#!/bin/env python3 import time import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import gex transport = gex.TrxRawUSB(sn='0029002F-42365711-32353530') #transport = gex.TrxSerialSync(port='/dev/ttyACM0') with gex.Client(transport) as client: # # if True: # s = client.ini_read() # print(s) # client.ini_write(s) if True: sipo = gex.SIPO(client, 'sipo') while True: sipo.load([[0xFF], [0xAA], [0x11], [0x00]]) time.sleep(0.2) if False: adc = gex.ADC(client, 'adc') print("Enabled channels:", adc.get_channels()) adc.set_smoothing_factor(0.9) while True: raw = adc.read_raw() smooth = adc.read_smooth() print("IN1 = %d (%.2f), Tsens = %d (%.2f), Vrefint = %d (%.2f)" % (raw[1], smooth[1], raw[16], smooth[16], raw[17], smooth[17])) time.sleep(0.5) if False: adc = gex.ADC(client, 'adc') adc.set_active_channels([1]) fs = adc.set_sample_rate(1000) data = adc.capture(1000) if data is not None: plt.plot(data, 'r-', lw=1) plt.show() else: print("Nothing rx") # for r in range(0,8): # adc.set_sample_time(r) # data = adc.capture(10000) # print("sr = %d" % r) # std = np.std(data) # print(std) # # global data # data = None # # def capture(rpt): # global data # print("trig'd, %s" % rpt) # data = rpt.data # # # # adc.setup_trigger(channel=1, # # level=700, # # count=20000, # # pretrigger=100, # # auto=False, # # edge="falling", # # holdoff=200, # # handler=capture) # # # adc.arm() # # data = adc.capture(1000) # # if data is not None: # plt.plot(data, 'r.', lw=1) # plt.show() # else: # print("Nothing rx") # plt.magnitude_spectrum(data[:,0], Fs=fs, scale='dB', color='C1') # plt.show() # def lst(data): # if data is not None: # print("Rx OK") #data # else: # print("Closed.") # adc.stream_start(lst) # time.sleep(3) # adc.stream_stop() # print("Done.") # time.sleep(.1) # print(adc.get_sample_rate()) # time.sleep(.1) # adc.stream_stop() # time.sleep(5) # print(adc.capture(200, 5)) # adc.setup_trigger(channel=1, # level=700, # count=100, # pretrigger=15, # auto=True, # edge="falling", # holdoff=200, # handler=lambda rpt: print("Report: %s" % rpt)) # # print("Armed") # adc.arm() # print("Sleep...") # # adc.force() # # # # # adc.disarm() # time.sleep(5) # adc.disarm() # print(adc.capture(200, 50)) # adc.stream_start(lambda data: print(data)) # time.sleep(20) # adc.stream_stop() # print(adc.read_raw()) # time.sleep(1) # print("Rx: ", resp) # adc.abort() if False: s = client.ini_read() print(s) client.ini_write(s) # search the bus if False: ow = gex.OneWire(client, 'ow') print("Devices:", ow.search()) # search the bus for alarm if False: ow = gex.OneWire(client, 'ow') print("Presence: ", ow.test_presence()) print("Devices w alarm:", ow.search(alarm=True)) # simple 1w check if False: ow = gex.OneWire(client, 'ow') print("Presence: ", ow.test_presence()) print("ROM: 0x%016x" % ow.read_address()) print("Scratch:", ow.query([0xBE], rcount=9, addr=0x7100080104c77610, as_array=True)) # testing ds1820 temp meas without polling if False: ow = gex.OneWire(client, 'ow') print("Presence: ", ow.test_presence()) print("Starting measure...") ow.write([0x44]) time.sleep(1) print("Scratch:", ow.query([0xBE], 9)) # testing ds1820 temp meas with polling if False: ow = gex.OneWire(client, 'ow') print("Presence: ", ow.test_presence()) print("Starting measure...") ow.write([0x44]) ow.wait_ready() data = ow.query([0xBE], 9) pp = gex.PayloadParser(data) temp = pp.i16()/2.0 th = pp.i8() tl = pp.i8() reserved = pp.i16() remain = float(pp.u8()) perc = float(pp.u8()) realtemp = temp - 0.25+(perc-remain)/perc print("Temperature = %f °C (th %d, tl %d)" % (realtemp, th, tl)) if False: buf = client.bulk_read(gex.MSG_INI_READ) print(buf.decode('utf-8')) pb = gex.PayloadBuilder() pb.u32(len(buf)) client.bulk_write(gex.MSG_INI_WRITE, pld=pb.close(), bulk=buf) if False: leds = gex.DOut(client, 'strip') nn = 3 for i in range(0,20): leds.write(nn) time.sleep(.05) nn<<=1 nn|=(nn&0x40)>>6 nn=nn&0x3F leds.clear(0xFF) if False: leds = gex.DOut(client, 'bargraph') for i in range(0,0x41): leds.write(i&0x3F) time.sleep(.1) if False: leds = gex.DOut(client, 'TST') for i in range(0, 0x41): #leds.write(i & 0x3F) leds.toggle(0xFF) time.sleep(.1) if False: btn = gex.DIn(client, 'btn') strip = gex.DOut(client, 'strip') for i in range(0, 10000): b = btn.read() strip.write((b << 2) | ((~b) & 1)) time.sleep(.02) if False: neo = gex.Neopixel(client, 'npx') print('We have %d neopixels.\n' % neo.get_len()) #neo.load([0xF0F0F0,0,0,0xFF0000]) # generate a little animation... for i in range(0,512): j = i if i < 256 else 255-(i-256) neo.load([0x660000+j, 0x3300FF-j, 0xFFFF00-(j<<8), 0x0000FF+(j<<8)-j]) time.sleep(.001) neo.load([0,0,0,0]) if False: i2c = gex.I2C(client, 'i2c') # i2c.write(0x76, payload=[0xD0]) # print(i2c.read(0x76, count=1)) print(i2c.read_reg(0x76, 0xD0)) print("%x" % i2c.read_reg(0x76, 0xF9, width=3, endian='big')) i2c.write_reg(0x76, 0xF4, 0xFA) print(i2c.read_reg(0x76, 0xF4)) if False: spi = gex.SPI(client, 'spi') spi.multicast(1, [0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF]) print(spi.query(0, [0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF], rlen=4, rskip=1))# if False: usart = gex.USART(client, 'serial') usart.listen(lambda x: print("RX >%s<" % x)) for i in range(0,100): # Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ac bibendum lectus, ut pellentesque sem. Suspendisse ultrices felis eu laoreet luctus. Nam sollicitudin ultrices leo, ac condimentum enim vulputate quis. Suspendisse cursus tortor nibh, ac consectetur eros dapibus quis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis sagittis eget nunc nec condimentum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus molestie sem vitae quam semper convallis. usart.write("""_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.\r\n_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.\r\n_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.\r\n_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.\r\n_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.\r\n_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.\r\n_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.\r\n_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.\r\n_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.\r\n_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.-"_.\r\n""".encode(), sync=True) # time.sleep(.001) if False: usart = gex.USART(client, 'serial') usart.listen(lambda x: print(x, end='',flush=True)) while True: client.poll() if False: print(client.ini_read()) trig = gex.DIn(client, 'trig') print(trig.read()) # Two pins are defined, PA10 and PA7. PA10 is the trigger, in the order from smallest to highest number 1 trig.arm(0b10) trig.on_trigger(0b10, lambda snap,ts: print("snap 0x%X, ts %d" % (snap,ts))) while True: client.poll() # # for n in range(0,100): # print(n) # s = client.ini_read() # client.ini_write(s)