window.Notify = (function () { let nt = {} const sel = '#notif' let $balloon let timerHideBegin // timeout to start hiding (transition) let timerHideEnd // timeout to add the hidden class let timerCanCancel let canCancel = false let stopTimeouts = function () { clearTimeout(timerHideBegin) clearTimeout(timerHideEnd) } = function (message, timeout, isError) { $balloon.toggleClass('error', isError === true) $balloon.html(message)$balloon) stopTimeouts() if (undef(timeout) || timeout === null || timeout <= 0) { timeout = 2500 } timerHideBegin = setTimeout(nt.hide, timeout) canCancel = false timerCanCancel = setTimeout(function () { canCancel = true }, 500) } nt.hide = function () { let $m = $(sel) $m.removeClass('visible') timerHideEnd = setTimeout(function () { $m.addClass('hidden') }, 250) // transition time } nt.init = function () { $balloon = $(sel) // close by click outside $(document).on('click', function () { if (!canCancel) return nt.hide(this) }) // click caused by selecting, prevent it from bubbling $balloon.on('click', function (e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation() return false }) // stop fading if moused $balloon.on('mouseenter', function () { stopTimeouts() $balloon.removeClass('hidden').addClass('visible') }) } return nt })()