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234 lines
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// Created by MightyPork on 2018/01/14.
#include "platform.h"
#include "unit_base.h"
#include "unit_usart.h"
#include "_usart_internal.h"
/** Load from a binary buffer stored in Flash */
void UUSART_loadBinary(Unit *unit, PayloadParser *pp)
struct priv *priv = unit->data;
uint8_t version = pp_u8(pp);
priv->periph_num = pp_u8(pp);
priv->remap = pp_u8(pp);
priv->baudrate = pp_u32(pp);
priv->parity = pp_u8(pp);
priv->stopbits = pp_u8(pp);
priv->direction = pp_u8(pp);
priv->hw_flow_control = pp_u8(pp);
priv->clock_output = pp_bool(pp);
priv->cpol = pp_bool(pp);
priv->cpha = pp_bool(pp);
priv->lsb_first = pp_bool(pp);
priv->width = pp_u8(pp);
priv->data_inv = pp_bool(pp);
priv->rx_inv = pp_bool(pp);
priv->tx_inv = pp_bool(pp);
priv->de_output = pp_bool(pp);
priv->de_polarity = pp_bool(pp);
priv->de_assert_time = pp_u8(pp);
priv->de_clear_time = pp_u8(pp);
/** Write to a binary buffer for storing in Flash */
void UUSART_writeBinary(Unit *unit, PayloadBuilder *pb)
struct priv *priv = unit->data;
pb_u8(pb, 0); // version
pb_u8(pb, priv->periph_num);
pb_u8(pb, priv->remap);
pb_u32(pb, priv->baudrate);
pb_u8(pb, priv->parity);
pb_u8(pb, priv->stopbits);
pb_u8(pb, priv->direction);
pb_u8(pb, priv->hw_flow_control);
pb_bool(pb, priv->clock_output);
pb_bool(pb, priv->cpol);
pb_bool(pb, priv->cpha);
pb_bool(pb, priv->lsb_first);
pb_u8(pb, priv->width);
pb_bool(pb, priv->data_inv);
pb_bool(pb, priv->rx_inv);
pb_bool(pb, priv->tx_inv);
pb_bool(pb, priv->de_output);
pb_bool(pb, priv->de_polarity);
pb_u8(pb, priv->de_assert_time);
pb_u8(pb, priv->de_clear_time);
/** Parse a key-value pair from the INI file */
error_t UUSART_loadIni(Unit *unit, const char *key, const char *value)
bool suc = true;
struct priv *priv = unit->data;
if (streq(key, "device")) {
priv->periph_num = cfg_u8_parse(value, &suc);
else if (streq(key, "remap")) {
priv->remap = cfg_u8_parse(value, &suc);
else if (streq(key, "baud-rate")) {
priv->baudrate = cfg_u32_parse(value, &suc);
else if (streq(key, "parity")) {
priv->parity = (uint8_t) cfg_enum3_parse(value,
"NONE", 0,
"ODD", 1,
"EVEN", 2, &suc);
else if (streq(key, "stop-bits")) {
priv->stopbits = (uint8_t) cfg_enum4_parse(value,
"0.5", 0,
"1", 1,
"1.5", 2,
"2", 3, &suc);
else if (streq(key, "direction")) {
priv->direction = (uint8_t) cfg_enum3_parse(value,
else if (streq(key, "hw-flow-control")) {
priv->hw_flow_control = (uint8_t) cfg_enum4_parse(value,
"NONE", 0,
"RTS", 1,
"CTS", 2,
"FULL", 3, &suc);
else if (streq(key, "word-width")) {
priv->width = cfg_u8_parse(value, &suc);
else if (streq(key, "first-bit")) {
priv->lsb_first = (bool) cfg_enum2_parse(value, "MSB", 0, "LSB", 1, &suc);
else if (streq(key, "clock-output")) {
priv->clock_output = cfg_bool_parse(value, &suc);
else if (streq(key, "cpol")) {
