C client for GEX. bare-bones, low level access
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

231 lines
5.9 KiB

// Created by MightyPork on 2017/12/12.
#include <malloc.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <utils/hexdump.h>
#include "TinyFrame.h"
#define GEX_H // to allow including other headers
#include "gex_client.h"
#include "serial.h"
#include "gex_internal.h"
#include "gex_message_types.h"
#include "gex_helpers.h"
#include "utils/payload_parser.h"
/** Callback for ping */
static TF_Result connectivity_check_lst(TinyFrame *tf, TF_Msg *msg)
GexClient *gex = tf->userdata;
gex->connected = true;
fprintf(stderr, "GEX connected! Version string: %.*s\n", msg->len, msg->data);
return TF_CLOSE;
/** Callback for ping */
static TF_Result unit_report_lst(TinyFrame *tf, TF_Msg *msg)
GexClient *gex = tf->userdata;
// payload must start by callsign and report type.
if (msg->len < 2) goto done;
uint8_t callsign = msg->data[0];
uint8_t rpt_type = msg->data[1];
struct gex_unit *lu = gex_find_unit_by_callsign(gex, callsign);
// NULL object pattern - we use a fake unit if no unit matched.
GexUnit fbu = {
.callsign = 0,
.report_handler = NULL,
.type = "NONE",
.name = "FALLBACK",
.gex = gex, // gex must be available here - this is why we can't have this static or const.
.next = NULL,
GexMsg gexMsg = {
.payload = (uint8_t *) (msg->data + 2),
.len = (uint32_t) (msg->len - 2),
.type = rpt_type,
.unit = (lu == NULL) ? &fbu : lu,
if (lu && lu->report_handler) {
} else if (gex->fallback_report_handler) {
return TF_STAY;
/** Listener for the "list units" query response */
static TF_Result list_units_lst(TinyFrame *tf, TF_Msg *msg)
GexClient *gex = tf->userdata;
PayloadParser pp = pp_start((uint8_t*)msg->data, msg->len, NULL);
uint8_t count = pp_u8(&pp);
char buf[100];
struct gex_unit *tail = NULL;
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
uint8_t callsign = pp_u8(&pp);
pp_string(&pp, buf, 100);
fprintf(stderr, "- Found unit \"%s\" @ callsign %d\n", buf, callsign);
// append
struct gex_unit *lu = malloc(sizeof(struct gex_unit));
lu->next = NULL;
lu->type = strdup("UNKNOWN"); // TODO
lu->name = strdup(buf);
lu->callsign = callsign;
lu->gex = gex;
lu->report_handler = NULL;
if (tail == NULL) {
gex->ulu_head = lu;
} else {
tail->next = lu;
tail = lu;
return TF_CLOSE;
/** Bind report listener */
void GEX_OnReport(GexClient *gex, GexUnit *unit, GexEventListener lst)
if (!unit) {
gex->fallback_report_handler = lst;
else {
unit->report_handler = lst;
TinyFrame *GEX_GetTF(GexClient *gex)
return gex->tf;
/** Find a unit */
GexUnit *GEX_Unit(GexClient *gex, const char *name)
GexUnit *u = gex_find_unit_by_name(gex, name);
if (u == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "!! Unit %s not found!\n", name);
return u;
/** Create a instance and connect */
GexClient *GEX_Init(const char *device, int timeout_ms)
assert(device != NULL);
// --- Init the struct ---
GexClient *gex = calloc(1, sizeof(GexClient));
assert(gex != NULL);
// --- Open the device ---
gex->acm_device = device;
gex->ser_timeout = timeout_ms;
gex->acm_fd = serial_open(device);
if (gex->acm_fd == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "FAILED TO CONNECT TO %s!\n", device);
return NULL;
gex->tf = TF_Init(TF_MASTER);
gex->tf->userdata = gex;
// --- Test connectivity ---
fprintf(stderr, "Testing connection...\n");
TF_QuerySimple(gex->tf, MSG_PING, /*pld*/ NULL, 0, /*cb*/ connectivity_check_lst, 0);
if (!gex->connected) {
fprintf(stderr, "GEX doesn't respond to ping!\n");
return NULL;
// --- populate callsign look-up table ---
fprintf(stderr, "Loading available units info...\n");
TF_QuerySimple(gex->tf, MSG_LIST_UNITS, /*pld*/ NULL, 0, /*cb*/ list_units_lst, 0);
// Bind the catch-all event handler. Will be re-distributed to individual unit listeners if needed.
TF_AddTypeListener(gex->tf, MSG_UNIT_REPORT, unit_report_lst);
return gex;
/** Try to read from the serial port and process any received bytes with TF */
void GEX_Poll(GexClient *gex)
static uint8_t pollbuffer[TF_MAX_PAYLOAD_RX];
assert(gex != NULL);
bool first = true;
#define MAX_RETRIES 10
int cycle = 0;
do {
if (first) serial_shouldwait(gex->acm_fd, gex->ser_timeout);
ssize_t len = read(gex->acm_fd, pollbuffer, TF_MAX_PAYLOAD_RX);
if (first) {
first = false;
if (len < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR %d in GEX Poll: %s\n", errno, strerror(errno));
else {
if (len == 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"No more data to read.\n");
if (gex->tf->state != 0) {
if (cycle < MAX_RETRIES) {
} else {
} else {
else {
fprintf(stderr, "rx %d bytes\n", (int) len);
hexDump("TF_Receive", pollbuffer, (uint32_t) len);
TF_Accept(gex->tf, pollbuffer, (size_t) len);
} while(1);
/** Free the struct */
void GEX_DeInit(GexClient *gex)
if (gex == NULL) return;