better reconnect and missed status handling

Ondřej Hruška 4 years ago
parent 5c34aa11b5
commit b9dcf22016
  1. 2
  2. 2
  3. 236
  4. 7

Cargo.lock generated

@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ checksum = "e88a8acf291dafb59c2d96e8f59828f3838bb1a70398823ade51a84de6a6deed"
name = "fedigroups"
version = "0.2.7"
version = "0.2.8"
dependencies = [

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "fedigroups"
version = "0.2.7"
version = "0.2.8"
authors = ["Ondřej Hruška <>"]
edition = "2018"
publish = false

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ pub struct GroupHandle {
// const DELAY_BEFORE_ACTION: Duration = Duration::from_millis(250);
const DELAY_REOPEN_STREAM: Duration = Duration::from_millis(500);
const MAX_CATCHUP_NOTIFS: usize = 25;
const MAX_CATCHUP_NOTIFS: usize = 30;
// also statuses
const MAX_CATCHUP_STATUSES: usize = 50;
// higher because we can expect a lot of non-hashtag statuses here
@ -42,11 +42,60 @@ const SOCKET_ALIVE_TIMEOUT: Duration = Duration::from_secs(30);
const SOCKET_RETIRE_TIME: Duration = Duration::from_secs(120);
const PING_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(15); // must be < periodic save!
macro_rules! grp_debug {
($self:ident, $f:expr) => {
::log::debug!(concat!("(@{}) ", $f), $self.config.get_acct());
($self:ident, $f:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => {
::log::debug!(concat!("(@{}) ", $f), $self.config.get_acct(), $($arg)+);
macro_rules! grp_info {
($self:ident, $f:expr) => {
::log::info!(concat!("(@{}) ", $f), $self.config.get_acct());
($self:ident, $f:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => {
::log::info!(concat!("(@{}) ", $f), $self.config.get_acct(), $($arg)+);
macro_rules! grp_trace {
($self:ident, $f:expr) => {
::log::trace!(concat!("(@{}) ", $f), $self.config.get_acct());
($self:ident, $f:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => {
::log::trace!(concat!("(@{}) ", $f), $self.config.get_acct(), $($arg)+);
macro_rules! grp_warn {
($self:ident, $f:expr) => {
::log::warn!(concat!("(@{}) ", $f), $self.config.get_acct());
($self:ident, $f:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => {
::log::warn!(concat!("(@{}) ", $f), $self.config.get_acct(), $($arg)+);
macro_rules! grp_error {
($self:ident, $f:expr) => {
::log::error!(concat!("(@{}) ", $f), $self.config.get_acct());
($self:ident, $f:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => {
::log::error!(concat!("(@{}) ", $f), $self.config.get_acct(), $($arg)+);
impl GroupHandle {
pub async fn save(&mut self) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
debug!("Saving group config & status");
grp_debug!(self, "Saving group config & status");;
grp_trace!(self, "Saved");
@ -88,39 +137,74 @@ impl NotifTimestamp for Status {
macro_rules! grp_trace {
($self:ident, $f:expr) => {
::log::trace!(concat!("(@{}) ", $f), $self.config.get_acct());
($self:ident, $f:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => {
::log::trace!(concat!("(@{}) ", $f), $self.config.get_acct(), $($arg)+);
impl GroupHandle {
pub async fn run(&mut self) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
loop {
match self.run_internal().await {
Ok(()) => unreachable!(),
Err(e @ GroupError::BadConfig(_)) => {
grp_error!(self, "ERROR in group handler, aborting! {}", e);
return Err(e);
Err(other) => {
grp_error!(self, "ERROR in group handler, will restart! {}", other);
pub async fn run_internal(&mut self) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
loop {
debug!("Opening streaming API socket");
grp_debug!(self, "Opening streaming API socket");
let mut next_save = Instant::now() + PERIODIC_SAVE; // so we save at start
let mut events = self.client.streaming_user().await?;
// wrapped in a timeout, this seems like the only place the group could hang
// (
let mut events = match tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(3), self.client.streaming_user()).await {
Ok(Ok(events)) => events,
Ok(Err(e)) => return Err(e.into()),
Err(_) => {
return Err(GroupError::ApiTimeout);
let socket_open_time = Instant::now();
let mut last_rx = Instant::now();
// let mut last_ping = Instant::now();
match self.catch_up_with_missed_notifications().await {
Ok(true) => {
debug!("Some missed notifs handled");
grp_debug!(self, "Some missed notifs handled");
Ok(false) => {
debug!("No notifs missed");
grp_debug!(self, "No notifs missed");
