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// Created by MightyPork on 2018/01/02.
#include <framework/system_settings.h>
#include "comm/messages.h"
#include "unit_base.h"
#include "utils/avrlibc.h"
#include "unit_i2c.h"
// I2C master
/** Private data structure */
struct priv {
uint8_t periph_num; //!< 1 or 2
uint8_t remap; //!< I2C remap option
bool anf; //!< Enable analog noise filter
uint8_t dnf; //!< Enable digital noise filter (1-15 ... max spike width)
uint8_t speed; //!< 0 - Standard, 1 - Fast, 2 - Fast+
I2C_TypeDef *periph;
7 years ago
// GPIO_TypeDef *port;
// uint32_t ll_pin_scl;
// uint32_t ll_pin_sda;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Load from a binary buffer stored in Flash */
static void UI2C_loadBinary(Unit *unit, PayloadParser *pp)
struct priv *priv = unit->data;
uint8_t version = pp_u8(pp);
priv->periph_num = pp_u8(pp);
priv->anf = pp_bool(pp);
priv->dnf = pp_u8(pp);
priv->speed = pp_u8(pp);
if (version >= 1) {
priv->remap = pp_u8(pp);
/** Write to a binary buffer for storing in Flash */
static void UI2C_writeBinary(Unit *unit, PayloadBuilder *pb)
struct priv *priv = unit->data;
pb_u8(pb, 1); // version
pb_u8(pb, priv->periph_num);
pb_bool(pb, priv->anf);
pb_u8(pb, priv->dnf);
pb_u8(pb, priv->speed);
pb_u8(pb, priv->remap);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Parse a key-value pair from the INI file */
static error_t UI2C_loadIni(Unit *unit, const char *key, const char *value)
bool suc = true;
struct priv *priv = unit->data;
if (streq(key, "device")) {
priv->periph_num = (uint8_t) avr_atoi(value);
else if (streq(key, "remap")) {
priv->remap = (uint8_t) avr_atoi(value);
else if (streq(key, "analog-filter")) {
priv->anf = str_parse_yn(value, &suc);
else if (streq(key, "digital-filter")) {
priv->dnf = (uint8_t) avr_atoi(value);
else if (streq(key, "speed")) {
priv->speed = (uint8_t) avr_atoi(value);
else {
return E_BAD_KEY;
if (!suc) return E_BAD_VALUE;
return E_SUCCESS;
/** Generate INI file section for the unit */
static void UI2C_writeIni(Unit *unit, IniWriter *iw)
struct priv *priv = unit->data;
iw_comment(iw, "Peripheral number (I2Cx)");
iw_entry(iw, "device", "%d", (int)priv->periph_num);
iw_comment(iw, "Pin mappings (SCL,SDA)");
iw_comment(iw, " I2C1: (0) B6,B7 (1) B8,B9");
iw_comment(iw, " I2C2: (0) B10,B11 (1) B13,B14");
#error "NO IMPL"
#error "NO IMPL"
#error "NO IMPL"
#error "BAD PLATFORM!"
iw_entry(iw, "remap", "%d", (int)priv->remap);
iw_comment(iw, "Speed: 1-Standard, 2-Fast, 3-Fast+");
iw_entry(iw, "speed", "%d", (int)priv->speed);
iw_comment(iw, "Analog noise filter enable (Y,N)");
iw_entry(iw, "analog-filter", "%s", str_yn(priv->anf));
iw_comment(iw, "Digital noise filter bandwidth (0-15)");
iw_entry(iw, "digital-filter", "%d", (int)priv->dnf);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Allocate data structure and set defaults */
static error_t UI2C_preInit(Unit *unit)
bool suc = true;
struct priv *priv = unit->data = calloc_ck(1, sizeof(struct priv), &suc);
if (!suc) return E_OUT_OF_MEM;
// some defaults
priv->periph_num = 1;
priv->speed = 1;
priv->anf = true;
priv->dnf = 0;
return E_SUCCESS;
/** Finalize unit set-up */
static error_t UI2C_init(Unit *unit)
bool suc = true;
struct priv *priv = unit->data;
if (!(priv->periph_num >= 1 && priv->periph_num <= 2)) {
dbg("!! Bad I2C periph"); // TODO report
return E_BAD_CONFIG;
if (!(priv->speed >= 1 && priv->speed <= 3)) {
dbg("!! Bad I2C speed");
return E_BAD_CONFIG;
if (priv->dnf > 15) {
dbg("!! Bad I2C DNF bw");
return E_BAD_CONFIG;
