created by MightyPork on 2017/11/25.
// Testing unit that uses most of the protocol to verify the core functionality

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
// Created by MightyPork on 2018/01/14.
// Internal defines and consts used by the USART unit.
// Can be included only by the USART c files.
@ -31,51 +34,60 @@ struct priv {
bool lsb_first; //!< bit order
uint8_t width; //!< word width - 7, 8, 9 (this includes parity)
bool data_inv; //!< Invert data bytes
bool rx_inv; //!< Invert the RX pin levels
bool tx_inv; //!< Invert the TX pin levels
bool data_inv; //!< Invert data bytes
bool rx_inv; //!< Invert the RX pin levels
bool tx_inv; //!< Invert the TX pin levels
bool de_output; //!< Generate the Driver Enable signal for RS485
bool de_output; //!< Generate the Driver Enable signal for RS485
bool de_polarity; //!< DE active level
uint8_t de_assert_time; //!< Time to assert the DE signal before transmit
uint8_t de_clear_time; //!< Time to clear the DE signal after transmit
uint8_t de_assert_time; //!< Time to assert the DE signal before transmit
uint8_t de_clear_time; //!< Time to clear the DE signal after transmit
USART_TypeDef *periph;
USART_TypeDef *periph; //!< USART peripheral
DMA_TypeDef *dma;
DMA_Channel_TypeDef *dma_rx;
DMA_Channel_TypeDef *dma_tx;
uint8_t dma_rx_chnum;
uint8_t dma_tx_chnum;
DMA_TypeDef *dma; //!< DMA peripheral
uint8_t dma_rx_chnum; //!< DMA rx channel number (resolved dynamically based on availability)
uint8_t dma_tx_chnum; //!< DMA tx channel number (resolved dynamically based on availability)
DMA_Channel_TypeDef *dma_rx; //!< DMA rx channel instance
DMA_Channel_TypeDef *dma_tx; //!< DMA tx channel instance
// DMA stuff
volatile uint8_t *rx_buffer;
volatile uint16_t rx_buf_readpos;
volatile uint8_t *rx_buffer; //!< Receive buffer (malloc'd). Has configured TC and TH interrupts.
volatile uint16_t rx_buf_readpos; //!< Start of the next read (sending to USB)
volatile uint16_t rx_last_dmapos; //!< Last position of the DMA cyclic write. Used to detect timeouts and for partial data capture from the buffer
volatile uint8_t *tx_buffer;
volatile uint16_t tx_buf_nr;
volatile uint16_t tx_buf_nw;
volatile uint16_t tx_buf_chunk;
volatile bool tx_dma_busy;
volatile uint8_t *tx_buffer; //!< Transmit buffer (malloc'd)
volatile uint16_t tx_buf_nr; //!< Next Read index
volatile uint16_t tx_buf_nw; //!< Next Write index
volatile uint16_t tx_buf_chunk; //!< Size of the currently being transmitted chunk (for advancing the pointers)
volatile bool tx_dma_busy; //!< Flag that the Tx DMA request is ongoing
volatile uint16_t rx_last_dmapos;
/** Allocate data structure and set defaults */
error_t UUSART_preInit(Unit *unit);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Load from a binary buffer stored in Flash */
void UUSART_loadBinary(Unit *unit, PayloadParser *pp);
/** Write to a binary buffer for storing in Flash */
void UUSART_writeBinary(Unit *unit, PayloadBuilder *pb);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Parse a key-value pair from the INI file */
error_t UUSART_loadIni(Unit *unit, const char *key, const char *value);
/** Generate INI file section for the unit */
void UUSART_writeIni(Unit *unit, IniWriter *iw);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Tear down the unit */
void UUSART_deInit(Unit *unit);
/** Finalize unit set-up */
error_t UUSART_init(Unit *unit);
@ -97,13 +109,6 @@ void UUSART_DMA_HandleRxFromIRQ(Unit *unit, uint16_t endpos);
uint16_t UUSART_DMA_TxQueue(struct priv *priv, const uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t len);
* Handle rx timeout, grab what is received and send it immediately.
* @param unit
void UUSART_DMA_HandleRxTimeout(Unit *unit);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@ -19,14 +19,6 @@ static void UUSART_SendReceivedDataToMaster(Job *job)
uint32_t readpos = job->d32;
uint32_t count = job->len;
// Debug: print to debug port
// PUTS("Job rx >");
// PUTSN((char *) priv->rx_buffer + readpos, (uint16_t) count);
// PUTS("<\r\n");
// Debug: Write out
// UU_USART_Write(unit, (const uint8_t *) (priv->rx_buffer + readpos), count);
// TODO modify TF to allow writing in multiple chunks to avoid this useless buffer copying
PayloadBuilder pb = pb_start(unit_tmp512, UNIT_TMP_LEN, NULL);
pb_u8(&pb, unit->callsign);
@ -68,6 +60,9 @@ void UUSART_DMA_HandleRxFromIRQ(Unit *unit, uint16_t endpos)
priv->rx_buf_readpos = endpos;
* Timed tick (ISR) - check timeout
void UUSART_Tick(Unit *unit)

@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
// Created by MightyPork on 2018/01/02.
// USART driver using DMA buffers.
// Provides a wide range of config options and supports driving a RS485 driver.
// The implementation is complex and split to multiple files for easier maintenance
#ifndef GEX_F072_UNIT_USART_H
#define GEX_F072_UNIT_USART_H