Err(e) => {
error!("Failed to handle missed notifs: {}", e);
grp_error!(self, "Failed to handle missed notifs: {}", e);
match self.catch_up_with_missed_statuses().await {
Ok(true) => {
debug!("Some missed statuses handled");
grp_debug!(self, "Some missed statuses handled");
Ok(false) => {
debug!("No statuses missed");
grp_debug!(self, "No statuses missed");
Err(e) => {
error!("Failed to handle missed statuses: {}", e);
grp_error!(self, "Failed to handle missed statuses: {}", e);
@ -130,8 +214,10 @@ impl GroupHandle {
'rx: loop {
// TODO add timeout to catch lock-ups!
if next_save < Instant::now() {
trace!("Save time elapsed, saving if needed");
grp_trace!(self, "Save time elapsed, saving if needed");
self.save_if_needed().await.log_error("Failed to save group");
next_save = Instant::now() + PERIODIC_SAVE;
@ -140,15 +226,15 @@ impl GroupHandle {
let remains_to_retire = SOCKET_RETIRE_TIME.saturating_sub(socket_open_time.elapsed());
if remains_to_idle_close.is_zero() {
warn!("Socket idle too long, close");
grp_warn!(self, "Socket idle too long, close");
break 'rx;
if remains_to_retire.is_zero() {
debug!("Socket open too long, closing");
grp_debug!(self, "Socket open too long, closing");
break 'rx;
trace!("Waiting for message");
grp_trace!(self, "Waiting for message");
let timeout = next_save
@ -158,7 +244,7 @@ impl GroupHandle {
match tokio::time::timeout(timeout, {
Ok(Some(event)) => {
last_rx = Instant::now();
debug!("(@{}) Event: {}", self.config.get_acct(), EventDisplay(&event));
grp_debug!(self, "(@{}) Event: {}", self.config.get_acct(), EventDisplay(&event));
match event {
Event::Update(status) => {
self.handle_status(status).await.log_error("Error handling a status");
@ -172,7 +258,7 @@ impl GroupHandle {
Ok(None) => {
warn!("Group @{} socket closed, restarting...", self.config.get_acct());
grp_warn!(self, "Group @{} socket closed, restarting...", self.config.get_acct());
break 'rx;
Err(_) => {
@ -185,7 +271,7 @@ impl GroupHandle {
// if last_ping.elapsed() > PING_INTERVAL {
// last_ping = Instant::now();
// trace!("Pinging");
// grp_trace!(self, "Pinging");
// if events.send_ping()
// .await.is_err() {
// break 'rx;
@ -193,13 +279,13 @@ impl GroupHandle {
// }
warn!("Notif stream closed, will reopen");
grp_warn!(self, "Notif stream closed, will reopen");
async fn handle_notification(&mut self, n: Notification) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
debug!("Handling notif #{}",;
grp_debug!(self, "Handling notif #{}",;
let ts = n.timestamp_millis();
@ -208,12 +294,12 @@ impl GroupHandle {
let notif_acct = normalize_acct(&n.account.acct, &group_acct)?;
if notif_acct == group_acct {
debug!("This is our post, ignore that");
grp_debug!(self, "This is our post, ignore that");
return Ok(());
if self.config.is_banned(&notif_acct) {
warn!("Notification actor {} is banned!", notif_acct);
grp_warn!(self, "Notification actor {} is banned!", notif_acct);
return Ok(());
@ -224,14 +310,14 @@ impl GroupHandle {
NotificationType::Follow => {
info!("New follower!");
grp_info!(self, "New follower!");
// Just greet the user always
self.handle_new_follow(&notif_acct, notif_user_id).await;
// if self.config.is_member_or_admin(&notif_acct) {
// // Already joined, just doing something silly, ignore this
// debug!("User already a member, ignoring");
// grp_debug!(self, "User already a member, ignoring");
// } else {
// }
@ -246,68 +332,97 @@ impl GroupHandle {
/// Handle a non-mention status for tags
async fn handle_status(&mut self, s: Status) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
debug!("Handling status #{}",;
grp_debug!(self, "Handling status #{}",;
let ts = s.timestamp_millis();
// Short circuit checks
if s.visibility.is_private() {
debug!("Status is direct/private, discard");
return Ok(());
if !s.content.contains('#') {
debug!("No tags in status, discard");
return Ok(());
let private = s.visibility.is_private();
let has_hashtags = s.content.contains('#');
let group_user = self.config.get_acct();
let status_user = normalize_acct(&s.account.acct, group_user)?;
let member_or_admin = self.config.is_member_or_admin(&status_user);
let commands = crate::command::parse_slash_commands(&s.content);
if status_user == group_user {
debug!("This is our post, discard");
grp_debug!(self, "This is our post, discard");
return Ok(());
if self.config.is_banned(&status_user) {