// assign and claim the peripheral
if (priv->periph_num == 1) {
TRY(rsc_claim(unit, R_I2C1));
priv->periph = I2C1;
} else {
TRY(rsc_claim(unit, R_I2C2));
priv->periph = I2C2;
7 years ago
// This is written for F072, other platforms will need adjustments
char portname;
uint8_t pin_scl;
uint8_t pin_sda;
uint32_t af_i2c;
uint32_t timing; // magic constant from CubeMX
// scl - 6 or 8 for I2C1, 10 for I2C2
// sda - 7 or 9 for I2C1, 11 for I2C2
if (priv->periph_num == 1) {
// I2C1
if (priv->remap == 0) {
af_i2c = LL_GPIO_AF_1;
portname = 'B';
pin_scl = 6;
pin_sda = 7;
} else if (priv->remap == 1) {
af_i2c = LL_GPIO_AF_1;
portname = 'B';
pin_scl = 8;
pin_sda = 9;
} else {
return E_BAD_CONFIG;
7 years ago
} else {
// I2C2
if (priv->remap == 0) {
af_i2c = LL_GPIO_AF_1;
portname = 'B';
pin_scl = 10;
pin_sda = 11;
} else if (priv->remap == 1) {
af_i2c = LL_GPIO_AF_5;
portname = 'B';
pin_scl = 13;
pin_sda = 14;
} else {
return E_BAD_CONFIG;
7 years ago
if (priv->speed == 1)
timing = 0x00301D2B; // Standard
else if (priv->speed == 2)
timing = 0x0000020B; // Fast
timing = 0x00000001; // Fast+
#error "NO IMPL"
#error "NO IMPL"
#error "NO IMPL"
#error "BAD PLATFORM!"
// first, we have to claim the pins
TRY(rsc_claim_pin(unit, portname, pin_sda));
TRY(rsc_claim_pin(unit, portname, pin_scl));
7 years ago
configure_gpio_alternate(portname, pin_sda, af_i2c);
configure_gpio_alternate(portname, pin_scl, af_i2c);
7 years ago
if (priv->periph_num == 1) {
} else {
/* Disable the selected I2Cx Peripheral */
7 years ago
LL_I2C_SetTiming(priv->periph, timing);
7 years ago
LL_I2C_DisableOwnAddress1(priv->periph); // OA not used
LL_I2C_SetMode(priv->periph, LL_I2C_MODE_I2C); // not using SMBus
return E_SUCCESS;
/** Tear down the unit */
static void UI2C_deInit(Unit *unit)
struct priv *priv = unit->data;
// de-init the pins & peripheral only if inited correctly
if (unit->status == E_SUCCESS) {
7 years ago
7 years ago
if (priv->periph_num == 1) {
} else {
// Release all resources
// Free memory
unit->data = NULL;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum PinCmd_ {
7 years ago
static void i2c_reset(struct priv *priv)
static error_t i2c_wait_until_flag(struct priv *priv, uint32_t flag, bool stop_state)
7 years ago
uint32_t t_start = HAL_GetTick();
while (((priv->periph->ISR & flag)!=0) != stop_state) {
if (HAL_GetTick() - t_start > 10) {
return E_HW_TIMEOUT;
7 years ago
return E_SUCCESS;
7 years ago
error_t UU_I2C_Write(Unit *unit, uint16_t addr, const uint8_t *bytes, uint32_t bcount)
struct priv *priv = unit->data;
uint8_t addrsize = (uint8_t) (((addr & 0x8000) == 0) ? 7 : 10);
addr &= 0x3FF;
uint32_t ll_addrsize = (addrsize == 7) ? LL_I2C_ADDRSLAVE_7BIT : LL_I2C_ADDRSLAVE_10BIT;
if (addrsize == 7) addr <<= 1; // 7-bit address must be shifted to left for LL to use it correctly
TRY(i2c_wait_until_flag(priv, I2C_ISR_BUSY, 0));
bool first = true;
while (bcount > 0) {
uint32_t len = bcount;
uint32_t chunk_remain = (uint8_t) ((len > 255) ? 255 : len); // if more than 255, first chunk is 255
LL_I2C_HandleTransfer(priv->periph, addr, ll_addrsize, chunk_remain,
(len > 255) ? LL_I2C_MODE_RELOAD : LL_I2C_MODE_AUTOEND, // Autoend if this is the last chunk
first ? LL_I2C_GENERATE_START_WRITE : LL_I2C_GENERATE_NOSTARTSTOP); // no start/stop condition if we're continuing
first = false;
bcount -= chunk_remain;
for (; chunk_remain > 0; chunk_remain--) {
TRY(i2c_wait_until_flag(priv, I2C_ISR_TXIS, 1));
uint8_t byte = *bytes++;
LL_I2C_TransmitData8(priv->periph, byte);
TRY(i2c_wait_until_flag(priv, I2C_ISR_STOPF, 1));
