import threading import gex import time from gex import TinyFrame, PayloadParser, TF, PayloadBuilder, TF_Msg, transport class EventReport: def __init__(self, msg:TF_Msg, cs:int, event:int, timestamp:int, payload): self.msg = msg self.callsign = cs self.code = event self.timestamp = timestamp self.payload = payload class Client: """ GEX client """ def __init__(self, transport, load_units=True): """ Set up the client, looking up the GEX USB device using the S/N. You may need to configure the udev rule to have direct access. """ assert transport is not None self.transport = transport = TinyFrame() = self.transport.write self.transport.listen( # test connection resp = self.query_raw(type=gex.MSG_PING) print("GEX connected, version string: %s" %'utf-8')) # fallback error listener def error_lst(tf :TinyFrame, msg :TF_Msg): raise Exception("ERROR MESSAGE! %s" %'utf-8')), error_lst) # lambda def unit_repot_lst(tf :TinyFrame, msg :TF_Msg): self.handle_unit_report(msg) return TF.STAY, unit_repot_lst) # fallback error listener def fallback_lst(tf :TinyFrame, msg :TF_Msg): try: pld_as_s ='utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: pld_as_s = str( raise Exception("UNHANDLED MESSAGE! %s" % pld_as_s) self.unit_lu = {} self.report_handlers = {} if load_units: self.load_units() def close(self): self.transport.close() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """ End of a with block, close the thread """ self.close() def __enter__(self): """ This is needed for with blocks to work """ return self def handle_unit_report(self, msg:TF_Msg): pp = PayloadParser( callsign = pp.u8() event = pp.u8() timestamp = pp.u64() payload = pp.tail() report = EventReport(msg=msg, cs=callsign, event=event, timestamp=timestamp, payload=payload) if callsign in self.report_handlers: self.report_handlers[callsign](report) else: print("Unhandled event report: callsign %d, event %d" % (callsign, event)) print(payload) def bind_report_listener(self, callsign:int, listener): """ Assign a report listener function to a callsign """ self.report_handlers[callsign] = listener def load_units(self): """ Load a list of unit names and callsigns for look-up """ resp = self.query_raw(type=gex.MSG_LIST_UNITS) pp = PayloadParser( count = pp.u8() self.unit_lu = {} for n in range(0,count): cs = pp.u8() name = pp.str() type = pp.str() print("- Found unit \"%s\" (type %s) @ callsign %d" % (name, type, cs)) self.unit_lu[name] = { 'callsign': cs, 'type': type, } def ini_read(self) -> str: """ Read the settings INI file """ buffer = self.bulk_read(cs=None, cmd=gex.MSG_INI_READ) return buffer.decode('utf-8') def ini_write(self, buffer): """ Read the settings INI file """ if type(buffer) == str: buffer = buffer.encode('utf-8') pb = gex.PayloadBuilder() pb.u32(len(buffer)) self.bulk_write(cs=None, pld=pb.close(), cmd=gex.MSG_INI_WRITE, bulk=buffer) def ini_persist(self): """ Persist INI settings to Flash """ self.send_raw(type=gex.MSG_PERSIST_SETTINGS) def get_callsign(self, name:str, type:str = None) -> int: """ Find unit by name and type """ if name not in self.unit_lu: raise Exception("No %s unit called \"%s\"" % (type or '*', name)) u = self.unit_lu[name] if type is not None: if u['type'] != type: raise Exception("Unit %s is not type %s (is %s)" % (name, type, u['type'])) return u['callsign'] def send(self, cmd:int, cs:int=None, id:int=None, pld=None, listener=None): """ Send a command to a unit. If cs is None, cmd is used as message type Returns the ID """ if cs is None: return, id=id, pld=pld, listener=listener) if pld is None: pld = b'' buf = bytearray([cs, cmd]) buf.extend(pld) return, id=id, pld=buf, listener=listener) def query(self, cmd:int, cs:int=None, id:int=None, pld=None) -> TF_Msg: """ Query a unit. If cs is None, cmd is used as message type Returns the message """ self._theframe = None def lst(tf, frame): self._theframe = frame return TF.CLOSE self.send(cs=cs, cmd=cmd, id=id, pld=pld, listener=lst) # Wait for the response (hope no unrelated frame comes in instead) # timeout after 3s self.transport.poll(3, lambda: self._theframe is not None) if self._theframe is None: raise Exception("No response to query") if self._theframe.type == gex.MSG_ERROR: raise Exception("Error response: %s" %'utf-8')) return self._theframe def query_async(self, cmd:int, cs:int=None, id:int=None, pld=None, callback=None): """ Query a unit. If cs is None, cmd is used as message type Returns frame ID """ assert callback is not None def lst(tf, frame): if frame.type == gex.MSG_ERROR: raise Exception("Error response: %s" %'utf-8')) rv = callback(frame) return rv if rv is not None else TF.CLOSE return self.send(cs=cs, cmd=cmd, id=id, pld=pld, listener=lst) def query_raw_async(self, type:int, id:int=None, pld=None, callback=None): """ Query GEX, without addressing a unit """ assert callback is not None self.query_async(cs=None, cmd=type, id=id, pld=pld, callback=callback) def poll(self, timeout=0.1, testfunc=None): """ Wait for new data or testfunc to return True (e.g. checking if an expected frame was received) """ self.transport.poll(timeout, testfunc) def query_raw(self, type:int, id:int=None, pld=None) -> TF_Msg: """ Query GEX, without addressing a unit """ return self.query(cs=None, cmd=type, id=id, pld=pld) def send_raw(self, type:int, id=None, pld=None): """ Send to GEX, without addressing a unit """ return self.send(cs=None, cmd=type, id=id, pld=pld) def bulk_read(self, cmd:int, cs:int=None, id=None, pld=None, chunk=1024) -> bytearray: """ Perform a bulk read. If cs is None, cmd is used as message type """ offer = self.query(cs=cs, cmd=cmd, id=id, pld=pld) if offer.type != gex.MSG_BULK_READ_OFFER: raise Exception("Bulk read rejected! %s" %'utf-8')) # parse the offer pp = PayloadParser( total = pp.u32() # we don't need to worry much about the total size, # this is for static buffers in C. at = 0 buffer = bytearray() while at < total: # Ask for a chunk pb = PayloadBuilder() pb.u32(chunk) pollrv = self.query_raw(type=gex.MSG_BULK_READ_POLL,, pld=pb.close()) if pollrv.type in [gex.MSG_BULK_DATA, gex.MSG_BULK_END]: buffer.extend( at += len( if pollrv.type == gex.MSG_BULK_END: break else: raise Exception("Unexpected bulk frame type %d" % pollrv.type) return buffer def bulk_write(self, cmd:int, bulk, cs:int=None, id:int=None, pld=None): """ Perform a bulk write. If cs is None, cmd is used as message type. bulk is the data to write. """ offer = self.query(cs=cs, cmd=cmd, id=id, pld=pld) if offer.type != gex.MSG_BULK_WRITE_OFFER: raise Exception("Bulk write rejected! %s" %'utf-8')) # parse the offer pp = PayloadParser( max_size = pp.u32() max_chunk = pp.u32() total = len(bulk) if max_size < total: # announce we changed our mind and won't write anything self.send_raw(type=gex.MSG_BULK_ABORT, raise Exception("Bulk write not possible, not enough space (needed %d bytes, max %d)" % (total, max_size)) at = 0 while at < total: chunklen = min(max_chunk, total - at) # Send data rv = self.query_raw(type=gex.MSG_BULK_DATA if chunklen == max_chunk else gex.MSG_BULK_END,, pld=bulk[at:at+chunklen]) if rv.type != gex.MSG_SUCCESS: raise Exception("Unexpected bulk frame type %d" % rv.type) at += chunklen