// // Created by MightyPork on 2017/12/22. // #include #include #include "utils/hexdump.h" #include "utils/payload_parser.h" #include "utils/payload_builder.h" #define GEX_H #include "gex_bulk.h" #include "gex_internal.h" #include "gex_message_types.h" /** * Bulk read from a unit, synchronous * * @param unit - the unit to target * @param bulk - the bulk transport info struct * @return actual number of bytes received. */ uint32_t GEX_BulkRead(GexUnit *unit, GexBulk *bulk) { // fprintf(stderr, "Ask to read:\n"); // We ask for the transfer. This is unit specific and can contain information that determines the transferred data GexMsg resp0 = GEX_Query(unit, bulk->req_cmd, bulk->req_data, bulk->req_len); if (resp0.type == MSG_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "Bulk read rejected! %.*s\n", resp0.len, (char*)resp0.payload); return 0; } if (resp0.type != MSG_BULK_READ_OFFER) { fprintf(stderr, "Bulk read failed, response not BULK_READ_OFFER!\n"); return 0; } // fprintf(stderr, "BR, got offer!\n"); // Check how much data is available PayloadParser pp = pp_start(resp0.payload, resp0.len, NULL); uint32_t total = pp_u32(&pp); assert(pp.ok); total = MIN(total, bulk->capacity); // clamp... // fprintf(stderr, "Total is %d\n", total); uint32_t at = 0; while (at < total+1) { // +1 makes sure we read one past end and trigger the END OF DATA msg uint8_t buf[10]; PayloadBuilder pb = pb_start(buf, 10, NULL); pb_u32(&pb, TF_MAX_PAYLOAD_RX); // This selects the chunk size. // FIXME Something is wrong in the poll function, or the transport in general, // because chunks larger than e.g. 128 bytes seem to get stuck half-transferred. // This isn't an issue for events and regular sending, only query responses like here. // This may also cause problems when receiving events while reading a bulk. // It may be best to get rid of the comport and use libusb, after all. // fprintf(stderr, "Poll read:\n"); GexMsg resp = GEX_QueryEx(unit, MSG_BULK_READ_POLL, buf, (uint32_t) pb_length(&pb), resp0.session, true, true); if (resp.type == MSG_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "Bulk read failed! %.*s\n", resp.len, (char *) resp.payload); return 0; } if (resp.type == MSG_BULK_DATA || resp.type == MSG_BULK_END) { // hexDump("Rx chunk", resp.payload, resp.len); memcpy(bulk->buffer+at, resp.payload, resp.len); at += resp.len; // quit if we're done if (resp.type == MSG_BULK_END) { return at; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Bulk read failed! Bad response type.\n"); return 0; } } return at; } /** * Bulk write to a unit, synchronous * * @param unit - the unit to target * @param bulk - the bulk transport info struct * @return true on success */ bool GEX_BulkWrite(GexUnit *unit, GexBulk *bulk) { fprintf(stderr, "Asking for bulk write...\n"); // We ask for the transfer. This is unit specific GexMsg resp0 = GEX_Query(unit, bulk->req_cmd, bulk->req_data, bulk->req_len); if (resp0.type == MSG_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "Bulk write rejected! %.*s\n", resp0.len, (char*)resp0.payload); return false; } if (resp0.type != MSG_BULK_WRITE_OFFER) { fprintf(stderr, "Bulk write failed, response not MSG_BULK_WRITE_OFFER!\n"); return false; } PayloadParser pp = pp_start(resp0.payload, resp0.len, NULL); uint32_t max_size = pp_u32(&pp); uint32_t max_chunk = pp_u32(&pp); assert(pp.ok); fprintf(stderr, "Write allowed, size %d, chunk %d\n", (int)max_size, (int)max_chunk); if (max_size < bulk->len) { fprintf(stderr, "Write not possible, not enough space.\n"); // Inform GEX we're not going to do it GEX_SendEx(unit, MSG_BULK_ABORT, NULL, 0, resp0.session, true); return false; } uint32_t at = 0; while (at < bulk->len) { uint32_t chunk = MIN(max_chunk, bulk->len - at); fprintf(stderr, "Query at %d, len %d\n", (int)at, (int)chunk); GexMsg resp = GEX_QueryEx(unit, MSG_BULK_DATA, bulk->buffer + at, chunk, resp0.session, true, true); at += chunk; if (resp.type == MSG_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "Bulk write failed! %.*s\n", resp.len, (char *) resp.payload); return false; } if (resp.type != MSG_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "Bulk write failed! Bad response type.\n"); return false; } } // Conclude the transfer GEX_SendEx(unit, MSG_BULK_END, NULL, 0, resp0.session, true); return true; }