return E_SUCCESS;
error_t UU_I2C_Read(Unit *unit, uint16_t addr, uint8_t *dest, uint32_t bcount)
struct priv *priv = unit->data;
uint8_t addrsize = (uint8_t) (((addr & 0x8000) == 0) ? 7 : 10);
addr &= 0x3FF;
uint32_t ll_addrsize = (addrsize == 7) ? LL_I2C_ADDRSLAVE_7BIT : LL_I2C_ADDRSLAVE_10BIT;
if (addrsize == 7) addr <<= 1; // 7-bit address must be shifted to left for LL to use it correctly
TRY(i2c_wait_until_flag(priv, I2C_ISR_BUSY, 0));
bool first = true;
while (bcount > 0) {
if (!first) {
TRY(i2c_wait_until_flag(priv, I2C_ISR_TCR, 1));
7 years ago
uint8_t chunk_remain = (uint8_t) ((bcount > 255) ? 255 : bcount); // if more than 255, first chunk is 255
LL_I2C_HandleTransfer(priv->periph, addr, ll_addrsize, chunk_remain,
(bcount > 255) ? LL_I2C_MODE_RELOAD : LL_I2C_MODE_AUTOEND, // Autoend if this is the last chunk
first ? LL_I2C_GENERATE_START_READ : LL_I2C_GENERATE_NOSTARTSTOP); // no start/stop condition if we're continuing
first = false;
bcount -= chunk_remain;
for (; chunk_remain > 0; chunk_remain--) {
TRY(i2c_wait_until_flag(priv, I2C_ISR_RXNE, 1));
uint8_t byte = LL_I2C_ReceiveData8(priv->periph);
*dest++ = byte;
7 years ago
TRY(i2c_wait_until_flag(priv, I2C_ISR_STOPF, 1));
return E_SUCCESS;
error_t UU_I2C_ReadReg(Unit *unit, uint16_t addr, uint8_t regnum, uint8_t *dest, uint32_t width)
TRY(UU_I2C_Write(unit, addr, &regnum, 1));
TRY(UU_I2C_Read(unit, addr, dest, width));
return E_SUCCESS;
error_t UU_I2C_WriteReg(Unit *unit, uint16_t addr, uint8_t regnum, const uint8_t *bytes, uint32_t width)
// we have to insert the address first - needs a buffer (XXX realistically the buffer needs 1-4 bytes + addr)
PayloadBuilder pb = pb_start((uint8_t*)unit_tmp512, UNIT_TMP_LEN, NULL);
pb_u8(&pb, regnum);
pb_buf(&pb, bytes, width);
TRY(UU_I2C_Write(unit, addr, (uint8_t *) unit_tmp512, pb_length(&pb)));
return E_SUCCESS;
/** Handle a request message */
static error_t UI2C_handleRequest(Unit *unit, TF_ID frame_id, uint8_t command, PayloadParser *pp)
uint16_t addr;
uint32_t len;
uint8_t regnum;
uint32_t size;
// NOTE: 10-bit addresses must have the highest bit set to 1 for indication (0x8000 | addr)
switch (command) {
/** Write byte(s) - addr:u16, byte(s) */
addr = pp_u16(pp);
const uint8_t *bb = pp_tail(pp, &len);
return UU_I2C_Write(unit, addr, bb, len);
/** Read byte(s) - addr:u16, len:u16 */
case CMD_READ:
addr = pp_u16(pp);
7 years ago
len = pp_u16(pp);
TRY(UU_I2C_Read(unit, addr, (uint8_t *) unit_tmp512, len));
com_respond_buf(frame_id, MSG_SUCCESS, (uint8_t *) unit_tmp512, len);
return E_SUCCESS;
7 years ago
/** Read register(s) - addr:u16, reg:u8, size:u16 */
addr = pp_u16(pp);
regnum = pp_u8(pp); // register number
size = pp_u16(pp); // total number of bytes to read (allows use of auto-increment)
TRY(UU_I2C_ReadReg(unit, addr, regnum, (uint8_t *) unit_tmp512, size));
com_respond_buf(frame_id, MSG_SUCCESS, (uint8_t *) unit_tmp512, size);
return E_SUCCESS;
/** Write a register - addr:u16, reg:u8, byte(s) */
addr = pp_u16(pp);
regnum = pp_u8(pp); // register number
const uint8_t *tail = pp_tail(pp, &size);
return UU_I2C_WriteReg(unit, addr, regnum, tail, size);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Unit template */
const UnitDriver UNIT_I2C = {
.name = "I2C",
.description = "I2C master",
// Settings
.preInit = UI2C_preInit,
.cfgLoadBinary = UI2C_loadBinary,
.cfgWriteBinary = UI2C_writeBinary,
.cfgLoadIni = UI2C_loadIni,
.cfgWriteIni = UI2C_writeIni,
// Init
.init = UI2C_init,
.deInit = UI2C_deInit,
// Function
.handleRequest = UI2C_handleRequest,