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7 years ago
// Created by MightyPork on 2017/11/21.
#include "platform.h"
#include "task_sched.h"
extern osMessageQId queSchedLPHandle;
extern osMessageQId queSchedHPHandle;
volatile uint32_t jobQueHighWaterMarkHP = 0;
volatile uint32_t jobQueHighWaterMarkLP = 0;
* Schedule a function for later execution in the jobs thread
* @param callback - the callback function
* @param prio - priority, selects which job queue to use
* @param data1 - first data object, NULL if not needed; usually context/handle
* @param data2 - second data object, NULL if not needed; usually data/argument
void scheduleJob(Job *job, enum task_sched_prio prio)
QueueHandle_t que = (prio == TSK_SCHED_LOW ? queSchedLPHandle : queSchedHPHandle);
assert_param(que != NULL);
assert_param(job->cb != NULL);
uint32_t count;
if (inIRQ()) {
BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
assert_param(pdPASS == xQueueSendFromISR(que, job, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken));
count = (uint32_t) uxQueueMessagesWaitingFromISR(que);
} else {
assert_param(pdPASS == xQueueSend(que, job, 100));
count = (uint32_t) uxQueueMessagesWaiting(que);
if (prio == TSK_SCHED_LOW) {
jobQueHighWaterMarkLP = MAX(jobQueHighWaterMarkLP, count);
} else {
jobQueHighWaterMarkHP = MAX(jobQueHighWaterMarkHP, count);
* Low priority task queue handler
* @param argument
void TaskSchedLP (const void * argument)
dbg("> Low priority queue task started!");
struct sched_que_item job;
while (1) {
xQueueReceive(queSchedLPHandle, &job, osWaitForever);
assert_param(job.cb != NULL);
* High priority task queue handler
* @param argument
void TaskSchedHP (const void * argument)
dbg("> High priority queue task started!");
struct sched_que_item job;
while (1) {
xQueueReceive(queSchedHPHandle, &job, osWaitForever);
assert_param(job.cb != NULL);