## UNITS.INI ## GEX v1.0.0 on STM32F072-HUB ## built Jun 15 2018 at 13:45:28 [UNITS] # Create units by adding their names next to a type (e.g. DO=A,B), # remove the same way. Reload to update the unit sections below. # Digital output DO= # Digital input with triggers DI= # Neopixel RGB LED strip NPX= # I2C master I2C= # SPI master SPI=spi # Serial port USART= # 1-Wire master 1WIRE= # Analog/digital converter ADC=adc # Shift register driver (595, 4094) SIPO= # Frequency and pulse measurement FCAP= # Capacitive touch sensing TOUCH= # Simple PWM output PWMDIM= # Two-channel analog output with waveforms DAC= [SPI:spi@2] # Peripheral number (SPIx) device=1 # Pin mappings (SCK,MISO,MOSI) # SPI1: (0) A5,A6,A7 (1) B3,B4,B5 # SPI2: (0) B13,B14,B15 remap=0 # Prescaller: 2,4,8,...,256 prescaller=64 # Clock polarity: 0,1 (clock idle level) cpol=1 # Clock phase: 0,1 (active edge, 0-first, 1-second) cpha=1 # Transmit only, disable MISO tx-only=N # Bit order (LSB or MSB first) first-bit=MSB # SS port name port=A # SS pins (comma separated, supports ranges) pins=4 [ADC:adc@4] # Enabled channels, comma separated # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 # A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 B0 B1 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Tsens Vref channels=1-2 # Sampling time (0-7) sample_time=2 # Sampling frequency (Hz) frequency=1000 # Sample buffer size # - shared by all enabled channels # - defines the maximum pre-trigger size (divide by # of channels) # - captured data is sent in half-buffer chunks # - buffer overrun aborts the data capture buffer_size=512 # Enable continuous sampling with averaging # Caution: This can cause DAC output glitches averaging=N # Exponential averaging coefficient (permil, range 0-1000 ~ 0.000-1.000) # - used formula: y[t]=(1-k)*y[t-1]+k*u[t] # - not available when a capture is running avg_factor=800