const { mk } = require('../utils') module.exports = function attachDebugger (screen, connection) { const debugCanvas = mk('canvas') const ctx = debugCanvas.getContext('2d') debugCanvas.classList.add('debug-canvas') let mouseHoverCell = null let updateToolbar let onMouseMove = e => { mouseHoverCell = screen.layout.screenToGrid(e.offsetX, e.offsetY) startDrawing() updateToolbar() } let onMouseOut = () => (mouseHoverCell = null) let addCanvas = function () { if (!debugCanvas.parentNode) { screen.layout.canvas.parentNode.appendChild(debugCanvas) screen.layout.canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove) screen.layout.canvas.addEventListener('mouseout', onMouseOut) } } let removeCanvas = function () { if (debugCanvas.parentNode) { debugCanvas.parentNode.removeChild(debugCanvas) screen.layout.canvas.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove) screen.layout.canvas.removeEventListener('mouseout', onMouseOut) onMouseOut() } } let updateCanvasSize = function () { let { width, height, devicePixelRatio } = screen.layout.window let cellSize = screen.layout.getCellSize() debugCanvas.width = width * cellSize.width * devicePixelRatio debugCanvas.height = height * cellSize.height * devicePixelRatio = `${width * cellSize.width}px` = `${height * cellSize.height}px` } let drawInfo = mk('div') drawInfo.classList.add('draw-info') let startTime, endTime, lastReason let cells = new Map() let clippedRects = [] let updateFrames = [] let startDrawing screen._debug = screen.layout.renderer._debug = { drawStart (reason) { lastReason = reason startTime = clippedRects = [] }, drawEnd () { endTime = console.log(drawInfo.textContent = `Draw: ${lastReason} (${(endTime - startTime)} ms) with graphics=${}`) startDrawing() }, setCell (cell, flags) { cells.set(cell, [flags,]) }, clipRect (...args) { clippedRects.push(args) }, pushFrame (frame) { frame.push( updateFrames.push(frame) startDrawing() } } let clipPattern { let patternCanvas = document.createElement('canvas') patternCanvas.width = patternCanvas.height = 12 let pctx = patternCanvas.getContext('2d') pctx.lineWidth = 1 pctx.strokeStyle = '#00f' pctx.beginPath() pctx.moveTo(0, 0) pctx.lineTo(0 - 4, 12) pctx.moveTo(4, 0) pctx.lineTo(4 - 4, 12) pctx.moveTo(8, 0) pctx.lineTo(8 - 4, 12) pctx.moveTo(12, 0) pctx.lineTo(12 - 4, 12) pctx.moveTo(16, 0) pctx.lineTo(16 - 4, 12) pctx.stroke() clipPattern = ctx.createPattern(patternCanvas, 'repeat') } let isDrawing = false let lastDrawTime = 0 let t = 0 let drawLoop = function () { if (isDrawing) window.requestAnimationFrame(drawLoop) let dt = ( - lastDrawTime) / 1000 lastDrawTime = t += dt let { devicePixelRatio, width, height } = screen.layout.window let { width: cellWidth, height: cellHeight } = screen.layout.getCellSize() let screenLength = width * height let now = ctx.setTransform(devicePixelRatio, 0, 0, devicePixelRatio, 0, 0) ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width * cellWidth, height * cellHeight) let activeCells = 0 for (let cell = 0; cell < screenLength; cell++) { if (!cells.has(cell) || cells.get(cell)[0] === 0) continue let [flags, timestamp] = cells.get(cell) let elapsedTime = (now - timestamp) / 1000 if (elapsedTime > 1) continue activeCells++ ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5 * Math.max(0, 1 - elapsedTime) let x = cell % width let y = Math.floor(cell / width) if (flags & 1) { // redrawn ctx.fillStyle = '#f0f' } if (flags & 2) { // updated ctx.fillStyle = '#0f0' } ctx.fillRect(x * cellWidth, y * cellHeight, cellWidth, cellHeight) if (flags & 4) { // wide cell ctx.lineWidth = 2 ctx.strokeStyle = '#f00' ctx.strokeRect(x * cellWidth, y * cellHeight, cellWidth, cellHeight) } } if (clippedRects.length) { ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5 ctx.beginPath() for (let rect of clippedRects) { ctx.rect(...rect) } ctx.fillStyle = clipPattern ctx.fill() } let didDrawUpdateFrames = false if (updateFrames.length) { let framesToDelete = [] for (let frame of updateFrames) { let time = frame[4] let elapsed = - time if (elapsed > 1000) framesToDelete.push(frame) else { didDrawUpdateFrames = true ctx.globalAlpha = 1 - elapsed / 1000 ctx.strokeStyle = '#ff0' ctx.lineWidth = 2 ctx.strokeRect(frame[0] * cellWidth, frame[1] * cellHeight, frame[2] * cellWidth, frame[3] * cellHeight) } } for (let frame of framesToDelete) { updateFrames.splice(updateFrames.indexOf(frame), 1) } } if (mouseHoverCell) { ctx.globalAlpha = 1 ctx.lineWidth = 1 + 0.5 * Math.sin(t * 10) ctx.strokeStyle = '#fff' ctx.lineJoin = 'round' ctx.setLineDash([2, 2]) ctx.lineDashOffset = t * 10 ctx.strokeRect(mouseHoverCell[0] * cellWidth, mouseHoverCell[1] * cellHeight, cellWidth, cellHeight) ctx.lineDashOffset += 2 ctx.strokeStyle = '#000' ctx.strokeRect(mouseHoverCell[0] * cellWidth, mouseHoverCell[1] * cellHeight, cellWidth, cellHeight) ctx.restore() } if (activeCells === 0 && !mouseHoverCell && !didDrawUpdateFrames) { isDrawing = false removeCanvas() } } startDrawing = function () { if (isDrawing) return addCanvas() updateCanvasSize() isDrawing = true lastDrawTime = drawLoop() } // debug toolbar const toolbar = mk('div') toolbar.classList.add('debug-toolbar') let toolbarAttached = false const heartbeat = mk('div') heartbeat.classList.add('heartbeat') heartbeat.textContent = '❤' toolbar.appendChild(heartbeat) const dataDisplay = mk('div') dataDisplay.classList.add('data-display') toolbar.appendChild(dataDisplay) const internalDisplay = mk('div') internalDisplay.classList.add('internal-display') toolbar.appendChild(internalDisplay) toolbar.appendChild(drawInfo) const buttons = mk('div') buttons.classList.add('toolbar-buttons') toolbar.appendChild(buttons) // heartbeat connection.on('heartbeat', () => { heartbeat.classList.remove('beat') window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { heartbeat.classList.add('beat') }) }) { const redraw = mk('button') redraw.textContent = 'Redraw' redraw.addEventListener('click', e => { screen.layout.renderer.resetDrawn() screen.layout.renderer.draw('debug-redraw') }) buttons.appendChild(redraw) const fancyGraphics = mk('button') fancyGraphics.textContent = 'Toggle Graphics' fancyGraphics.addEventListener('click', e => { = +! screen.layout.renderer.draw('set-graphics') }) buttons.appendChild(fancyGraphics) } const attachToolbar = function () { screen.layout.canvas.parentNode.appendChild(toolbar) } const detachToolbar = function () { toolbar.parentNode.removeChild(toolbar) } screen.on('update-window:debug', debug => { if (debug !== toolbarAttached) { toolbarAttached = debug if (debug) attachToolbar() else { detachToolbar() removeCanvas() } } }) const displayCellAttrs = attrs => { let result = attrs.toString(16) if (attrs & 1 || attrs & 2) { result += ':has(' if (attrs & 1) result += 'fg' if (attrs & 2) result += (attrs & 1 ? ',' : '') + 'bg' result += ')' } let attributes = [] if (attrs & (1 << 2)) attributes.push('\\[bold]bold\\()') if (attrs & (1 << 3)) attributes.push('\\[underline]underln\\()') if (attrs & (1 << 4)) attributes.push('\\[invert]invert\\()') if (attrs & (1 << 5)) attributes.push('blink') if (attrs & (1 << 6)) attributes.push('\\[italic]italic\\()') if (attrs & (1 << 7)) attributes.push('\\[strike]strike\\()') if (attrs & (1 << 8)) attributes.push('\\[overline]overln\\()') if (attrs & (1 << 9)) attributes.push('\\[faint]faint\\()') if (attrs & (1 << 10)) attributes.push('fraktur') if (attributes.length) result += ':' + attributes.join() return result.trim() } const formatColor = color => color < 256 ? color : `#${`000000${(color - 256).toString(16)}`.substr(-6)}` const getCellData = cell => { if (cell < 0 || cell > screen.screen.length) return '(-)' let cellAttrs = screen.layout.renderer.drawnScreenAttrs[cell] | 0 let cellFG = screen.layout.renderer.drawnScreenFG[cell] | 0 let cellBG = screen.layout.renderer.drawnScreenBG[cell] | 0 let fgText = formatColor(cellFG) let bgText = formatColor(cellBG) fgText += `\\[color=${screen.layout.renderer.getColor(cellFG).replace(/ /g, '')}]●\\[]` bgText += `\\[color=${screen.layout.renderer.getColor(cellBG).replace(/ /g, '')}]●\\[]` let cellCode = (screen.layout.renderer.drawnScreen[cell] || '').codePointAt(0) | 0 let hexcode = cellCode.toString(16).toUpperCase() if (hexcode.length < 4) hexcode = `0000${hexcode}`.substr(-4) hexcode = `U+${hexcode}` let x = cell % screen.window.width let y = Math.floor(cell / screen.window.width) return `((${y},${x})=${cell}:\\[bold]${hexcode}\\[]:F${fgText}:B${bgText}:A(${displayCellAttrs(cellAttrs)}))` } const setFormattedText = (node, text) => { node.innerHTML = '' let match let attrs = {} let pushSpan = content => { let span = mk('span') node.appendChild(span) span.textContent = content for (let key in attrs) span[key] = attrs[key] } while ((match = text.match(/\\\[(.*?)\]/))) { if (match.index > 0) pushSpan(text.substr(0, match.index)) attrs = { style: '' } let data = match[1].split(' ') for (let attr of data) { if (!attr) continue let key, value if (attr.indexOf('=') > -1) { key = attr.substr(0, attr.indexOf('=')) value = attr.substr(attr.indexOf('=') + 1) } else { key = attr value = true } if (key === 'bold') += 'font-weight:bold;' if (key === 'italic') += 'font-style:italic;' if (key === 'underline') += 'text-decoration:underline;' if (key === 'invert') += 'background:#000;filter:invert(1);' if (key === 'strike') += 'text-decoration:line-through;' if (key === 'overline') += 'text-decoration:overline;' if (key === 'faint') += 'opacity:0.5;' else if (key === 'color') += `color:${value};` else attrs[key] = value } text = text.substr(match.index + match[0].length) } if (text) pushSpan(text) } let internalInfo = {} updateToolbar = () => { if (!toolbarAttached) return let text = `C((${screen.cursor.y},${screen.cursor.x}),hang:${screen.cursor.hanging},vis:${screen.cursor.visible})` if (mouseHoverCell) { text += ' m' + getCellData(mouseHoverCell[1] * screen.window.width + mouseHoverCell[0]) } setFormattedText(dataDisplay, text) if ('flags' in internalInfo) { // we got ourselves some internal data let text = ' ' text += ` flags:${internalInfo.flags.toString(2)}` text += ` curAttrs:${internalInfo.cursorAttrs.toString(2)}` text += ` Region:${internalInfo.regionStart}->${internalInfo.regionEnd}` text += ` Charset:${internalInfo.charsetGx} (0:${internalInfo.charsetG0},1:${internalInfo.charsetG1})` text += ` Heap:${internalInfo.freeHeap}` text += ` Clients:${internalInfo.clientCount}` setFormattedText(internalDisplay, text) } } screen.on('draw', updateToolbar) screen.on('internal', data => { internalInfo = data updateToolbar() }) }