priv->cpol = cfg_bool_parse(value, &suc);
else if (streq(key, "cpha")) {
priv->cpha = cfg_bool_parse(value, &suc);
else if (streq(key, "de-output")) {
priv->de_output = cfg_bool_parse(value, &suc);
else if (streq(key, "de-polarity")) {
priv->de_polarity = cfg_bool_parse(value, &suc);
else if (streq(key, "de-assert-time")) {
priv->de_assert_time = cfg_u8_parse(value, &suc);
else if (streq(key, "de-clear-time")) {
priv->de_clear_time = cfg_u8_parse(value, &suc);
else {
return E_BAD_KEY;
if (!suc) return E_BAD_VALUE;
return E_SUCCESS;
/** Generate INI file section for the unit */
void UUSART_writeIni(Unit *unit, IniWriter *iw)
struct priv *priv = unit->data;
iw_comment(iw, "Peripheral number (UARTx 1-4)");
iw_entry_d(iw, "device", priv->periph_num);
iw_comment(iw, "Pin mappings (TX,RX,CK,CTS,RTS/DE)");
iw_comment(iw, " USART1: (0) A9,A10,A8,A11,A12 (1) B6,B7,A8,A11,A12");
iw_comment(iw, " USART2: (0) A2,A3,A4,A0,A1 (1) A14,A15,A4,A0,A1");
iw_comment(iw, " USART3: (0) B10,B11,B12,B13,B14");
iw_comment(iw, " USART4: (0) A0,A1,C12,B7,A15 (1) C10,C11,C12,B7,A15");
#error "NO IMPL"
#error "NO IMPL"
#error "NO IMPL"
#error "BAD PLATFORM!"
iw_entry_d(iw, "remap", priv->remap);
iw_comment(iw, "Baud rate in bps (eg. 9600)");
iw_entry_d(iw, "baud-rate", priv->baudrate);
iw_comment(iw, "Parity type (NONE, ODD, EVEN)");
iw_entry_s(iw, "parity", cfg_enum3_encode(priv->parity,
0, "NONE",
1, "ODD",
2, "EVEN"));
iw_comment(iw, "Number of stop bits (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2)");
iw_entry_s(iw, "stop-bits", cfg_enum4_encode(priv->stopbits,
0, "0.5",
1, "1",
2, "1.5",
3, "2"));
iw_comment(iw, "Bit order (LSB or MSB first)");
iw_entry_s(iw, "first-bit", cfg_enum2_encode((uint32_t) priv->lsb_first,
0, "MSB",
1, "LSB"));
iw_comment(iw, "Word width (7,8,9) - including parity bit if used");
iw_entry_d(iw, "word-width", (int)priv->width);
iw_comment(iw, "Enabled lines (RX,TX,RXTX)");
iw_entry_s(iw, "direction", cfg_enum3_encode(priv->direction,
1, "RX",
2, "TX",
3, "RXTX"));
iw_comment(iw, "Hardware flow control (NONE, RTS, CTS, FULL)");
iw_entry_s(iw, "hw-flow-control", cfg_enum4_encode(priv->hw_flow_control,
0, "NONE",
1, "RTS",
2, "CTS",
3, "FULL"));
iw_comment(iw, "Generate serial clock (Y,N)");
iw_entry_s(iw, "clock-output", str_yn(priv->clock_output));
iw_comment(iw, "Clock polarity: 0,1");
iw_entry_d(iw, "cpol", priv->cpol);
iw_comment(iw, "Clock phase: 0,1");
iw_entry_d(iw, "cpha", priv->cpha);
iw_comment(iw, "Generate RS485 Driver Enable signal (Y,N) - uses RTS pin");
iw_entry_s(iw, "de-output", str_yn(priv->de_output));
iw_comment(iw, "DE active level: 0,1");
iw_entry_d(iw, "de-polarity", (priv->de_polarity));
iw_comment(iw, "DE assert time (0-31)");
iw_entry_d(iw, "de-assert-time", (priv->de_assert_time));
iw_comment(iw, "DE clear time (0-31)");
iw_entry_d(iw, "de-clear-time", (priv->de_clear_time));