GEX core repository.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

285 lines
5.5 KiB

7 years ago
/* Ragel constants block */
#include "ini_parser.h"
// Ragel setup
machine ini;
write data;
alphtype unsigned char;
// Persistent state
static int8_t cs = -1; //!< Ragel's Current State variable
static uint32_t buff_i = 0; //!< Write pointer for the buffers
static char value_quote = 0; //!< Quote character of the currently collected value
static bool value_nextesc = false; //!< Next character is escaped, trated specially, and if quote, as literal quote character
static IniParserCallback keyCallback = NULL; //!< Currently assigned callback
static void *userdata = NULL; //!< Currently assigned user data for the callback
// Buffers
static char keybuf[INI_KEY_MAX];
static char secbuf[INI_KEY_MAX];
static char valbuf[INI_VALUE_MAX];
// See header for doxygen!
buff_i = 0;
value_quote = 0;
value_nextesc = false;
keybuf[0] = secbuf[0] = valbuf[0] = 0;
%% write init;
ini_parser_error(const char* msg)
ini_error("Parser error: %s", msg);
ini_parse_begin(IniParserCallback callback, void *userData)
keyCallback = callback;
userdata = userData;
ini_parse("\n", 1);
if (keyCallback) {
keyCallback = NULL;
void *ud = userdata;
userdata = NULL;
return ud;
ini_parse_file(const char *text, size_t len, IniParserCallback callback, void *userData)
ini_parse_begin(callback, userData);
ini_parse(text, len);
static void
rtrim_buf(char *buf, int32_t end)
if (end > 0) {
while ((uint8_t)buf[--end] < 33);
end++; // go past the last character
buf[end] = 0;
ini_parse(const char *newstr, size_t len)
int32_t i;
char c;
bool isnl;
bool isquot;
// Load new data to Ragel vars
const uint8_t *p;
const uint8_t *eof;
const uint8_t *pe;
if (len == 0) while(newstr[++len] != 0); // alternative to strlen
p = (const uint8_t *) newstr;
eof = NULL;
pe = (const uint8_t *) (newstr + len);
// Init Ragel on the first run
if (cs == -1) {
// The parser
#/ *
ispace = [ \t]; # inline space
wchar = any - 0..8 - 10..31;
#apos = '\'';
#quot = '\"';
nonl = [^\r\n];
nl = '\r'? '\n';
# ---- [SECTION] ----
action sectionStart {
buff_i = 0;
fgoto section;
action sectionChar {
if (buff_i >= INI_KEY_MAX) {
ini_parser_error("Section name too long");
fgoto discard2eol;
keybuf[buff_i++] = fc;
action sectionEnd {
// we need a separate buffer for the result, otherwise a failed
// partial parse would corrupt the section string
rtrim_buf(keybuf, buff_i);
for (i = 0; (c = keybuf[i]) != 0; i++) secbuf[i] = c;
secbuf[i] = 0;
fgoto main;
section :=
ispace* <: ((wchar - ']')+ @sectionChar) ']' @sectionEnd
) $!{
ini_parser_error("Syntax error in [section]");
if(fc == '\n') fgoto main; else fgoto discard2eol;
# ---- KEY=VALUE ----
action keyStart {
buff_i = 0;
keybuf[buff_i++] = fc; // add the first char
fgoto keyvalue;
action keyChar {
if (buff_i >= INI_KEY_MAX) {
ini_parser_error("Key too long");
fgoto discard2eol;
keybuf[buff_i++] = fc;
action keyEnd {
rtrim_buf(keybuf, buff_i);
// --- Value begin ---
buff_i = 0;
value_quote = 0;
value_nextesc = false;
action valueChar {
isnl = (fc == '\r' || fc == '\n');
isquot = (fc == '\'' || fc == '"');
// detect our starting quote
if (isquot && !value_nextesc && buff_i == 0 && value_quote == 0) {
value_quote = fc;
goto valueCharDone;
if (buff_i >= INI_VALUE_MAX) {
ini_parser_error("Value too long");
fgoto discard2eol;
// end of string - clean up and report
if ((!value_nextesc && fc == value_quote) || isnl) {
if (isnl && value_quote) {
ini_parser_error("Unterminated string");
fgoto main;
// unquoted: trim from the end
if (!value_quote) {
rtrim_buf(valbuf, buff_i);
} else {
valbuf[buff_i] = 0;
if (keyCallback) {
keyCallback(secbuf, keybuf, valbuf, userdata);
// we don't want to discard to eol if the string was terminated by eol
// - would delete the next line
if (isnl) fgoto main; else fgoto discard2eol;
c = fc;
// escape...
if (value_nextesc) {
if (fc == 'n') c = '\n';
else if (fc == 'r') c = '\r';
else if (fc == 't') c = '\t';
else if (fc == 'e') c = '\033';
// collecting characters...
if (value_nextesc || fc != '\\') { // is quoted, or is not a quoting backslash - literal character
valbuf[buff_i++] = c;
value_nextesc = (!value_nextesc && fc == '\\');
# use * for key, first char is already consumed.
keyvalue :=
([^\n=:]* @keyChar %keyEnd)
[=:] ispace* <: nonl* @valueChar nl @valueChar
) $!{
ini_parser_error("Syntax error in key=value");
if(fc == '\n') fgoto main; else fgoto discard2eol;
# ---- COMMENT ----
comment :=
nonl* nl
@{ fgoto main; }
) $!{
ini_parser_error("Syntax error in comment");
if(fc == '\n') fgoto main; else fgoto discard2eol;
# ---- CLEANUP ----
discard2eol := nonl* nl @{ fgoto main; };
# ---- ROOT ----
main :=
'[' @sectionStart |
[#;] @{ fgoto comment; } |
(wchar - [\t =:]) @keyStart
) $!{
ini_parser_error("Syntax error in root");
fgoto discard2eol;
write exec;