const { getColor } = require('./themes') module.exports = function attachDebugger (screen, connection) { const debugCanvas = document.createElement('canvas') debugCanvas.classList.add('debug-canvas') const ctx = debugCanvas.getContext('2d') const toolbar = document.createElement('div') toolbar.classList.add('debug-toolbar') const tooltip = document.createElement('div') tooltip.classList.add('debug-tooltip') let updateTooltip let selectedCell = null let mousePosition = null const onMouseMove = (e) => { if ( !== screen.layout.canvas) { selectedCell = null return } selectedCell = screen.layout.screenToGrid(e.offsetX, e.offsetY) mousePosition = [e.offsetX, e.offsetY] updateTooltip() } const onMouseOut = (e) => { selectedCell = null } const updateCanvasSize = function () { let { width, height, devicePixelRatio } = screen.layout.window let cellSize = screen.layout.getCellSize() let padding = Math.round(screen.layout._padding) debugCanvas.width = (width * cellSize.width + 2 * padding) * devicePixelRatio debugCanvas.height = (height * cellSize.height + 2 * padding) * devicePixelRatio = `${width * cellSize.width + 2 * screen.layout._padding}px` = `${height * cellSize.height + 2 * screen.layout._padding}px` } let startDrawLoop let screenAttached = false let eventNode const setScreenAttached = function (attached) { if (attached && !debugCanvas.parentNode) { screen.layout.canvas.parentNode.appendChild(debugCanvas) eventNode = debugCanvas.parentNode eventNode.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove) eventNode.addEventListener('mouseout', onMouseOut) screen.layout.on('size-update', updateCanvasSize) updateCanvasSize() screenAttached = true startDrawLoop() } else if (!attached && debugCanvas.parentNode) { debugCanvas.parentNode.removeChild(debugCanvas) eventNode.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove) eventNode.removeEventListener('mouseout', onMouseOut) screen.layout.removeListener('size-update', updateCanvasSize) screenAttached = false } } const setToolbarAttached = function (attached) { if (attached && !toolbar.parentNode) { screen.layout.canvas.parentNode.appendChild(toolbar) screen.layout.canvas.parentNode.appendChild(tooltip) } else if (!attached && toolbar.parentNode) { screen.layout.canvas.parentNode.removeChild(toolbar) screen.layout.canvas.parentNode.removeChild(tooltip) } } screen.on('update-window:debug', enabled => { setToolbarAttached(enabled) }) screen.layout.on('update-window:debug', enabled => { setScreenAttached(enabled) }) let drawData = { reason: '', startTime: 0, endTime: 0, clipped: [], frames: [], cells: new Map() } screen._debug = screen.layout.renderer._debug = { drawStart (reason) { drawData.reason = reason drawData.startTime = }, drawEnd () { drawData.endTime = }, setCell (cell, flags) { drawData.cells.set(cell, [flags,]) }, pushFrame (frame) { drawData.frames.push([...frame,]) } } let isDrawing = false let drawLoop = function () { if (screenAttached) window.requestAnimationFrame(drawLoop) else isDrawing = false let now = let { width, height, devicePixelRatio } = screen.layout.window let padding = Math.round(screen.layout._padding) let cellSize = screen.layout.getCellSize() ctx.setTransform(devicePixelRatio, 0, 0, devicePixelRatio, 0, 0) ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width * cellSize.width + 2 * padding, height * cellSize.height + 2 * padding) ctx.translate(padding, padding) ctx.lineWidth = 2 ctx.lineJoin = 'round' const cells = drawData.cells for (let cell = 0; cell < width * height; cell++) { // cell does not exist or has no flags set if (!cells.has(cell) || cells.get(cell)[0] === 0) continue const [flags, timestamp] = cells.get(cell) let elapsedTime = (now - timestamp) / 1000 if (elapsedTime > 1) { cells.delete(cell) continue } ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5 * Math.max(0, 1 - elapsedTime) let x = cell % width let y = Math.floor(cell / width) if (flags & 2) { // updated ctx.fillStyle = '#0f0' } else if (flags & 1) { // redrawn ctx.fillStyle = '#f0f' } if (!