debug!("Status author @{} is banned, discard", status_user);
grp_debug!(self, "Status author @{} is banned, discard", status_user);
return Ok(());
// optout does not work for members and admins, so don't check it
if !self.config.is_member_or_admin(&status_user) {
debug!("Status author @{} is not a member, discard", status_user);
if self.config.is_optout(&status_user) && !member_or_admin
grp_debug!(self, "Status author @{} opted out, discard", status_user);
return Ok(());
let commands = crate::command::parse_slash_commands(&s.content);
if commands.contains(&StatusCommand::Ignore) {
debug!("Post has IGNORE command, discard");
grp_debug!(self, "Post has IGNORE command, discard");
return Ok(());
for m in s.mentions {
// Sometimes notifications don't work, but we see the mentions as statuses
for m in &s.mentions {
let mentioned_user = normalize_acct(&m.acct, group_user)?;
if mentioned_user == group_user {
if !commands.is_empty() {
debug!("Detected commands for this group, tags dont apply; discard");
let notif_time = self.config.get_last_notif();
if notif_time <= ts {
grp_debug!(self, "mentioned but status is older than last notif, can't be a valid notif, discard");
return Ok(());
} else {
if !commands.is_empty() {
grp_debug!(self, "Detected commands for this group, handle as notif");
return self.handle_notification(Notification {
id:, // ???
notification_type: NotificationType::Mention,
created_at: s.created_at.clone(),
account: s.account.clone(),
status: Some(s)
} else {
if !private {
grp_debug!(self, "Detected mention status, handle as notif");
} else {
grp_debug!(self, "mention in private without commands, discard, this is nothing");
return Ok(());
// optout does not work for members and admins, so don't check it
if !member_or_admin {
grp_debug!(self, "Status author @{} is not a member, discard", status_user);
return Ok(());
if private {
grp_debug!(self, "Status is private, discard");
return Ok(());
if !has_hashtags {
grp_debug!(self, "No hashtags, discard");
return Ok(());
let tags = crate::command::parse_status_tags(&s.content);
debug!("Tags in status: {:?}", tags);
grp_debug!(self, "Tags in status: {:?}", tags);
'tags: for t in tags {
if self.config.is_tag_followed(&t) {
info!("REBLOG #{} STATUS", t);
grp_info!(self, "REBLOG #{} STATUS", t);
.log_error("Failed to reblog");
break 'tags; // do not reblog multiple times!
} else {
debug!("#{} is not a group tag", t);
grp_debug!(self, "#{} is not a group tag", t);
@ -337,11 +452,11 @@ impl GroupHandle {
break; // reached our last seen notif
debug!("Inspecting notif {}", NotificationDisplay(&n));
grp_debug!(self, "Inspecting notif {}", NotificationDisplay(&n));
num += 1;
warn!("Too many notifs missed to catch up!");
grp_warn!(self, "Too many notifs missed to catch up!");
@ -355,10 +470,10 @@ impl GroupHandle {
debug!("{} notifications to catch up!", notifs_to_handle.len());
grp_debug!(self, "{} notifications to catch up!", notifs_to_handle.len());
for n in notifs_to_handle {
debug!("Handling missed notification: {}", NotificationDisplay(&n));
grp_debug!(self, "Handling missed notification: {}", NotificationDisplay(&n));
self.handle_notification(n).await.log_error("Error handling a notification");
@ -385,18 +500,16 @@ impl GroupHandle {
break; // reached our last seen status (hopefully there arent any retro-bumped)
debug!("Inspecting status {}", StatusDisplay(&s));
grp_debug!(self, "Inspecting status {}", StatusDisplay(&s));
if newest_status.is_none() {
newest_status = Some(ts);
if s.content.contains('#') && !s.visibility.is_private() {
num += 1;
warn!("Too many statuses missed to catch up!");
grp_warn!(self, "Too many statuses missed to catch up!");
@ -409,15 +522,16 @@ impl GroupHandle {
if statuses_to_handle.is_empty() {
grp_debug!(self, "No statuses to handle");
return Ok(false);
debug!("{} statuses to catch up!", statuses_to_handle.len());
grp_debug!(self, "{} statuses to catch up!", statuses_to_handle.len());
for s in statuses_to_handle {
debug!("Handling missed status: {}", StatusDisplay(&s));
grp_debug!(self, "Handling missed status: {}", StatusDisplay(&s));
.log_error("Error handling a status");

@ -116,7 +116,12 @@ async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let mut handles = vec![];
for mut g in groups {
handles.push(tokio::spawn(async move { }));
handles.push(tokio::spawn(async move {
match {
Ok(()) => unreachable!(),
Err(e) => error!("GROUP FAILED! {}", e),
