import array import time import gex from gex import TF, TF_Msg from gex.Client import EventReport import numpy as np CMD_READ_RAW = 0 CMD_READ_SMOOTHED = 1 CMD_READ_CAL_CONSTANTS = 2 CMD_GET_ENABLED_CHANNELS = 10 CMD_GET_SAMPLE_RATE = 11 CMD_SETUP_TRIGGER = 20 CMD_ARM = 21 CMD_DISARM = 22 CMD_ABORT = 23 CMD_FORCE_TRIGGER = 24 CMD_BLOCK_CAPTURE = 25 CMD_STREAM_START = 26 CMD_STREAM_STOP = 27 CMD_SET_SMOOTHING_FACTOR = 28 CMD_SET_SAMPLE_RATE = 29 CMD_ENABLE_CHANNELS = 30 CMD_SET_SAMPLE_TIME = 31 EVT_CAPT_START = 50 EVT_CAPT_MORE = 51 EVT_CAPT_DONE = 52 class TriggerReport: def __init__(self, data, edge, pretrig, timestamp): = data self.edge = edge self.pretrig = pretrig self.timestamp = timestamp def __str__(self): return "EventReport(edge %d, pretrig len %d, ts %d, data %s)" % (self.edge, self.pretrig, self.timestamp, class ADC_CalData: def __init__(self, pp:gex.PayloadParser): self.VREFINT_CAL = pp.u16() # ADC raw value for VREFINT, 30C ambient self.VREFINT_CAL_VADCREF = pp.u16() # Analog reference voltage during VREFINT calibration (mV) +-10mV self.TSENSE_CAL1 = pp.u16() # ADC raw value in point 1 self.TSENSE_CAL2 = pp.u16() # ADC raw value in point 2 self.TSENSE_CAL1_TEMP = pp.u8() # Temperature for point 1 (Celsius) +-5C self.TSENSE_CAL2_TEMP = pp.u8() # Temperature for point 2 (Celsius) +-5C self.TSENSE_CAL_VADCREF = pp.u16() # Analog reference voltage during TSENSE calibration (mV) +-10mV def __str__(self): return "ADC_CalData(VREFINT=%d at Vref=%d mV, TSENSE_%dC=%d, TSENSE_%dC=%d at Vref=%d mV)" % \ (self.VREFINT_CAL, self.VREFINT_CAL_VADCREF, self.TSENSE_CAL1_TEMP, self.TSENSE_CAL1, self.TSENSE_CAL2_TEMP, self.TSENSE_CAL2, self.TSENSE_CAL_VADCREF) # TODO utility for converting raw values to real voltage / temperature class ADC(gex.Unit): """ ADC device """ def _type(self): return 'ADC' def _init(self): self._trig_buf = None self._trig_edge = 0 # 1, 2, 3 self._trig_pretrig_len = 0 self._trig_next_id = 0 self._trig_listener = None self._trig_ts = 0 self._stream_next_id = 0 self._stream_running = False self._stream_listener = None self.channels = self.get_channels() (_, self.sample_rate) = self.get_sample_rate() def _on_trig_capt(self, msg:TF_Msg): pp = gex.PayloadParser( if self._trig_buf is None: raise Exception("Unexpected capture data frame") # All but the first trig capture frame are prefixed by a sequence number idx = pp.u8() if idx != self._trig_next_id: raise Exception("Lost capture data frame! Expected %d, got %d" % (self._trig_next_id, idx)) self._trig_next_id = (self._trig_next_id + 1) % 256 self._trig_buf.extend(pp.tail()) if msg.type == EVT_CAPT_DONE: if self._trig_listener is not None: self._trig_listener(TriggerReport(data=self._parse_buffer(self._trig_buf), edge=self._trig_edge, pretrig=self._trig_pretrig_len, timestamp=self._trig_ts)) self._trig_buf = None # We keep the trig listener return TF.CLOSE else: return TF.STAY def _on_stream_capt(self, msg:TF_Msg): pp = gex.PayloadParser( if not self._stream_running: raise Exception("Unexpected stream data frame") if msg.type == EVT_CAPT_DONE: if self._stream_listener is not None: self._stream_listener(None) # Indicate it's closed # We keep the stream listener, so user doesnt have to set it before each stream self._stream_running = False return TF.CLOSE else: # All stream data frames are prefixed by a sequence number idx = pp.u8() if idx != self._stream_next_id: self._stream_running = False raise Exception("Lost stream data frame! Expected %d, got %d" % (self._stream_next_id, idx)) self._stream_next_id = (self._stream_next_id + 1) % 256 tail = pp.tail() if self._stream_listener is not None: self._stream_listener(self._parse_buffer(tail)) return TF.STAY def _on_event(self, evt:EventReport): """ Handle