(flags & 4)) { // outside a clipped region ctx.fillStyle = '#0ff' } ctx.fillRect(x * cellSize.width, y * cellSize.height, cellSize.width, cellSize.height) if (flags & 8) { // wide cell ctx.strokeStyle = '#f00' ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(x * cellSize.width, (y + 1) * cellSize.height) ctx.lineTo((x + 1) * cellSize.width, (y + 1) * cellSize.height) ctx.stroke() } } let framesToDelete = [] for (let frame of drawData.frames) { let timestamp = frame[4] let elapsedTime = (now - timestamp) / 1000 if (elapsedTime > 1) framesToDelete.push(frame) else { ctx.globalAlpha = 1 - elapsedTime ctx.strokeStyle = '#ff0' ctx.strokeRect(frame[0] * cellSize.width, frame[1] * cellSize.height, frame[2] * cellSize.width, frame[3] * cellSize.height) } } for (let frame of framesToDelete) { drawData.frames.splice(drawData.frames.indexOf(frame), 1) } if (selectedCell !== null) { let [x, y] = selectedCell ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5 ctx.lineWidth = 1 // draw X line ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(0, y * cellSize.height) ctx.lineTo(x * cellSize.width, y * cellSize.height) ctx.strokeStyle = '#f00' ctx.setLineDash([cellSize.width]) ctx.stroke() // draw Y line ctx.beginPath() ctx.moveTo(x * cellSize.width, 0) ctx.lineTo(x * cellSize.width, y * cellSize.height) ctx.strokeStyle = '#0f0' ctx.setLineDash([cellSize.height]) ctx.stroke() ctx.globalAlpha = 1 ctx.lineWidth = 1 + 0.5 * Math.sin((now / 1000) * 10) ctx.strokeStyle = '#fff' ctx.lineJoin = 'round' ctx.setLineDash([2, 2]) ctx.lineDashOffset = (now / 1000) * 10 ctx.strokeRect(x * cellSize.width, y * cellSize.height, cellSize.width, cellSize.height) ctx.lineDashOffset += 2 ctx.strokeStyle = '#000' ctx.strokeRect(x * cellSize.width, y * cellSize.height, cellSize.width, cellSize.height) ctx.restore() } } startDrawLoop = function () { if (isDrawing) return isDrawing = true drawLoop() } // tooltip updateTooltip = function () { tooltip.innerHTML = '' let cell = selectedCell[1] * screen.window.width + selectedCell[0] if (!screen.screen[cell]) return let foreground = document.createElement('span') foreground.textContent = screen.screenFG[cell] let preview = document.createElement('span') preview.textContent = ' ●' = getColor(screen.screenFG[cell], screen.layout.renderer.palette) foreground.appendChild(preview) let background = document.createElement('span') background.textContent = screen.screenBG[cell] let bgPreview = document.createElement('span') bgPreview.textContent = ' ●' = getColor(screen.screenBG[cell], screen.layout.renderer.palette) background.appendChild(bgPreview) let character = screen.screen[cell] let codePoint = character.codePointAt(0) let formattedCodePoint = codePoint.toString(16).length <= 4 ? `0000${codePoint.toString(16)}`.substr(-4) : codePoint.toString(16) let data = { Foreground: foreground, Background: background, Character: `U+${formattedCodePoint}` } let table = document.createElement('table') for (let name in data) { let row = document.createElement('tr') let label = document.createElement('td') label.appendChild(new window.Text(name)) label.classList.add('label') let value = document.createElement('td') value.appendChild(typeof data[name] === 'string' ? new window.Text(data[name]) : data[name]) value.classList.add('value') row.appendChild(label) row.appendChild(value) table.appendChild(row) } tooltip.appendChild(table) = `translate(${ => x + 'px').join(',')})` } }