a trigger or stream start event. - EVT_CAPT_START First frame payload: edge:u8, pretrig_len:u32, payload:tail Following are plain TF frames with the same ID, each prefixed with a sequence number in 1 byte. Type EVT_CAPT_MORE or EVT_CAPT_DONE indicate whether this is the last frame of the sequence, after which the ID listener should be removed. """ pp = gex.PayloadParser(evt.payload) msg = evt.msg if evt.code == EVT_CAPT_START: if self._trig_buf is not None: raise Exception("Unexpected start of capture") self._trig_ts = evt.timestamp self._trig_buf = bytearray() self._trig_pretrig_len = pp.u32() self._trig_edge = pp.u8() self._trig_next_id = 0 = pp.tail() # the rest is a regular capture frame with seq self._on_trig_capt(msg), lambda tf,msg: self._on_trig_capt(msg)) def get_channels(self): """ Find enabled channel numbers. Returns a list. """ msg = self._query(CMD_GET_ENABLED_CHANNELS) return list( def get_calibration_data(self): """ Read ADC calibration data """ msg = self._query(CMD_READ_CAL_CONSTANTS) return ADC_CalData(gex.PayloadParser( def set_sample_rate(self, freq:int): """ Set sample rate in Hz. Returns the real achieved frequency as float. """ pb = gex.PayloadBuilder() pb.u32(freq) msg = self._query(CMD_SET_SAMPLE_RATE, pld=pb.close()) pp = gex.PayloadParser( req = pp.u32() real = pp.float() self.sample_rate = real return real def set_sample_time(self, sample_time:int, confirm=True): """ Set sample time. Values 0-7 """ pb = gex.PayloadBuilder() pb.u8(sample_time) self._send(CMD_SET_SAMPLE_TIME, pld=pb.close(), confirm=confirm) def get_sample_rate(self): """ Get the current real sample rate as float. Returns tuple (requested:int, real:float) """ msg = self._query(CMD_GET_SAMPLE_RATE) pp = gex.PayloadParser( req = pp.u32() real = pp.float() return (req, real) def set_smoothing_factor(self, fac, confirm=True): """ Set smoothing factor for read_smooth(), range 0-1.0 """ pb = gex.PayloadBuilder() pb.u16(round(fac*1000)) self._send(CMD_SET_SMOOTHING_FACTOR, pld=pb.close(), confirm=confirm) def read_raw(self): """ Read raw values. Returns a dict. """ msg = self._query(CMD_READ_RAW) pp = gex.PayloadParser(msg) chs = dict() i = 0 while pp.length() > 0: chs[self.channels[i]] = pp.u16() i += 1 return chs def read_smooth(self): """ Read smoothed values (floats). Returns a dict. """ msg = self._query(CMD_READ_SMOOTHED) pp = gex.PayloadParser(msg) chs = dict() i = 0 while pp.length() > 0: chs[self.channels[i]] = pp.float() i += 1 return chs def on_trigger(self, lst): """ Set the trigger handler """ self._trig_listener = lst def off_trigger(self): """ Remove the trigger handler """ self.on_trigger(None) def setup_trigger(self, channel, level, count, edge='rising', pretrigger=0, holdoff=100, auto=False, confirm=True, handler=None): """ Configure a trigger. channel - 0-17 (16-tsense, 17-vrefint) level - triggering threshold, raw (0-4095) count - nbr of samples to capture after trigger edge - "rising", "falling" or "both" pretrigger - nbr of samples to capture before the trigger occurred. Limited by the internal buffer. holdoff - hold-off time (trigger also can't fire while the capture is ongoing, and if it's not armed) auto - auto re-arm after completing the capture. Normally the state switches to IDLE. handler - attaches a callback handler for the received data """ nedge = 0 if edge == 'rising' or edge == 'up': nedge = 1 elif edge == 'falling' or edge == 'down': nedge = 2 elif edge == 'both': nedge = 3 else: raise Exception("Bad edge arg") pb = gex.PayloadBuilder() pb.u8(channel) pb.u16(level) pb.u8(nedge) pb.u32(pretrigger) pb.u32(count) pb.u16(holdoff) pb.bool(auto) self._send(cmd=CMD_SETUP_TRIGGER, pld=pb.close(), confirm=confirm) if handler is not None: self._trig_listener = handler def arm(self, auto=None, confirm=True): """ ARM for trigger. The trigger must be configured first. if auto is True or False, it sets the auto-rearm flag. """ pb = gex.PayloadBuilder() if auto is None: pb.u8(255) else: pb.u8(1 if auto else 0) self._send(cmd=CMD_ARM, pld=pb.close(), confirm=confirm) def disarm(self, confirm=True): """ DISARM. No effect if not armed. Always clears the auto-arm flag. """ self._send(cmd=CMD_DISARM, confirm=confirm) def abort(self, confirm=True): """ Abort any ongoing capture and dis-arm. Also clears the auto-arm flag. """ self._send(cmd=CMD_ABORT, confirm=confirm) def force(self, handler=None, confirm=True): """ Force a trigger, including pre-trigger capture. The device behavior is identical as if the trigger condition occurred naturally. The captured data is received asynchronously via an event. """ if handler is not None: self.on_trigger(handler) self._send(cmd=CMD_FORCE_TRIGGER, confirm=confirm) def set_active_channels(self, channels, confirm=True): """ Set which channels should be active. """ pb = gex.PayloadBuilder() pb.u32(self.pins2int(channels)) self._send(cmd=CMD_ENABLE_CHANNELS, pld=pb.close(), confirm=confirm) self.channels = self.pins2list(channels) def _parse_buffer(self, buf): """ Convert a raw buffer to a more useful format """ arr = np.array(array.array('h', buf)) return np.reshape(arr, (-1,len(self.channels))) def capture_in_progress(self): return self._stream_running or self._trig_buf is not None def capture(self, count, timeout=None, asynch=False, lst=None): """ Start a block capture. This is similar to a forced trigger, but has custom size and doesn't include any pre-trigger. The captured data is received synchronously and returned as a dict of channel arrays """ if self.capture_in_progress(): raise Exception("Another capture already in progress") if timeout is None: timeout = 1 + float(count)/self.sample_rate * 2 #print("Timeout = %f" % timeout) pb = gex.PayloadBuilder() pb.u32(count) buffer = bytearray() self._bcap_next_id = 0 self._bcap_done = False self._stream_running = True # we use this flag to block any concurrent access def _lst(frame): pp = gex.PayloadParser( if frame.type == EVT_CAPT_MORE or len( != 0: index = pp.u8() if index != self._bcap_next_id: self._bcap_done = True raise Exception("Lost capture data frame! Expected %d, got %d" % (self._bcap_next_id, index)) #return TF.CLOSE XXX self._bcap_next_id = (self._bcap_next_id + 1) % 256 buffer.extend(pp.tail()) if frame.type == EVT_CAPT_DONE: self._bcap_done = True if asynch: lst(self._parse_buffer(buffer)) self._stream_running = False return TF.CLOSE return TF.STAY self._query_async(cmd=CMD_BLOCK_CAPTURE, pld=pb.close(), callback=_lst) if not asynch: # wait with a timeout self.client.transport.poll(timeout, lambda: self._bcap_done == True) self._stream_running = False if not self._bcap_done: self.abort() raise Exception("Capture not completed within timeout") return self._parse_buffer(buffer) def on_stream(self, lst): self._stream_listener = lst def off_stream(self, lst): self.on_stream(None) def stream_start(self, lst=None): """ Start a capture stream """ if self.capture_in_progress(): raise Exception("Another capture already in progress") self._stream_next_id = 0 self._stream_running = True if lst is not None: self._stream_listener = lst self._query_async(cmd=CMD_STREAM_START, callback=self._on_stream_capt) def stream_stop(self, delay=0.1, confirm=True): """ Stop a stream. Delay is an extra time before removing the listener to let the queued frames to finish being received. """ if not self._stream_running: raise Exception("Not streaming") self._send(cmd=CMD_STREAM_STOP, confirm=confirm) time.sleep(delay) self._stream_listener = None